
Chapter 100

"It's kind of hard to say this, but it's best if you retire from the force."

In the early morning after walking into the station for work. Leonardo found himself called into the office by Commissioner Gordon who rubbed his forehead. Which made Leonardo confused why he was being told to retire from the force after nearly two years.

"Did I do something wrong?" Leonardo tilted his head.

Besides making loads of enemies as the amount he threw into jail or prison were numerous. However, as far as he knows, he did it all legally and no one should find fault with it. The only thing questionable on his record is the amount of time he was put on vacation.

It took a few moments before Commissioner Gordon replied. "It's kind of hard to say this, but you're too good at your job. Crime is down to an all time low and your name is famous among higher ups in the force for solving difficult cases with ease."

"That can't be the only reason." Leonardo frowned.

"It's not, but you basically clear out all the work and while you might not notice. The other police who work on cases with you or in this station are becoming too reliant on you. Even if you tone it back, it is still too dazzling, so the higher ups are willing to give you a large bonus and certain benefits if you agree to retire from the force."

Leonardo sighed as he took a seat and looked at the benefits. He would basically get the full package of retirement other police officers would get after twenty or more years. Alongside exemption from state taxes. After looking at a few other minor ones, Leonardo only felt empty inside.

However, he soon squashed that feeling. Since he might have felt bored, he enjoyed working on cases. Now being told it was being taken away, Leonardo felt lost once more what to do for the future.

"Ok." Leonardo felt shattered upon saying that one word.

"I'm sorry." Commissioner Gordon replied.

Signing the paper and feeling each step heavier than the last, Leonardo felt his heart shatter the further he got out of the station. For he was now jobless and can be considered among the retired crowd at the young age of twenty. 

It wasn't until he returned home did he feel some light in his world upon seeing Dancer who waited patiently at the door for him. Since from the moment of signing those papers, Leonardo was basically a man with unlimited time on his hands. So he busted out his painting stuff and began to paint the sadness he was feeling.

During this, Leonardo also began to think of a career he could pursue. He had learned quite a few different fields such as cooking, drawing, building, and so on. However, he didn't feel particularly inspired to pursue such skills for a career.

"Should I open a career school where others can come and learn or improve their skills." Leonardo tilted his head. "After all, I enjoyed teaching others to use their abilities and teaching others to improve their skills should feel the same."

Dancer just tilted her head at him for a moment before smiling at him. Clearly she just felt happy he returned and was out of his slight slump. For more complicated thoughts, while she was smarter than other dogs, she was only a puppy.

Gently petting Dancer head, Leonardo just wandered around his empty apartment and decided it was time to move again. While over the time he worked at Gotham Station, he had grown to like this city a bit. The truth of the matter is, he has too many enemies in this city now and just felt it was troublesome to live here now.

While he let his mind wander, he wondered how long it would take for the city to bounce back towards where it was before he arrived. It wasn't a lie when one said he was basically the weight that held down crime. Now that he was removed, the spring will bounce back up now that the weight is gone.

"Do you have any preference on where we live? Do you want somewhere warm or cold?" Leonardo asked.

Dancer just shook her head. So Leonardo just hummed lightly to himself as he pulled out a map to find a spot to live. While it would make some sense to move towards where Aurora lives and runs her studio. He just didn't feel like moving there and truth be told, even if it's a bit odd, he is fairly used to living separately and by himself.

Hence, marking a few spots where he wouldn't mind living for he would get both decent warm and cold weather. Unlike his old world, the cold and warmth didn't bother him much. So he would like a place that would get a decent amount of snow in the winter and has a bit of warmth in the summer.

"Pick a spot and we can go check it out." Leonardo held up his map for Dancer.

Dancer looked at the map before putting her paw on the state surrounded by five Great Lakes. Which made Leonardo's mouth twitch a bit since he didn't mark it as an option. However a deal was a deal and so after a few preparations, He grabbed Dancer and took off to survey for an area.


"What do you think of this area?" Leonardo asked.

"Woof." Dancer shook her head.

"What do you mean no. There isn't much area left to choose from." Leonardo replied.

After hours of flying over the state in question, neither could decide on where to live. In spots where one said yes, the other said no. Hence this stalemate of where to live has occurred and basically wasted an entire day.

Finally, deciding that this wasn't the state they were going to move to. Leonardo took Dancer with him and they began to move at a quicker pace looking for a place to move too. They failed to find a spot that they liked, but while flying over Chicago on their return to Gotham, they heard a cry.

"Somebody help!"

Well, truthfully they heard a lot of cries while they flew about, but this one was different. Unlike the other ones where it was either minor issues such as children scraping knees, someone tripping or taking a wrong step. This one was a bit more serious as she hovered over a man who had various bullets in him while a gun fight was taking place.

'A gang fight?.' Leonardo randomly thought for a moment.

Setting Dancer on the edge of the building, Leonardo soon lowered himself and clapped his hands together. Thus a loud sonic boom occurred and threw everyone to the ground while some windows broke on the vehicles used as cover. While the car's alarms went off, Leonardo soon looked around and gave the woman who was crying out a sad look.

For the one she was crying out for was already long gone. While he felt bad for her, he couldn't do anything about it. So once making sure everyone was down and upon seeing the police cars roaring down the streets. He left the scene.

"Well, now that taken care of, it still leaves us with the previous problem. We still haven't decided on where to move to." Leonardo said to Dancer.


Leonardo looked at Dancer who looked at the ground below them and sighed. He felt like he knew what she was looking at. However, upon seeing it, he felt a bit off since what was below them were various farms.

"Let's look for something else." Leonardo said as he flew forward. "If we don't find anything after a while, we can look into buying a bunch of land."


Dancer seemed to voice her disagreement, but Leonardo pretended not to hear it. So they quickly returned to Gotham where Leonardo began to cook some dinner for himself and Dancer. For while he would deny it, he did tend to spoil Dancer quite a bit.

Then he felt his phone ring.

Thank for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts
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