
Chapter 949: Crystal Demon Bone_1

Following the pathways of the array system, Shi Xiaole progressed further, with the scenery around him constantly changing. When he finally broke free from the array, he didn't stop, pushing himself until he was completely drained, at which point he stopped by a small river.

He was seriously injured, with a total of seventy-six internal and ninety-two external wounds. Most of these injuries were inflicted by the Wind Thunder Blade Queen, with a smaller portion coming from the stealth attacks of other Martial Emperors in the Void Origin Realm.

Now, with a significant loss of Vigorous Air, the out-of-control energy of the Wind Thunder Blade began to damage more of his meridians.

Pulling out the second pill that Yan Yuchai had given him, Shi Xiaole swallowed it in one gulp. In an instant, the medicinal power turned into a warm current that spread throughout his body.

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