
Home Invasion

"Is there a reason why you keep looking out the window?" Priya asked from the bathroom doorway, toothbrush in hand as she watched her boyfriend parting the blinds to peer into the early morning sky from the bedroom window.

"Nope, just enjoying the sunrise," Asher grinned as he backed away from the blinds. "By the way, did you know our window doesn't fully lock?"

"Does it matter? We're a pretty far from the ground, and I doubt anyone is going to risk their lives climbing up here just to get to us," the young woman replied, before raising an eyebrow. "That is unless of course, you're hiding something worth stealing up here. Are you holding out on me, Avril? Where are the diamonds!?"

"Shut up, you're my most valuable possession here," Asher chuckled as he walked over and clasped his hand around the wide, bare hips of his girlfriend. "I'd just never want anything to happen to you, especially if I wasn't here to protect you."

"I'm a possession now?" Priya continued to tease as she wrapped her towel around him and pulled him closer. "You'd better make it known. Speaking of diamonds, when might I be expecting one?"

"Soon," Asher replied as he lifted her left hand and kissed her ring finger. "Don't pry. I have a whole thing planned. Just wait and see, then we'll get out of this apartment, get a home in the suburbs, and then have Asher Jr."

The couple giggled as they talked of the future, before finishing getting ready for the work day. Leaving around the same time as one another, Asher took a final look back at the apartment building as he walked to his car. It had been a few days since his last encounter with Passion Princess, where he'd since been paranoid that the superheroine was now actively following him.

"Should I even be worried? I mean like she said, she has more important things to do," the paramedic chuckled to himself as he departed for the EMS dispatch center. Still, bumping into the world's strongest hero twice had made him somewhat wary of her apparent crush on him. At the same time, very flattered.

Young Asher had no idea how right his fleeting worries were, however, as hovering above the city at 20,000 feet in the air, was Passion Princess herself, watching him drive off with her incredible eyesight. Rapidly descending, she leveled off next to the apartment building and easily finding a particular window, nudged the glass open with her foot. Stealthily sliding into Asher's apartment, the costumed hero casually continued into the bedroom and sat down on the large, plush bed.

"Still warm," Passion Princess sighed as she took off her glove and put a bare hand to the unmade bed top where the young man slept. "I wonder if he ever dreams about me? Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he probably fantasizes about me in some way. Most men do."

Getting up, she walked over to the dresser drawer at the back of the room and opened the top drawer. Immediately shutting it as all she found was Priya's underwear, she moved down and found Asher's large collection of black T-shirts. Picking one up, she brought it to her face and inhaled deeply. They were clearly freshly-washed, but she could still pick up hints of the young man's cheap yet comforting spray-on deodorant. Moaning gently as she held the shirt to her chest, Passion Princess felt an intense longing. She wished that she could live with the young paramedic in his little one bedroom apartment.

"You're such a nice, upstanding gentleman," the hero muttered to herself as she made her way into the living room/kitchen area, pausing to look at several wall-mounted photos. One showed Asher graduating college, while another showed him receiving an award for his service to the city. Another yet showed him entertaining children who were injured from the time Neon Skull and his army of robots attacked the city.

Sitting down on the couch, the tall heroine leaned her blonde-haired head back and closed her eyes, trying to picture herself living there with just her and Asher. He seemed like a really good man to her, sweet, caring, incredibly attractive, and took care of the woman that he loved. She just wished that she was that woman instead of Priya.

Returning to the bedroom eventually, Passion Princess bit her lip as a rather flirtatious idea popped into her mind. Going back to the drawer, she opened the top and took out a red bra and panty set that belonged to Asher's girlfriend. Smirking, she stripped out of her skin-tight costume and let it drop to the floor, before promptly putting on the other woman's underwear. The smaller bra struggled to contain Passion Princess's large, milky breasts, the gelatinous mounds spilling out of the cups and bouncing steadily above her naked, toned body. The panties didn't fare much better, stretched to point of ripping as they were pulled over the heroine's large, round bubble butt.

Climbing onto the bed, clad in Priya's delicates, Passion Princess used her cellphone to take several sexy, racy photos that showed her in various poses. Finishing just as her huge butt snapped the small garment clean off, her jiggling bootycheeks spilling out, the heroine giggled as she simply kicked the mangled undies under the bed.

"I should leave him with a little gift," she thought to herself, before looking towards the computer setup on the desk near the drawers. "I wonder if that's his computer…"

Finding a usb cord that fit her phone, Passion Princess plugged it in and proceeded to upload some of her recent pictures onto Asher's desktop.

"I hope he appreciates the surprise," the overpowered heroine smiled innocently as she sat back on the bed, before spreading her thick, muscular thighs onto the mattress where Asher normally slept. "Mmm I can't believe he'll be back laying on here tonight, not knowing that my naked ass was sitting right where he sleeps. Maybe he'll catch my scent tonight. Maybe it'll make him dream of me…"


"Dang, I'm winded," Asher sighed as he came in the door some 10 hours later, kicking his non-slip sneakers off by the mat. "How was your day, babe?"

"You sound tired, more trauma patients?" Priya asked from the kitchen as she dipped her finger into the soup she was making and sampled its flavor. "I just got home myself, I'm making a quick chicken noodle."

"Sounds good," the young man yawned as he went to the bedroom to change, before noticing something amiss. "Were you on my computer? Looks like somebody was sitting at the desk."

"No, but I was thinking of catching a quick game of League of Heroes while this soup simmers," Priya replied as she followed him into the bedroom. "And we all know your account's best stats come from when I play, so I'd be doing you a solid."

"Heheh shush, I play just fine," Asher smirked as he booted up his computer, intending to put on some music to give the bedroom some ambience.

Priya was caught off guard when her boyfriend let out a short, sudden scream. Turning, she watched as he slapped the computer monitor, sending it falling face-first onto the desk. Sitting back, he panted heavily, his eyes wide with shock while he gripped the sides of the screen.

"What the hell happened?" she asked, walking over and leaning over his shoulder.

"NOTHING! Nothing, it was just a spider on the screen," Asher wheezed as he scooted his chair away from the desk. "I think I hear the soup boiling over, you might wanna check on it."

"Oh shit, I turn my back for 5 seconds," Priya scoffed as she hurried back to the kitchen.

Clutching his rapidly-beating heart, Asher made sure that his girlfriend was gone before lifting the monitor screen again and looking at it. His desktop wallpaper was no longer a blank black screen, but was instead a close up of a naked woman's body. Her skin pale and pristine, her hand was teasingly rubbing at one of her large, plush breasts, and her thick legs were flirtatiously spread apart, welcoming the viewer to look between them.

In an era of rampant pornography, seeing a naked woman on the computer was no big deal. What mortified Asher, however, was that this woman had clearly photographed herself on his bed. The woman's face was cut off, but a bit of long blonde hair told the young man the likely identity of this mystery stripper.

"No way, no fucking way," Asher muttered to himself as he looked in his documents to find the photo file itself, only to find dozens of pictures depicting the same woman in various poses. The file details indicated that they were all taken that same day.

Laughing nervously, Asher whipped his head around, looking up and down his room.

"She was in here, she was really fucking in here," he whimpered in frustration, before getting up and inspecting the bed. "Wait…what the hell is this?"

Putting his hand near the head of the bed where he slept, Asher shuddered upon feeling something wet.

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