
Dangerous Attractions

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Chapter 1First Chapter

**The Turning Point of an Average Day**

Los Angeles slowly stirred awake as the early morning sunlight crept in through the window, breathing life into the city's grey buildings and painting the walls of apartments in golden hues.

Lieutenant Ethan Donovan, an ordinary-looking police officer with a painful and mysterious past, started his day much like any other morning. In the moments of waking, an infinite and pleasant, yet lonely silence filled his apartment. He climbed out of bed and left his bedroom to make his morning coffee in the kitchen. He pressed the button, and the coffee maker, bubbling away, prepared the life-giving elixir, filling the air with its aromatic scent. He stood leaning against the counter, lost in thought, gazing out of the window at the city below. The rising sun's rays brought new hope for many, but Ethan was well aware of the city's dark side, where underworld shadows ruled the streets.

As he sipped the hot coffee, he contemplated the challenges of the day ahead. A mysterious gang had been carrying out a series of murders in the city for months, cleverly covering their tracks. It seemed Detective Turner had given up the fight, leaving the case in Ethan's hands. He was confident he wouldn't need months to find them; he was the best and the most skilled.

After finishing his coffee, he went through his usual morning routine and, when ready, headed for the door to set out. As he stepped out, the urban sounds flooded his mind. Los Angeles had always been noisy and vibrant with lights, but in the morning hours, it seemed even louder, as if everyone had gone mad. Ethan took a deep breath, as if absorbing the city's energy, and then made his way to the police station.

Upon entering the building, he saw others were already seated in the conference room, waiting for the captain. Just as he took his seat, the imposing figure of Thomas Harrington stormed into the room. With serious and decisive gestures, he began the briefing.

"Another murder has occurred, in one of the city's hidden corners. Mr. Turner has handed over the case, so I'm assigning a new detective."

Ethan attentively listened to the captain's words, anticipating the increasing weight of responsibility on his shoulders. The captain cast a quick glance at the woman standing at the other end of the room, Evelyn Dawson, and continued.

"Lieutenant Donovan, this case is yours, and Detective Dawson will be your assistant. Evelyn is an excellent detective, and I'm confident that you, my two best officers, won't need months to put these criminals behind bars."

"Of course, Captain!" Ethan heard a timid voice, so he looked up. Evelyn was of average height, slender and graceful. Her long, dark brown hair cascaded in soft waves around her face, which was adorned with expressive almond eyes and arched eyebrows. Her eyes sparkled in the most beautiful shade of blue, and her sincere gaze exuded knowledge and intelligence. Her skin had a faint rosy hue, making her even more attractive. As usual, her outfit consisted of an elegant and practical suit jacket and matching trousers. She wore a different colored shirt every day, a detail that hadn't escaped Ethan's notice. She didn't wear the blazer; it was casually draped over the back of the chair in front of her, leaving only the baby blue shirt covering her skin. She enhanced her natural beauty with simple makeup, but what truly caught the average person's eye was the high-end camera hanging around her neck and the holster attached to her belt, housing her own pistol.

Ethan caught himself staring at her and resentfully acknowledged how long he had been gazing. His frustration burst out of him in the cruelest way possible.

"It doesn't matter how hard you try, Dawson. In the eyes of an experienced detective, you're just an amateur. If you follow my instructions, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from me," he said mockingly, intending to immediately crush Evelyn's self-esteem.

Over the years, Evelyn Dawson had learned where her place was as a woman. She had left behind years of torment when she finally managed to escape the hell she had to live in. She vowed never to argue with another man again. As a woman, she was much weaker and more sensitive, both on the outside and inside.

Therefore, she tried to shake off the insults and maintain her pride.

"I will do everything in my power to contribute to the success of the case, Lieutenant. I hope we can work together," she replied modestly, trying to emphasize the humility behind her words.

Ethan merely sneered, as if he looked down on all of Evelyn's efforts.

"Cooperate? I don't think we'll ever be able to work together. But let me see what Miss Dawson is capable of," he said challengingly and mockingly at the same time, intending to further confuse Evelyn.

Quietly, Evelyn sat down at the table, trying to compose herself in the tense atmosphere of the room. The condescending attitude shown towards her only strengthened her determination to prove her abilities and show Ethan that she was more than he initially thought. Filled with excitement and resistance, facing the new case, Evelyn vowed inside that she wouldn't let this jerk stop her. With all her strength, she would prove that she could be a worthy partner in solving this mysterious case. The case entrusted to them might give them an opportunity to overcome their hostility and find common ground during the investigation. But for now, the tension in the police station only grew, and both of them began their approach to the new case with detailed discussions.

As their first step, Ethan and Evelyn headed to the crime scene, where the forensic team was already waiting for them. The scene of the murder was an abandoned warehouse, its outer walls made of rusty steel, which hadn't seen maintenance for years. It stood in the dark shadow of the old industrial quarter, far from the city's noise and lights. The warehouse door creaked terrifyingly as Ethan and Evelyn entered.

The interior of the building was cold and barren. The walls were covered in old posters and graffiti on the paint-deprived surface. The floor was made of concrete, cracked and stained, as if heavy burdens had been placed here over the years. In the center of the room lay the victim, their face obscured by strands of hair dyed red by the spilled blood.

Rusty metal containers and wooden crates filled with old, dusty objects were arranged in the room. In a corner of the room, an old writing desk was tucked away, piled with dusty documents and empty bottles. Faint sunlight filtered through the windows, emphasizing the desolation and bleakness of the scene.

The atmosphere in the warehouse was tense, as if the walls themselves were listening while the detectives tried to understand what might have happened there. The mysterious atmosphere of the abandoned warehouse was filled with excitement and dread, as the detectives did everything they could to gather as much information as possible from the scene, hoping to decipher the mystery and find a new lead.

After putting on their gloves, Ethan turned sharply towards Evelyn, looking at her with stern determination.

"Pay attention, Dawson. There's no room for mistakes here. From now on, every step you take must prove your expertise. If you make even a small error, it could ruin the entire case, lives could be at stake," he whispered so the others wouldn't hear. Evelyn nodded quietly, trying to maintain her composure and focus on the task.

"Document everything, Dawson. The injuries, the surroundings, every tiny detail. Don't overlook anything," Ethan commanded with a threatening sternness in his voice.

Evelyn focused intently and decisively immersed herself in her work. First, she meticulously examined the crime scene, scrutinizing every possible clue. She wore special gloves and carefully used a UV lamp to reveal tiny traces of blood or other hidden signs. She pulled a small camera equipped with a magnifier from her pocket and photographed various points of the scene, capturing every small detail.

Evelyn's professionalism and thorough work left no room for criticism. Her face was illuminated with expertise and determination, her every move revealing experience and expertise. However, this was not enough for Ethan. His gaze only noticed one thing: Evelyn always walked slowly, or at least he wanted to believe that. Any sign that could indicate even the slightest slowdown, Ethan immediately noticed and criticized. Even in moments when Evelyn conducted detailed analyses or meticulously documented the evidence, Ethan impatiently shook his head, as if he always found something lacking in her work.

As the hours passed, Ethan's impatience grew. He couldn't resist the temptation to express his dissatisfaction aloud.

"Evelyn, this isn't the time for learning and practicing. We're in the midst of a murder investigation, and we need precision, not amateur work. You're slow, always falling behind. I'm not satisfied with your work at all," he declared loudly, his criticism becoming sharper and harsher. Confidence slowly vanished from Evelyn's face, replaced by disappointment and humiliation.

Evelyn tried to swallow her frustration and annoyance. Deep down, she knew she was capable of the task, but Ethan's constant criticism made it difficult for her to concentrate. Her self-assurance began to waver slowly, and the task seemed more daunting than ever.

As time passed, the crime scene investigation became increasingly tense. Conflicts and contradictions only intensified the already strained atmosphere. Ethan continued to highlight every minor mistake and shortcoming, while Evelyn became more entangled in her own thoughts, trying to shut out the man's words from her mind.

Evelyn and Ethan returned to the police station with tired and tense expressions, where they scattered the collected data and photographs on their desk. Pieces of new information from interrogations, witness statements, and crime scene reports emerged, but the mysterious murder still loomed before them like an unsolvable puzzle.

Ethan couldn't bear the frustration-filled atmosphere and made sharp remarks about Evelyn's work.

"I don't understand why you always make mistakes. Maybe if you worked a bit faster, we would have made progress!" he raised his voice, causing Evelyn to flinch. Signs of hurt and disappointment appeared on Evelyn's face, but she tried to gather herself and respond with dignity.

"I'm trying my best, Donovan. We're all trying to unravel this mess. There's no point in blaming each other," but Ethan didn't let it go, attacking Evelyn further.

"You always slow down the team. Maybe you shouldn't even be here if you can't keep up with our pace!" he shouted in her face, then grabbed a few photos and threw them at her.

Struggling with tears, Evelyn tried to contain her emotions, but the insults deeply affected her. She said painfully, "Enough, Ethan. I don't deserve this treatment." She didn't wait any longer, stood up, and stormed out of the room. Tears shimmered in her eyes and flowed down her broken face. As she left, Evelyn didn't look back. Tears streamed down her face, but she endured the pain persistently. Ethan's words inflicted wounds that didn't show but were all the more painful. Desperately, she tried to cope with the profound sense of humiliation, silently and alone, as she always did.

In the tense silence that lingered in the room, Ethan realized he had gone too far. He understood that he had hurt Evelyn due to his own stress, and guilt consumed him. A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he realized that the emotional walls he had built were beginning to crack. With this night, a new chapter began in both of their lives, filled with pain and something new.

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