
Clan Extermination

Okay, I'm pretty mad at my self, this chapter was already supposed to be up but sadly it wasn't, mostly my fault, I thought i uploaded it. so for today y'all get 2 chapters... yay to y'all

Enjoy 🥰


[Third Person's PoV]

Ash, Maki, Mai and Todo, stood in front of the entrance of Zenin Clan. Ash didn't even bother knocking, he just raised his foot and kicked the door down, making a huge commotion.

Guards came rushing to where they heard the sound, when they saw who it was they lowered their guard slightly.

One of them sneered when he saw who it was "If it isn't the failure of the Zenin Clan". Those were the very last words he ever spoke.

As soon as those words left his mouth, his entire body combusted into flames. He didn't even have a chance to scream as his entire existence was completely vaporized.

The other guards looked at this in shock before pulling out their swords and charging at full speed towards them.

The one in front went at full speed towards Maki, suddenly a clean straight line appeared on his face going all the way to his crotch. He was split in 2, both pieces of him fell to the floor.

Maki just flicked her blade and sent another slash towards the closet guard, decapitating him.

As the head is cut off from its neck, Todo clapped his hand as the head switched places with another one of the guards.

When the guard appeared Mai just shot her pistol and killed the guard in one shot. While looking at the body, Mai's expression turned a little weird before she shook her head and her expression turned back to what it was before.

Ash casually opened his palm up and conjured a simple fireball, and just casually sents it flying to the closest guard, hitting him right on the face and burning his head into ashes.

When they finished killing all of the guards a man comes running to them "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS"

Ash just looked at him coldly with glowing eyes as he said "Just bring us Naoya Zenin"

"I won't bother the young master with some nobodies! He has other things to do"

Ash didn't say anything and just gave Mai a side-eye which she understood. She enchanted her gun with Curse Energy and just it right at the man's foot.

Due to the gun being enhanced, he wasn't fast enough to dodge it. The guy just fell to the ground screaming in pain with a giant hole in his foot.


Ash just continued looking at the man on the ground screaming in pain with a cold look in his eyes, his purple eyes glowing, an indication that he would use his technique any minute now.

"I won't repeat myself, do as you were told" Ash said coldly.

The guy looked at Ash's eye and turned around and started crawling back from where he came, he tried to stand up but would fall back down again.


Ash just shook his head and left out a sigh of disappointment.

Todo, who was standing next to Ash, asked "So are we going to wait until they all gather here?"

"Yup" was all Ash said

Todo let out a large beastial grin as he said "Perfect"

After a few minutes a large number of members from the Zenin clan came running out, it was mostly the secret fighting force of the Zenin Clan.

The Kukuru Squad, who's members were all men that had no curse techniques, the main leader of the squad stepped forward Nobuaki Zenin.

"Maki Zenin, Mai Zenin, you are from now to be exiled from the clan and executed on site for the crime of killing your fellow Clan members"

Ash with a hand in his pocket stepped forward, to which they all put a hand on their swords ready to strike at any moment.

"Alright since we're doing the whole public crime shaming thing I guess it's my turn now… The whole Zenin is from here on out, exterminated for putting a hit on a special grade sorcerer. How's that for your little theatrics"

Nobuaki narrowed his eyes at Ash when he said that, "Everyone attack and give it everything you got, this may be our only chance to take them down" he commanded.

All the members then synchronized and started running towards Ash, well to Ash they were just running but they were pretty fast.

Maki flash stepped in front of all the guards that went towards Ash and swung her sword decapitating 3 guards at the same time. She didn't stop at just 3 though, she charged at them and started decapitating anyone that came close to her vicinity.

Meanwhile Ash spread out his arms slightly and summoned a group of fireballs all around him, forming a perfect circle behind him, slowly moving in a circle.

Ash then pointed his index and middle finger at a sideways angel and made a slashing motion, which made all the fireballs follow the motion.

With every fireball that landed a body or 2 would disintegrate, leaving only ashes flowing in the wind.

Mai enhanced her body with curse energy and ran towards the guards, she then aimed both of her guns towards them, which they all deflected.

They gave Mai a sneer when they saw what she just did. 'Looks like she's still trash, doesn't she know better than to use bullets for beings such as sorcerers. How pathetic' was what most of them were thinking

Once Mai saw that they were sneering at her and lowering their guard she enchanted the bullet inside the gun with curse energy and fired it towards the being closest to her.

But when she fired it she flicked her gun causing the bullet to curved and hit the guard in front of her in the temple killing him instantly

Seeing one of them die so easily shook them, which Mai used to her advantage. She killed about five of them before they came out of their shock and flashed towards her at a fast pace that was hard for her to track.

Her position was changed with the guy farthest back from the group that attacked her.

When she switched positions, someone's sword was already in motion, so he ended up being cut.

Mai used this to her advantage once again, and fired at the back of their head, killing five more guards.

Meanwhile Todo was basically teleporting throughout the battlefield; this was basically his domain, every time someone was guaranteed to die.

When Todo switched with someone he would always put them in line of fire, and would obliterate the head of the person he would appear next to.

Ash stood in front of the building with his hand facing upwards in front of his face. Ash then started heating his hand and making it turn purple with his flames.

He made a slashing motion with his hand sending a flying slash made out of purple fire into the main building destroying it and cutting it in half.

Ash seeing the results smirked to himself "That should get their attention"

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