
The pawnshop

I still couldn't believe that I was standing here with him like this. It had only been one month and six days since we first met, and now I was standing beside him looking just like a normal girl.

And even though he had already seen my disguise from the last time we were here on the bustling streets of Andrex town together, he seemed more surprised that I could actually walk around in a pair of heels without tripping over them.

It still felt strange to be walking down these same streets without hiding my appearance anymore.

As we walked, we kept our hands in our pockets to avoid getting unwanted attention, and after a couple of minutes of walking, we found ourselves standing outside of a store I had seen before, which happened to be a pawnshop.

I had been here a few times with my best friend from college, but I remembered how much she loved this store.

She used to pull me here once or twice a month when she was trying to find some things that she couldn't find in her own store or if she wanted to purchase some special things like books.

It didn't look like this place was doing very well, but then again, not much seemed to be doing well in this town.

The store was small and had a single entrance with a sign that said "Cadwell's Pawnshop" hanging above the door.

The front door was open with a bell hanging above it, so when we opened the door, it startled the shopkeeper enough that he dropped a silver coin onto the counter as he looked up at us.

"The owner is a guy?" Tristan asked curiously in a whisper while looking at me. "I thought you had said it was some old loser?"

"Loser? Tristan, behave yourself." I teased.

Tristan laughed quietly before shaking his head as if to dismiss my words. "I know you don't know how this world works, but you're too trusting."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, saying, "Probably it's his son or grandson or something."

Tristan gave me a skeptical look before he turned to the shopkeeper, who was still staring at us curiously.

He didn't even bother to look at Tristan, who had dressed out of his usual mafia outlook to blend in with his new disguise, but only gave me a quick glance before he looked back at Tristan and asked curiously, "Are you looking for something?"

I could feel the tense reaction from Tristan's body, and his fingers clenched tightly around mine as he looked at the shopkeeper and answered, "We are just looking for something special."

The shopkeeper let out a heavy sigh before muttering, "You don't look like you are here for anything special, but I'm sure I can help you." He muttered with a bored expression on his face as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a set of keys before placing them on the counter. "I have a lot of keys here if you are looking for something specific."

Tristan looked at me and leaned over to whisper into my ears, "It wouldn't be a crime to torture this guy if it came to that, right? He sure as hell is pissing me off to a disturbing degree."

I shook my head before replying, "We don't need to do that." I whispered back with a frown as I looked at him and added, "From what I heard, he has just lost a lot of workers and is working a lot more to fend for his daily living."

"I will give him some time before I make him suffer." Tristan whispered quietly before he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to watch the shopkeeper as he looked back at me. "Do you want to do this, or should I?"

I bit my lower lip before answering him, "I'll do it."

The shopkeeper finally looked at Tristan as he sighed and shook his head. "If you say so..."

"I would like to work for you," I said with a smile as I leaned over the counter. "How much is an hour?"

"An hour?" The shopkeeper responded as he raised a brow and looked back at Tristan, "Aren't you rich or something?"

Are you trying to sign your death warrant?

Tristan shrugged as he answered, "I am a businessman." He replied with a smile, "She chose to work here due to a nostalgic feeling, but I have come here to purchase something special for my wife."

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