
A Gilded Tongue

To catch a glimpse of Ravenclaw's secrets, the Helena in front of him was the biggest obstacle, yet she was also the greatest ally. So, Kevin decided to speak his mind, saying, "Miss Helena, please don't hide it from me. I already know the secret of this statue."

Kevin's words made the female ghost flustered. She began, "How did you know... No, you're imagining things. This is just an ordinary statue, and there are no secrets here."

Seeing that she wasn't willing to come clean, Kevin sighed and pointed his wand at the statue, whispering, [Identify].

Unfortunately, due to the high level of magic concealed within the statue and Kevin's level not being sufficient, the [Identify] spell failed. However, even in its failure, the spell achieved its most basic purpose. A faint blue magical aura appeared on the statue, confirming that it was indeed a magical object.

"This is the magic reaction I detected," Kevin calmly said, gazing at her.

Seeing Kevin present evidence, Helena let out a long sigh and had to admit, "Alright, you're right. I can inhabit this statue due to magic."

"But I wasn't lying either. I can enter this statue because I'm her daughter..."

"Oh? Could you elaborate on that?" Kevin's curiosity was piqued.

"In reality, this statue wasn't like this from the beginning." Helena began her explanation with a melancholic tone. "For over a thousand years after my mother's death, it remained here as a memorial for my longing for her."

"But about ten years ago, I began to hear whispers of the statue as if it were calling out to me. I tried to ask young witches and wizards and even other ghosts, but I was the only one who could hear this call, and I was the only one who could respond to it, entering the statue..."

"Wait!" Kevin suddenly interrupted her narrative. "You said it started about ten years ago?"

An occurrence from ten years ago, Kevin sensed that something was amiss. The appearance of the water nymph seemed connected. What had happened ten years ago?

Kevin kept this doubt to himself and proceeded to ask Helena, "What do you feel inside the statue?"

"I... I feel a profound sense of longing." Helena gently closed her eyes, as if savouring the memory. "The emotion is so intense, tugging at the heartstrings, as though a mother longs for her child. I believe this emotion comes from my mother."

No wonder she stayed inside it all day, Kevin realised. Even female ghosts needed love and warmth.

"But do you know where this power comes from?" Kevin asked further.

"I don't know." Helena shook her head, her eyes filled with confusion. "It was as if it appeared overnight, and I'm just a ghost. I have no idea about my abilities."

"However, I want to unravel this mystery. Perhaps my mother left something here for me."

Hearing this, Kevin made his decision. He looked at Helena, giving her the warmest of smiles, and expanded the [Charming Humans] aura to its maximum.

"You seem to need help." His tone was gentle and compassionate. "And I, as a Ravenclaw, take pride in my house. If the descendant of a Hogwarts founder needs assistance, I'd be more than happy to provide it."

"Perhaps you're right. You truly are an outstanding Ravenclaw, the kind of student my mother would have chosen. But there was another young man once who was much like you—equally excellent and charming. He also tried to persuade me, but in the end, he deceived me."

At this point, Helena's expression turned angry, and her translucent face seemed contorted with frustration. Of course, Kevin knew she was talking about a young Tom Riddle during his Hogwarts days.

By skillfully coaxing Helena, Voldemort discovered Ravenclaw's diadem and turned it into a Horcrux. However, Kevin had to feign ignorance and inquired, "So, may I ask, what's his name, and which House did he belong to?"

His words concealed a hidden meaning, subtly suggesting the differences between Helena and the person in question. Seemingly awakened by Kevin's words, Helena's expression softened.

The female ghost glanced at the boy's endearing face and decided to continue, "I can't say that name; no one dares to say it. But I can tell you there are trophies in the Room of Requirement belonging to him."

Kevin understood her fear and caution. After all, it was Voldemort, and no one dared to utter his name in the magical world. He had cursed his own name in the past, so if someone spoke it, he would know. Even though he had vanished for so long, his lingering influence still ran deep in the current wizarding world, even among ghosts.

Since Helena was willing to speak, it showed her trust in him. Therefore, Kevin continued to suggest, "But I've been straightforward with you, haven't I?"

This was one of Tom Riddle's shortcomings; he relied on conspiracy and manipulation through violence and deceit, while Kevin preferred to influence people through openness rather than deception.

"You're right, but... no, you're different from him." Helena's expression underwent several changes and eventually softened. She looked into Kevin's eyes without resistance, saying, "Alright, you're right, and I'm willing to... believe you."

Kevin could sense her hope as well as her vulnerable and pleading nature, much like a small, defenceless creature. She hoped Kevin could truly help her and prayed not to be betrayed again by her new friend.

Kevin nodded, responding to her unease, "Don't worry, Helena. I won't be like that person."

"You're a student chosen by my mother, and I trust you." Helena nodded.

"Well then, I'll tell you my theory," Helena began. "I believe that to unlock the secret within the statue, you'll need something essential, something that has always fascinated students for generations, something that I couldn't resist revealing its whereabouts."

She spoke with a melodious tone: "It was my mother's diadem, containing all of her knowledge and wisdom. But that man took it from me."

"Ah, I see." Kevin nodded, now understanding that finding Ravenclaw's diadem was essential to unravelling the secrets within the statue.

Kevin knew exactly where to find Ravenclaw's diadem. He had entered the Room of Requirement, a treasure trove of hidden objects, the second day he arrived at Hogwarts. He could acquire it at any time if he wished. However, the diadem had now become a Horcrux of Voldemort, bearing various dark magic enchantments. Kevin could destroy a Horcrux with his Transfiguration magic, no matter how resilient, but to uncover the secrets within the statue, he would likely need to maintain the diadem's integrity.

This posed a challenge. Kevin currently lacks the necessary means. However, it was not a problem; he had insight. If he could study soul-related materials, it might help him develop a method to deal with the Horcrux. Yet, to access these materials in the library, he'd need to enter the restricted section.

This brought him to his plan, and he said, "First, I must find a way to enter the restricted section. Thank you for your advice. I have a lead now, but further research is needed. Please be patient and wait for me."

"Of course, Mr. Green," Helena replied, her smile returning upon hearing hope. "A ghost's time is always plentiful."

The two of them reached an agreement. It was time for bed. Before leaving, Helena gave a sudden reminder: "I remember that you're exploring the power of the mind. The human mind is the most fragile and uncontrollable aspect. Delving into it recklessly can lead to irreversible consequences. I suggest you wait until you're older to attempt this."

"Thank you for your advice." Kevin accepted her well-meaning counsel. In reality, his exploration of mind magic was based on his own understanding and his career as a mind mage. Without the professional framework, Kevin wouldn't dare to tamper with his own mind.

Bidding farewell to his new friend, Kevin returned to the dormitory and entered a peaceful sleep.

Translation is hard; cheer me up!

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts
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