
Graduation and Breakthrough

The term rolled to a close.

Ru Shenqi took one last look around Dorm 9, sad. "I don't know when I'll have a real roof over my head again. I'm going to miss it."

With all of her worldly belongings in hand, she left the dormitories and headed towards the Main Hall where the graduation ceremony was taking place. Other graduates were also headed there, though they were all around twelve years of age. She entered the Main Hall, found her designated seat, and set her things underneath the chair. Teachers were already there, getting last minute things set up. Soon, parents of the graduates filed in. Lastly, some student spectators.

Once everyone was seated and mostly quiet, Bing Dadao stood and walked over to the ambo. He cleared his throat.

"Ahem. I'm Headmaster Bing, and I'd like to welcome everyone to Vast Sea City Primary Academy's graduation ceremony. It's wonderful too see so many faces, and we're honored that you could be here with us today." His eyes scanned the crowd, but he didn't see adults resembling Ru Shenqi. "So how this is going to go, is that we're going to have every graduate announce themselves, their age, their spirit, their rank, and where they're going for intermediate schooling. At the end, we'll applaud everyone at once."

All of the parents nodded, agreeing with him. The first graduate to go up was also the eldest. He, too, stood at the ambo and introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, I am Zi Feng(1). I'm currently only a month away from my thirteenth birthday. My spirit is Razor Edged Fan. I am a twenty sixth ranked Spirit Grandmaster. I will be attending Vast Sea City Intermediate Academy next term. Thank you."

Down the line of graduates it went. Every system was represented between the various beast and tool spirits. When it was Ru Shenqi's turn, as the last one to go, she bit her lip and looked to Cang Huaban for support. After a slight nod, she went and stood in front of the ambo since she was too short to stand behind it. She was only seven, after all.

Looking out at the crowd of faces, she said, "Hello, I am Ru Shenqi. I'm seven years old-"

Gasps from the crowd rang out, and multiple people exclaimed.

"Only seven?!"

"And she's graduating from Primary Academy already?!"

"What sort of prodigy is this girl?"

"She must have a special spirit, hush, let's let her speak."

Continuing on, she added, "My spirit is Clear Crystal Eyes. I am a twenty ninth ranked Spirit Grandmaster, and my plan is to go to Shrek Academy in Heaven Dou City for my further education."


"She's the strongest of all of the graduates and is younger than them by five years!"

"How is this possible?"

"Shrek Academy, I've heard of their monster reputation. She surely belongs in Shrek."

Headmaster Bing cleared his throat. "Xiao Shen, now that you're going out into the real world, Teacher Cang and I can no longer protect you. Since you've announced your future intentions, you must use your own strength from no on. First, release your spirit, child. Then, show them your spirit rings."

Knowing Bing Dadao was right, she did as he commanded. Her eyes turned transparent and vibrantly lucent. Cries of shock went up in the room. But silence fell over everyone when her two black spirit rings descended to circle around her feet.

After the miracle was processed, they all cried, "TWO DECADE MILLENNIUM YEAR SPIRIT RINGS?!"

Ai Yonggan and her lackeys were sitting in the crowd. When they saw Ru Shenqi's rings, they shivered.

"Gan-jie," one of the other two girls said. "Even if you had been allowed to fight her during this term, with two decade millennium spirit rings... I'm afraid-"

"Shut up!" Ai Yonggan snapped. "I don't want to hear anything more."

A woman with soft blonde hair, olive colored eyes, and sharp features was sitting not too far away. She heard their entire conversation, but was also watching Ru Shenqi with a seriousness bordering on obsessive. Finally, she looked away and stood. A leaf-like ear clip on her right ear was revealed when she turned to leave. Her white dress was adorned with metallic gold around the bosom and wrists spun with her gentle and alluring movements. Ru Shenqi, curious, watched as she left.

When the graduation ceremony was officially over, she said a tearful goodbye to Cang Huaban and Bing Dadao. Then, she grabbed her things and darted out. Just across the street from Vast Sea City Primary Academy, was the woman who had left early. She was leaning against the plaster wall, eyes closed, and humming to herself.

"Ma'am?" Ru Shenqi asked softly.

The woman opened her eyes. She gave her the briefest of smiles before pushing off the wall to stand straight and tall.

"How is it that you have two decade millennium spirit rings?" she asked. "And so young?"

"I was born with innate full spirit power, so when my spirit was awakened, it revealed itself."

"And you have a Body Spirit, yes? Your eyes?"

Ru Shenqi nodded.

"If you're willing to accept me as a mentor, I'll teach you a few things. I won't accept you as my disciple, but I don't mind passing on some things to you."

"Why can't you take me as a disciple?"

"You'd have to join Spirit Empire first. You see, I'm a member of Spirit Empire."


"Unless you want to join."

She shook her head. "No, I- I think I'd like to try something else."

"Alright. If I help you breakthrough the rank thirty bottleneck and get your third spirit ring, will you accept me as your mentor?"

Ru Shenqi thought about it. I'm so close, I can feel it. I just need a little help. Maybe this lady is who I need right now.

Finally, she nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Then come with me."

She followed the woman out of Vast Sea City and around to the back side. They climbed down to the rocky shoreline where thundering waves crashed rhythmically every few seconds. She saw a Cangshan ship(2), anchored out a ways. At the water's edge, the woman turned to her.

"Can you swim?"

"Yes. My mother taught me."

"Good, because you're swimming to that ship there."

"Ma'am... may Ru Shenqi ask your name?"

A faint, pained smile crossed the woman's lips. "I am Spirit Empire's Holy Maiden, Hu Liena."


When Ru Shenqi climbed up into the Cangshan ship, a low ranked spirit master raced over and brought her towels to dry off with. After she wasn't dripping wet, Hu Liena led Ru Shenqi towards the bow of the ship. There, they looked out over the vast blue ocean.

"You're so close to rank thirty. You just need a small push. So, I want you to balance on the ledge here, and meditate. Whatever happens, do not move your position at all, even if a wave comes crashing towards you."

"Mentor... won't I get swept into the ocean if a wave comes?"

"Don't let it."

With that, Hu Liena turned and retreated to the back of the ship. Left with no other choice, Ru Shenqi climbed up and sat in the lotus position. She closed her eyes and meditated. Concentrating on her spirit power, she let it sync with her breathing, rising and falling together.

Shichen after shichen passed. The boat rocked to the rhythm of the sea. A faint white light shimmered around Ru Shenqi. Hu Liena finally approached and watched as her ward became cocooned in light. When the glow faded, Ru Shenqi's eyes slowly opened. She grinned like she had just been given tanghulu.

"Mentor, I did it! I broke through to thirtieth rank!"

"Good." Turning around, Hu Liena called out, "Lower the top sails! Raise the anchor! We're headed out to find a spirit beast!"

The attendants obeyed; and soon, the ship set sail towards Haishen Island. About halfway there, Hu Liena, from the crow's nest, spotted something.


She leapt down and leaned over the taffrail, looking down into the water. Ru Shenqi bounded over to her.

"Mentor, what do you see?"

"It's a Pearl Armored Shark!" Hu Liena examined it. "It's over ten meters in length(3) and has a very opaque body. This Pearl Armored Shark must be a decade millennium spirit beast."

"Mentor, would it suit me?"

"Yes, it'd do very well for you. Let me and the others hunt it. Decade millennium spirit beasts are hard to handle."

"Ru Shenqi knows. Headmaster Bing and Teacher Cang battled two decade millennium Ice Jade Scorpions in Icebound Forest."

Hu Liena looked at the little girl by her side. "You had some impressive mentors at Vast Sea City Primary Academy. Only now, you have to learn to rely on yourself. I, Hu Liena, will help you get this Ocean spirit beast, but after that... I cannot guarantee anything. Remember, this is only a temporary arrangement."

"I know."

Satisfied, Hu Liena motioned to a couple Spirit Saints behind her. "Help me get this spirit beast."

"Yes, Holy Maiden."

They flew forward, and all three landed gracefully on the surface of the water. They walked along the water as if it were solid ground. Ru Shenqi watched in amazement, but a hint of sadness clouded her eyes.

If only they weren't Spirit Empire... then I'd join them right away.


1. 子风 - given name meaning "Wind"

2. a type of ancient Chinese ship

3. A great white shark is 7m in length, so this spirit beast is very long due to its cultivation time

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