
Chapter 10

"How do you know?"

"I got it from Kyle. Anyways, due to the meteor shower, they are able to put others in a hypnotic state and make them do their bidding. Which leaves the victim slightly confused as they don't tend to remember it happening." Clark added.

"Really? That's really cool, but also bad." Chloe said excitedly before she deflated.

"Mmm, Kyle has great self control. I would use that ability to make a harem of beautiful women. Perferily blonde, but black hair and brunettes aren't bad either." Leonardo nodded as he took control of Clark's body.

Walking over to Chloe, Leonardo lifted her chin as he looked into her eyes. "What do you think? Would a harem suit me?"

'Leo, what do you think you're doing!' Clark angrily shouted.

Chloe laughed it off with a bit of a blush. "Clark, dreams are for when you sleep."

"I guess you're right. A teenage boy can fantasize can't he." Leonardo sighed dramatically.

Chloe shook her head at him, while Leonardo was thrown into the back of Clark's mind. While he could feel Clark fuming and knew he was going to get a tongue lashing from him later. However, Leonardo didn't care much as it was not like he did anything wrong beside making Clark appear to have a small bit of humor.

"Well, back to the topic, we know how Rickman's abilities and apparent goal is. Just,what should we do?" Chloe brought the topic back around.

'Just say Kyle is coming out to draw out Rickman. When he appears, knock him and his accomplice out. Then have Kyle use his ability to have Rickman explain all the wrongs he has done and turn himself in.' Leonardo suggested.

'I'm not talking to you.' Clark grumbled. 'Besides, we aren't using Kyle as bait.'

Then before either Clark or Chloe could brainstorm, they heard hurried footsteps. Charging into the room, a girl with asian features marched up to Clark with fire in her eyes. All before pointing at Clarks chest.

"Whitney says you accused him of attacking Kyle last night." Lana loudly stated.

"Well, accusing is a bit inaccurate. If seeing him take a full swing at the back of Kyle's head with a metal baseball bat is accusing. Then I would hate to see what you considered facts." Leonardo snorted at Lana.

Before Clark could take back control, a loud slap was heard as Lana slapped their face. Which stunned not only Clark, but also Chloe. For Clark couldn't believe that Lana would just slap him even if Leonardo words were truthful if not a bit harsh.

"Whitney would never do that." Lana stated.

"He strung me up in a cornfield." Clark stated after a moment.

"So that's what this is about? You haven't forgiven him." Lana shouted at him, like it was his fault for Whitney's actions that night.

Then as quick as she entered, Lana left the Torch. Which left Clark watching her retreating back stunned and confused. For this action didn't fit the image of Lana who lives a mile away and has been his love since he was eight.

"What just happened." Chloe asked.

"I don't know," Clark responded dumbfounded.

'A shallow and ambitious girl happens. Now let's ignore the whiny girl and focus on Rickman.' Leonardo advises.

Then before anyone could speak again, another set of footsteps entered the room. This time it was an african american teen who entered with a red backpack on his shoulder. However, what was more eye-catching was the Daily Planet in his hands.

[Metropolis Detective Killed in Heist]

Below the headline was the picture of Sam Phelan as well as an article explaining how he attempted to rob the Metropolis Museum. While he was successful in breaking in and looting the place, however, a guard who patrolled slightly ahead of schedule stumbled across him. Thus leading to a shootout which killed him.

'Well, at least we don't need to worry about Sam now.' Leonardo said. 'I guess he gave up trying to investigate us.'

"Have you guys seen this? I swear these cops are getting more crooked." Pete held up the paper and pointed to a small article on another page.

[White cop fired for being shot by Black Suspect.]

'Strange, usually they get fired for shooting the suspect that is trying to kill them. Well in my original world at least.' Leonardo felt almost speechless.

It is not that he thought all cops were law abiding, but as the media kept splashing similar situations across the news. Leonardo is numb at this point since after the media gets the news, the protest begins. Thus despite being a drug dealer, robber, or some more extreme like a murderer, they are set free by the police until the media moves on and the public calms down.

'That sounds bad.' Clark commented.

'Well, this is what happens when the media gets its news from snowflakes.' Leonardo calmly replied. 'Now, let's not talk about my depressing world and move onto how we are going to bring down Rickman.'


After school, Clark grumbled as he allowed Leonardo to control his body for a while. While it was uncomfortable especially after his stunt earlier with Chloe. Now it was because they were currently crouching on a tree branch overlooking Kyle's Trailer.

'This is so dumb.' Clark whined.

'Shush, I'm Itachi currently.' Leonardo said.

While he felt like saying he was Batman, but since there is an actual Batman. He decided to play it safe and just went with another character who likes to sit on buildings or poles.

'Whose that?' a confused Clark asked.

'You haven't read or watched Naruto?' Leonardo blinked as Clark had the first couple volumes in his bookcase.

'Sorry, Pete only gave me a couple books for my birthday. I haven't read them.' Clark replied.

'Nevermind then.' Leonardo felt let down on his failed joke.

Luckily for both of them, a sheriff car came down the bumpy road. Where one of the few Smallville sheriffs got out of the car. He was a fairly young one who was probably around his late twenties to early thirties. He had neatly combed black hair as he got out of the car, but what really got them was the man pulling out a shotgun with him.

'I don't think he is here for a friendly chat.' Leonardo said to Clark.

'Me either.'

Jumping off the tree which made Clark grumble as well as Leonardo. For their fear of height decided to kick in now as they plummeted. Leonardo cursed his fear coming with him and not to mention Clark being in the same boat. He tried to lighten the impact by flying, but a few milliseconds occurred which cut their speed in half. Which left flight out of the question for the moment as Leonardo ran forward to tackle Kyle who stepped out from behind his trailer as the Sheriff opened fire.

Feeling as the most of the pellet impacted his back which stung a lot like being shot by an airsoft gun. Leonardo saw one pellet missed and hit Kyle in the shoulder. While he cursed as did Clark as he did after landing on the ground, he picked up a fair size stick and threw it at the sheriff who was pumping the shotgun. Hitting the man enough to snap out of the trance while he wonders how he should deal with his clothes and Kyle.

Thanks for Reading.

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