
Chapter 37

After putting the glasses on, Leonardo noticed his near inhuman blue eyes were a few shade different and more human like. A fact he felt weird about as he continued to look at his reflection and besides a few points, the only similar look he had from his original body was the glasses.

"Why do we need glasses anyways." Clark complained a bit while tucking him away.

"Well, you might not like it Clark, but you have to admit, they give us style." Leonardo said.

Clark rolled his eyes as he felt like Leoanrdo is changing quotes to use on him. In the end, he chose to ignore it for now. For it was time for them to return to Smallville.

"Whatever, let's get back to Smallville." Clark said, before a realization hit him. "How do we get there?"

Usually, Leonardo would take control and fly them there. However, now that he has his own body and doesn't quite yet have the ability to fly, nor can he fly himself. It left them in an awkward position to say the least.

"Jor-El, you wouldn't have a gateway to the cave lying around, would you?" Leonardo asked. "Since the one in the cave can bring us nearby, surely there is one to go back with."

"No," Jor-El said.

"It looks like we are running." Leonardo looked at Clark. "Would you be kind and carry this weak guy on your back."

Clark grumbled, but still allowed Leonardo on his back before racing back to Smallville. It was quicker after all since Leonardo's current speed was about the same as a locomotive train.


A while later after getting back to Smallville or more specifically the Kent Farm. Leonardo felt a bit jelly leg as riding Clark Express wasn't an enjoyable ride. For unlike humans who were incapable of processing they were moving that fast. He could perceive it, but since his body was still in his weakness, he could barely keep up making it a dizzy ride back.

"Clark Express ha, more like the Knight Bus." Leonardo wobbled a bit on his feet.

"It wasn't that bad," Clark rolled his eyes.

"You're not the one with his world spinning." Leonardo stated. "It feels like I came off a roller coaster."

Clark just sighed as he opened the door to the house and walked in, while Leonardo stumbled in. Which he tripped over the door frame and fell straight on his face. Luckily he was very dense so the fall didn't hurt, besides bruising his ego a bit.

Luckily for him it was only Clark, Jonathan, Martha and Lana who saw this. So pushing himself off the floor and fixing his glasses, he looked at him. Where they simply looked back at him.

"Don't blame me, it was the doorframe fault." Leonardo stated as he was a bit wobbly.

"Clark, is this your brother?" Lana asked.

"Yeah, this is Leonardo." Clark simply nodded while sending a questioning glance at his parents.

Clearly he only expected the two of them to be home when he got back and not Lana. Hence, he felt a bit awkward as he hoped that Leonardo would keep a filter on. Since now he has his own body and he always gets mouthy with Lana or Lex around.

"Has your brother been drinking?" Lana asked with clear disgust.

"Whether I drink or not is no concern to you. Shouldn't you be out using your body for a few extra tips." Leonardo retorted. "I'm sure your pimp Luther is wondering where you are."

Clark rubbed his forehead as his head dropped as the small hope was dashed right away. Not even five minutes and Lana and Leonardo were already getting off on the wrong foot. So he decided to intervene a bit.

"Leo, why don't you go take a nap in my room." Clark suggested.

Leonardo just gave Clark a questioning glance, but nodded seeing his slightly begging and forceful expression. So he wobbly made his way over to the stairs and basically crawled up them as he hugged the railing for dear life. It didn't help as Lana just snickered at his flight as he felt like he was in a high altitude place.

'Rao, I hope I can adapt to my new body and atmosphere soon. This sucks, as I can lift small cars but can barely have the stamina to climb stairs.' Leonardo grumbly thought.

Crashing down onto Clark's bed, Leonardo drifted off to sleep hoping his spinning world would stop when he woke up.

It didn't.


After seeing a slightly annoyed and angry Lana out, Clark turned to his parents. They had a mixture of emotions from relief to annoyance written all across their body language. A skill Leonardo had taught him the basics.

"We are back." Clark weakly said.

"That nice honey." Martha said. "What is wrong with Leo?"

"He is adapting to Earth's atmosphere. His body was made using Krypton technology that was programmed for Krypton's atmosphere and not Earth's." Clark tried to explain. "So he is a bit weak at the moment as he said it felt like when one is ill. Not to mention he probably wasn't happy Lana was here, since he really doesn't like her or Lex."

"Just like when you were a baby. It seemed like you had trouble breathing at times." Martha said as something dawned on her.

"Jor-El said he should be up and going within a few days or so. Afterwards, his body adjusts to Earth's atmosphere and absorbs some sunlight." Clark said. "In the meantime, we should really figure out what to do now that he is here. He is my brother, and I don't want to toss him out into the cold."

Jonathan walked over and grabbed Clark's shoulders. "Don't worry, son. We will figure it out as a family."

"Still, what should we do about his paperwork? He sort of popped up out of nowhere." Martha pointed out.

"Actually he does, before entering the crystal, Leonardo set up his background and had Jor-El begin planting it into the databases. If I recall, he set it up that he grew up in one of the college towns in Michigan. So he does have paperwork truthfully." Clark recalled.

"Well, that a few problems have been solved, but it still doesn't solve the issue of where he is going to live or go to school." Jonathan pointed out.

Clark rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. "Leonardo is my age, and technically has a final year of highschool left to go. So he will be transferring into Smallville High in a week or so. I'm just unsure about his living space."

"He lives here, but finding him a room is the tricky part. The best solution is transforming the drawing room into a temporary room." Martha said.

Jonathan and Clark thought about it as they walked in that direction. It was the room connected to the corner of the dining room and room to the left of the back door. Which offered a space to sleep in, but after adding a bed, it didn't leave much space.

Overall, it is probably a terrible room to be a room, but it is also about the only room they could transform into one. Hence, while Jonathan went out to work, Clark found himself following his mother's direction to transform the room to give Leonardo his own living space.

When the room was finished, there was a mattress up against the wall, an easel with some sketch pads and paints on the desk next to it. Clark moved a few of Leonardo sketches down from his room or the loft in the barn. All while leaving the half naked girl drawing in his room, since as much as he wants to disagree with Leonardo. It did spice up the room a bit more, and he couldn't find a good spot to hang it.

For the room they were remodeling, it could either be seen through the window if the curtains were open or everytime they passed by one of the doors. So, Clark decided to leave it in his room so it won't be seen as much. Which made his mother laugh a bit, despite still disliking it.

Thanks for Reading.

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