
Chapter 79

In the following time since Jonathan's funeral, Leonardo split his time between Gotham and Smallville. Where he basically dealt with a moody Clark who while didn't blame himself as much. He still blamed himself for Jonathan's death since he was determined to blame Jonathan heart on keeping his secret.

For where such an idea came from, Leonardo didn't know. He could venture a few guesses, but it wouldn't be of much benefit. So, Leonardo just let it be for the time being and instead chose to convince Clark not to drop college.

"You don't need to try and change my mind, I decided to go through with it. I am needed here on the farm." Clark said.

"Clark, you do know you can easily do your classes and farm work. Hell, I am doing most of the work and I am more busy than a college student and I travel from Gotham." Leonardo retorted.

Clark seems to pause his action for a moment. "It's done anyways as I decided."

Leonardo shook his head not really understanding Clark's thought. While it was one thing to take the blame he feels he holds, but basically wanting to replace Jonathan on the farm. It was like Clark was chasing a fantasy that if he stays on the farm, he might see Jonathan walking out of the barn again one morning.

"Very well, Clark. However, don't lock yourself up on the farm or try to live Johnathan's life, he has lived his life, and you need to live your own." Leonardo said as he walked away.


A few days later while working on the farm in which Leonardo found it a bit silly since two Kryptonians working on one farm seemed funny. He felt his phone ringing which surprised him a bit since he had just got off about twenty minutes ago. Since he looked at the caller and found it to be commissioner Gordon.

"Did something happen?." Leonardo asked.

"Something always happens, but not in Gotham this time." Gordon replied with a small joke. "Anyways due to your amazing track record and doing something no was able to do in decades in Gotham. You have been requested to help in a case as the serial killer resurfaced after eighteen years."

"Why request me?" Leonardo asked, a bit confused.

While he tends to arrest and solve cases at lightning speed. He has yet to be promoted to detective or any other ranks. So he was currently still considered a normal street cop that patrols the streets. For his speed outmatched the most of the higher ups expectations and due to him basically running rampant in arresting everyone. He was a bit delayed in getting a promotion but instead they just gave him very generous raises. Hence, being requested to hunt down a serial killer who just reactivated was strange in his opinion.

"While you haven't officially been promoted, you still are in the eyes of the higher ups. You've been making waves and with the amount of cases you solve each day. Well, they feel it would be a shame for you to stay put. So they thought about transferring you to a task force that hunts down such criminals." Gordon gave a short overview. "Just think of this as a field test and if you succeed, chances are you will be traveling a lot in the future."

This isn't something Leonardo wanted to hear. He was already traveling all the time and had a lot on his plate. Now if he suddenly starts flying all across the country to solve such cases. His already limited time to see Aurora or Clark when he is needed will be tossed up in the air. Not to mention his apartment might lay empty for the most part since he would basically be living out of his suitcase.

"Alright, where am I heading?" Leonardo asked to resign himself to it.

Who had asked him to become a police officer and train his ability to solve cases? Well, one look in the mirror told him, but that's beside the point. It might be tiring, but he did enjoy doing what he does mainly he gets to flex a bit of thinking power.

"Well, Keystone Philadelphia. I doubt you have heard of the case, but you are hunting down supposedly the infamous Keystone Killer." Gordon replied.

"Really? What do you mean supposedly?" Leonardo asked. "Did his M.O change a lot but similar enough to link or is it more like a copycat?"

"I don't know, I haven't looked at the file. I'm just letting you know and have you pack your bags since you fly out tomorrow. Don't worry the department will cover the plane ticket." Gordon said.

After getting all the details, Leonardo just hung his head as he put his phone away. While the case interested him, Aurora was supposed to come hang out with him for a few days in the coming days. Which is another reason he didn't want to travel all the time since such scenarios won't be uncommon he feels.

"New case?" Clark asked.

Leonardo rolled his eyes at him. Even without looking at Clark, Leonardo knew Clark was just eavesdropping on the call. Not only because he was a few feet from him, but even if they could tune their hearing. When the sound happens nearby, they can basically hear most things around them when they don't want to.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too difficult since the killer changed M.O and has been out of the game for nearly twenty years." Leonardo shrugged. "Odd's are he hasn't kept up his study of new police tactics and investigation means and hasn't realized his change might speak more than he realizes."

"Well, good luck." Clark said.


The next morning, Leonardo boarded the plane out of Gotham and headed off. He packed light since odds are the case will be solved within a few days. If not, he would just buy what he needed or just fly back and grab some more.

Taking his seat, found a family of four seated behind him and upon seeing one of the boy's lightly kicking his seat. Leonardo felt this was going to be a long few hours and really just wanted to fly there himself. However, he was expected and would be picked up from the airport where he will get the overview of the latest case.

So he simply couldn't fly there or well he could, but would need to go through the hassle of appearing and all that. Hence he felt it would be easier if he rode the plane. Just, one of the few times he rode a plane, why does he get unlucky.

'It's official. I will be willing to upgrade my ticket to first class on future plane rides.' Leonardo thought as he sat down.

There he simply cracked open the file he printed off that basically copy of the previous cases and picture of the station. While not the most gruesome sights, while he was simply marking a few points of interest to look into when he gets there. He heard a cough alongside a tap on his shoulder.

Turning his head, he found the woman of the family of four staring fiercely at him. He just looked up at the woman in her thirties and wondered what the issue was.

"Can I help you?" Leonardo asked.

"How do you get off looking at such a gruesome thing in public?" She asked. "You even make notes."

Leonardo just looked confused as to why he was being questioned. If he was going to be bored and put up with her son kicking his seat. Then he might as well get some work done so he can solve this case soon. Not to mention he wasn't bothering anyone and the seats would shield those behind him. Unless of course they were standing or intentionally staring at him.

"What I do should be no concern to you." Leonardo replied while thinking of something else. 'Well, unless you're a criminal, then you should be concerned. Since I will probably be delivering you silver cuffs.'

"I will report you to the staff." The woman said unhappily.

"Alright." Leonardo didn't care.

This seemed to be the wrong thing to say as the woman went off on how he is the reason for public disorder and rising crime rate. Then how he shouldn't look at such things and should seek therapy. Otherwise he will be thrown into prison in the future.

In the end, Leonardo just reported her for harassment.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts
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