
Chapter 115

They are sitting across from each other on the other side of the table.

Andrew is almost fully recovered. The only sign that he almost died not long ago is the long white scar on his chest.

He is drinking slowly from a glass instead of his blood bag.

"Allow me to thank you for saving my life. I am indebted to all of you.

Andrew said while bowing his head in a beautiful demonstration of nineteenth-century elegance.

Dio nodded in acknowledgment of his thanks.

"But now we have to go. Mary has the advantage."

Andrew said this while getting up.

"You're not in a condition to make a journey, Andrew, so sit down."

John stood up and pushed Andrew's shoulder back into the chair. He hasn't fully regained his strength as he practically collapses into it.

"What did Robin say?"

Speedy asked with his eyes on Andrew.

"He and the team are on their way. We'll figure out what to do after that."

"That's why we have to go,"

Andrew said to John.

"What? You really don't want help from them just because they're kids?"

John mocked.

"I don't want the blood of these kids on my hands."

"These kids saved you, Grandpa."

Dia felt the same way Speedy did about this issue.

It makes sense to treat kids this way, even heroes, but it's still uncomfortable for someone who used to be an adult.

"We are not alone; the League is also involved, and honestly, we can't just let you go."

Dio warned him.

Andrew Bennett stared at him with his black eyes while trying to make him give up or escape, but in his current state, he knew it wouldn't be easy, so he gave up.




A knock on the door woke everyone up, and they all stood up.

"And here comes Robin."

Dio reassured them.

Dio went to the door and opened it.

"You guys look terrible, except for you, Starfire."

Dio laughed at the sorry state of them.

Robin's clothes are torn, and he's lost his cape.

Aqualad also has some injuries, but his clothes are almost new, except for all the mud.

Kid Flash is in the same shape as Robin. He is holding up his right arm with a temporary sling made of white fabric.

Starfire is the only one in perfect condition, and her tiny outfit has no dust on it.

"Are we going in or not?"

Kid Flash asks grumpily because of his joke.

Shortly after, they are in the small apartment's living room, with only a sofa and an old TV.

Everyone is gathered around the TV except Robin, who is typing something on his wrist while hooked up to the TV by a cable.


Robih shouted happily.

The TV tuned to the news channel flickered, and the low-resolution image of Batman appeared on it.

"I'm aware of the situation. Anything else to report?"

He asked with his voice transmitted through the TV, and his image was shaky.

"I just saw the memories of the vampires. Mary is interested in the first vampire."

Dio looked closely at Andrew to see his reaction, and it was clear from the shock on his face that he didn't know her plans.

"The first vampire; anything else?"

"Nothing significant. She's not the kind of boss who shares her plans with subordinates."

"I have no idea what she wants with him, but I know we must do everything possible to prevent a meeting between them."

Andrew warned them.

"Andrew Bennett was born six hundred years ago as the son of a lord. Since then, he has been fighting against his own race by not drinking human blood and owning a hundred properties all over the world under fake names."

"Nice research."

This information that Batman found did not scare Andrew.

The TV image had stopped working and showed only static now.


Robin approached its side.


After he hits it with his hand, the picture comes back even better than before.

"There you go!"

"The situation is serious enough for me to allow you to work with us, Mr. Andrew, but I'm watching you!"

Batman warned.

"You talk as if I were begging for help. It was your apprentices who forced this alliance."

"Forced is a strong word; it's more like building strength."

Dio teased him.

"How's the situation?"

Kaldur'ahm asked.

"Twenty cities were attacked across the country almost simultaneously. The attacks had no apparent purpose or goal; they were just meant to create chaos. However, unlike what happened in Boston, their numbers were much smaller."

"They were dividing our forces."

"Robin is correct. The League had to involve you and a few other unaffiliated groups since Superman was off-planet and Wonder Woman was back in Themyscira. We still weren't able to stop all of the attacks."

The League has some of the most powerful beings in the universe, but they can only go to one place on Earth at a time.

"We need more people with experience in dealing with the supernatural."

Dio arrived at this logical and obvious conclusion.

"That's why I'm sending you to a place before coming to Gotham. You'll recruit someone with these abilities, a magician."


Dio asked.

'The chance to fight alongside my teacher has never come up; I'm a little excited about it. In addition, she'll be a scary asset against Mary and her vampires.'

Robin on the side of the TV seemed a bit thoughtful.

"I don't care who the other is, as long as it's not that...."

"It's him."

Robin doesn't seem at all happy with Batman's confirmation.

"That idiot, rude, crazy, and drunk? I'm totally against it!"

Robin stood in front of the TV and faced us.

"His abilities compensate for some of his flaws."

'Now I'm curious.'

"Who are you talking about?"

Wally asked while also interested in why Robin was acting so abnormally.

With a disgusted look on his face, Robin turned to him and replied.

"A British magician; his name is John Constantine."

'Oh, Fucking no!'

"I'm also against it; this guy is not trustworthy."

Dio said immediately.

"This is not up for a vote. I'll send you his coordinates; recruit him if possible and return immediately to Gotham."

Then, the TV image disappeared and returned to the news. Robin walked to it and removed the connected cable.

"Okay, can someone tell me why you two are against this new guy?"

Kid Flash asked.

After looking at Robin, Dio knew he wouldn't answer.

"Constantine is a great expert in the supernatural and mystical arts. He may not have much raw power, but he knows to play with angels and demons hundreds of times more powerful than him."

"He seems to be a valuable ally."

"The problem is that he's an idiot and a scoundrel who won't mind sacrificing each of us to 'save' the world. This guy is known for killing more of his acquaintances than the villains he fought."

From everyone's expressions, Dio knew they understood the danger.

Dio was a fan of his when all of this reality was just a comic in the other world, but when he lived in this reality, he saw things through different eyes.

Constantine indeed knows more about magic than Zatanna, but his low magical energy makes him weak.

However, this jerk knows precisely when to use his words and the current situation to beat powerful enemies, which is fantastic.

"I refuse to work with another person like this!"

Speedy shouted.

He was already at his limit to allow a vampire and a vampire-friendly hunter on the team; now, he has to work with an unstable sorcerer.

Dio understood him.

"Orders are orders."

That's all Robin said to shut everyone up.

Kaldur'ahm stood up from the couch, looked at everyone, and spoke.

"In this line of work, sometimes we have to work with people we don't want to. This is one of those situations."

"Let's get ready; we leave in ten minutes."

Now was the time for John and Andrew to get ready since everyone else only had the things they had brought from the Gotham safe house.


Ten minutes later.

They were on the rooftop of John's apartment while waiting for Raven to do her magic.

"Is everything okay?"

Dio approached Raven and asked while John was kneeling while looking inside his large backpack, to confirm that he hadn't forgotten anything.

"It's not a big deal,"

Raven waved.

They had a pretty intense fight earlier today, and they'll probably have another one as soon as they get to Gotham.

Raven has superhuman endurance, but it takes her a little longer to recover her mana than it does for her body.

"Everything's here."

John happily stood back up while putting his backpack on his back.

"Good to know, Grandpa."

Speedy cursed.

"Boy, I'm regretting giving you my arrows."

John said.

Speedy got a new set of arrows with steel tips that were perfect for hunting vampires.

"Whenever you're ready, Raven."

With Robin's signal, Raven covered all of them with her energy.

They end up appearing in front of the highway leading to Gotham.



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