
chapter 12 : Problems

The next day, as usual, Calvin graced the morning with Christina completely naked in his arms and he couldn't remember a better awakening in his life.

They had eaten, smoked and fucked for a long time and it was with drugged brains that they slept.

Fortunately the room had a sliding metal door so as not to be seen by kim. Reyes' vagina was completely torn open and she didn't know if Calvin was still a man or a machine.

 He tried to get up but Christina pulled him back into bed and she looked at him smiling.

 Christina: Do you know you made a woman happy?

 Cal: Is that true? Was I that good?

 Christina: Humidity in the bed is an excellent indicator. I had never had an orgasm before.

 Cal: Stop...

 Christina: It's the truth, girls talk a lot to each other. I've always heard others talk about it but I've never experienced it.

 Cal: Verdict?

 She gave him a smile before kissing him long and he climbed back on top of her while she spread her thighs.

There was no penetration but they just stood there kissing and rubbing until Chris got fed up and grabbed Calvin's penis to put it inside her but someone started banging outside.

Kim wasn't there so Calvin he saw Dawn waiting outside so went to open it wearing only boxers with his big member visible underneath to find Dawn freezing at what she saw.

 Calvin: Lieutenant Lerner?

 Dawn: We...we have a little problem.

 A few minutes later, Cal and Reyes were with the group while Shane was yelling to everyone to take up arms.

Apparently, Glenn had informed them this morning that Hershel was keeping walkers in his barn. They wanted them to take up arms to go kill these walkers, Daryl was up for it, T-dog and Andrea too but the rest wanted to discuss it with Hershel for fear that he would throw them off his farm.

Rick had gone to talk to Hershel and negotiate because Lori was pregnant and he wanted to stay.

 They asked Calvin's opinion who clearly told them that it was none of his business but that it was Hershel's property and he could do with it what he wanted.

 A little later, Daryl and Calvin were in front of a grill with meat cooking with a pack of beer near them. They were having a relaxing time when Rick arrived and gathered everyone together.

Apparently, the stubborn old man stood his ground, he even threatened to kick them out immediately if they started this discussion again.

 Cal: I have an idea. This old man certainly hasn't been out of his farm for a while and doesn't know what's out there. Why not take him on a field trip so he can see first-hand the gnawed corpses and damage the walkers have left behind. He'll realize the danger and make up his mind.

 Rick: I hadn't thought about that. Hershel trusts me so I will go alone with him to the small town next door.

 Glenn: It's better than taking up arms here but Rick be very careful, Maggie and I were attacked last time.

 Cal: Even better. You and Maggie will go with them, show him the walker who attacked his daughter .

 Dawn: The idea is excellent.

 They discussed it again and everyone returned to their activities. Daryl and Calvin were still watching their meat being cooked while Calvin was cleaning his sword under the curious gazes of the children monitored by Lee and Lise.

40 minutes later, a loud cry from the direction of the barn alerted everyone. Calvin had a very bad feeling and ran at high speed towards the barn with his saber to see Beth screaming and Hershel fighting off a walker while Jimmy the farm boy was being eaten alive by Hershel's late wife and his son who became a zombie.

 Cal immediately stabbed the tip of his blade into the heads of the walker who were attacking Hershel and front-kicked another nearby zombie .

Grabbing Hershel by the back of his shirt, he gently threw him backwards with one hand where Beth and Patricia caught him.

He watched in shock and disbelief as his wife and son eat Jimmy alive when Cal pulled out his pistol to shoot him in the head to end his ordeal.

He started killing the walkers one by one until there were none left.

 Maggie and Glenn arrived first, followed by the others.

 Rick: My God !! What happened?

 "ANSWER, I MUST HAVE SHOT SOMEONE!" Calvin asked Hershel and his daughters sternly.

 Patricia: Dad...Dad and Jimmy...they brought back two new patients...two new monsters and they discussed what Rick told him. The moment...they opened the barn...mom and Shawn...mom and Shawn attacked Jimmy (crying) they ate him while he screamed for help.

 Calvin: And you just stood there screaming and obviously doing nothing.

 He moved closer to Hershel and looked him straight in the eyes.

 Calvin: This guy who got eaten alive was too nice and naive, you made him believe that these monsters were just sick and he believed it because you believed in this stupidity without seeing the reality of the world outside in your little comfort zone. I had to finish him off while he was crying in pain, while he was being devoured by the monsters you kept there.

 Rick: Calvin...stop, he's in shock.

 Maggie: That's enough, stop!

 Calvin: He's in shock but he's still alive while the other kid is dead! If I hadn't been so quick, he would have died too, along with his curious daughters. Was that necessary for you to understand?! Just imagine that the children were also there nearby.



 Calvin: Show us the bodies of your loved ones, we will bury them and that poor guy too. You have to face reality and say goodbye to them, you owe them at least that much after keeping them in this state for so long... 

 He left and Christina caught up with him.

 Reyes: Are you okay? You have nothing ?

 Cal: I've never done that before. This guy's cries of pain, his eyes begged me to stop his pain. He died because this old man did not want to accept reality, not because he himself was at fault but through the fault of someone else.

 Reyes: What is happening is horrible...

 Cal: Yes, it's horrible but it's the new reality.

 She gave him a hug and he went to clean himself up before coming back to sit in front of the barbecue, clean his blade and its sheath while the others went to bury the Greenes' loved ones and burn the others. He was way too upset so he called Kim to watch over the meat before returning to the truck where Reyes went to meet him.

 Later, Rick knocked on his door to ask for his help again. Apparently, after burying the Greenes' dead, Hershel disappeared and Beth, his youngest daughter, fainted.

Lise went to take care of her but the moral support of her father is more important but the old man disappeared.

They found an old flask and Maggie told them about a bar in town where he went to drink years ago.

 Rick wanted to take Glenn but he thought of Calvin who was much stronger and faster, he asked him to go with him to look for the old man and Cal agreed, Christina didn't want to part with Cal so she asked go with them.

Cal agreed and they geared up before getting into Rick's vehicle. Very quickly, they arrived at the bar in question and indeed found Hershel drinking.

Cal also helped himself as did Christina while Rick explained Beth's situation to a Hershel too consumed by remorse and regret to return now.

Rick insisted and they even started arguing when the door opened and two men walked in, one was a fat guy and the other was an average guy.

 They expressed their joy at having come across living people while the group simply watched them in silence, Hershel himself seemed to come out of his drunkenness at the situation.

The two men casually walked into the bar and there in their eyes Calvin saw the lustful look they gave Christina for a brief moment, he and Reyes looked at each other saying nothing but knowing everything.

They introduced themselves as Dave for the thin one and Tony for the fat one, Rick and Hershel introduced themselves too and Cal played it easy by introducing himself in a very friendly way, he apologized for Reyes who was deaf and the ' looked over to give her a series of hand signals and she almost laughed as she responded.

 The two foreigners said that they were coming from Philadelphia and that they tried to go to Washington without success because of the congested roads and they chose the smaller roads.

They said they met several survivors who spoke of quarantine zones organized by the government but that there was nothing.

Rick asked them about Fort Benning but they told him that a soldier they met on the road told them the place was infested.

 They asked Rick and the others a series of questions about where they lived and eventually came back to the fact that it was a farm as Tony kept looking at Reyes and it started to annoy Calvin.

Dave started to negotiate and tell the group that they wanted to join them with their own group and that they could also help each other, Tony asked if there were any women since he hadn't had sex in weeks but that was enough for Calvin.

 Cal: You said you met people, where are they?! Usually when it's like that, we stay together, right?


 Dave: We encountered some...problems...

 Cal: Who? Them or you? Apparently you come back from the same place and problems only happen to others, your friend said he hasn't been able to fuck for weeks so why the girl who had the broad-mindedness to give him a chance is not there ?

 Tony and Dave wanted to look at each other but Calvin shot Tonny in the head, his friend wanted to react but Rick, Reyes and Calvin already had their guns pointed at Dave who preferred not to move.

 Dave: Why did you do that man? We're just looking for shelter...

 "We are in a small town and there are plenty of empty houses, you are not looking for shelter but something else…" Cal said as he came to take his gun and sat down in front of him to put the things clear.

 Cal: If you have a group then they will know where you are and will come here, I think they might even be around.


 Cal: You're smart enough to trace the fact that we have a farm so I'll be blunt. You are going to give me The exact number of members in your group and where you are. I'm not even going to torture you but cutting your tendons and handing you over to the walkers would be fun to watch, you'll be the 4th I've done this to and it might be fun.

 Dave: Wait man, we can talk okay!?

 Cal: You have exactly 10 seconds to respond and I advise you not to speak if you don't want to respond...

 "There are too many of us for you whoever you are and we're going to *coungh* " he didn't even finish his sentence before Cal punched him which sent him to the ground and he pulled out his knife to slice the back of his right ankle as Dave screams.

 « You still think I'm kidding but that only leaves you with one good leg to survive on. Answer or you will serve as a buffet for the eaters later. » Cal said with a completely calm voice as if he was used to doing this.

 "Okay, okay man I'll tell you everything but give me your word that *coungh*…" he received another punch from Calvin who put the knife behind his left ankle now.

 Calvin: I thought I told you not to speak if it wasn't to answer.

 Dave: There are 34 members in our group and we are heavily armed, our leader is called Harlan.

 Cal: You're pillaging, raping and killing the other survivors, right?

 Dave: I've already killed with them but I didn't participate in the rapes with them, Tony...Tony did it , I'm just a follower man.1Please. 

 Cal: Where are you based?


 "It's cool, I'll wait for your friends to arrive to interview another one…" he said, wanting to cut his other tendon but Dave spoke very quickly.

 Dave: WE HAVE A CAMP AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE TOWN! Please man don't do that, I don't want to die like that...

 "Tell that to the people you raped and killed…" Cal said before shooting him in the head. Immediately, they heard the sound of a vehicle parking outside.

 « I heard Dave's voice. »

 "It came from the bar I think…"

 Another said and Calvin asked the others to hide behind the counter and he was left alone.

 "Whoever you are in the bar, our friends are still alive?!" 

 Cal: They died like you killed my group on the roads. I have hunted you down and one by one I am going to kill you.

 « That's not very smart my friend, I don't know which group your group was among those we pillaged and killed but you're no match. »

 Cal: Even alone I will end up killing your leader Harlan in your camp.

 « It seems like you really know us. Look, we did what we had to do to survive, we're not going to waste our ammunition and alone against three you don't have a chance. You killed two of ours so that means you're a capable guy so you could join us. »

 Cal took cover near an opening outside and saw the three men. The one speaking was standing in front of the bar, a black man was behind the car with his head sticking out and the last man was on one of the roofs across the street with a rifle.

 "Dude, come out and let's talk" The man said when Cal came out and fired three shots quickly, he hit the man who was talking in the head, the black guy was hit in the end of his head which was sticking out and the sniper was hit in the eye as the bullet passed through his telescopic sight.

 "They are dead, we can leave…" He gestured to the others who came out of their hiding place.

 Hershel: You really know them.

 Cal: No, it was a way of verifying the information that this Dave gave. If there are that many of them then it could be tricky and they will find us sooner or later. They seem to be barely settling in.

 They took the weapons of the dead and Cal took their pickup with Reyes while Rick and Hershel got into the SUV to leave and return to the farm.

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