
Goodwill Event part 7

~Omni pov~

As soon as Mai hit the floor Maki just shook her head and picked her up and pit her against a tree, once she made sure her sister was alright she just started running from there and went to hunt other curses.

Meanwhile as Ash soon finished his fight with Todo he just left the scene not even bothering to heal him up.

He then looked at the direction where he felt Maki's and Mai's life force. As a phoenix one of the things he taught himself was how to sense life force. Which was one of the reasons he got caught off guard by Kenjaku the body he was using didn't have any sign of life force as it was dead.

And as he looked over the direction of Maki and Mai he felt Maki leave while Mai just stood still. Just based on this he can already make a guess at what happened.

'Maki probably finished this very quickly and didn't even allow Mai to use her skills' Ash thought while walking towards the direction of Mai.

And as he arrived he saw her passed out while laying against a tree.

I then sat down beside her and shook her awake.

She was a bit disoriented at first which was followed by her jumping backwards and looking for her revolver and as she searched she couldn't find it.

She then turned her gaze to Ash who is leaning against the tree she was resting on while twirling around the revolver around his Index Finger

He then smirked towards her "looking for this?. I can't say I agree to using conventional weapons in this type of field but you do you I guess"

Mai hearing him just clicked her tongue "What do you know you smug bastard"

Ash hearing her way of calling him just laughed

"HA, now that takes me back, Maki used to call me the same thing before we started dating" Ash said reminiscing.

Maki hearing Ash got curious about how Maki and him started dating but didn't let her guard down.

Ash seeing her still have her guard up just tossed her back her gun. "Here and you don't have to worry about anything, 1, you're my sister-in-law, and 2 you are already out of the competition you lost to Maki"

"Tsk, stop calling me you're sister-in-law, it's so freaking annoying, how did you even get Maki to go out with you"

Ash hearing her question just smirked before saying "Well it all started with..."

And as Ash went on to paint the scenario to Mai, Yuta who just finished dealing with his opponents just left them there and made his way towards other curse spirits.

The first other curse spirit Yuta ran too was a first grade curse, Yuta didn't even wait and quickly summoned Rika to have her own fun

"Rika, you can have you're fun here without worry. You must have been feeling lonely always being stuck to me and not being able to go out on your own"

Rika quickly shut down his self-deprecating speech about himself "RiKa LiKeS bEiNg WiTh YuTa, RiKa Is HaPpY"

Yuta hearing her just softly smiles before saying "Just go have your fun"

And with that Rika let out a happy roar as she went after the first grade curse and started torturing it, five more first grade curses were exorcized after that.

Which was quickly stopped by the buzzer that signified the end of the first part of the Goodwill Event.

Utahime Iori was then soon heard through the loud speakers "All students please report to the assessment room where we will discuss the total points for each school and the winner for the first part of the event

I repeat All students please report to the assessment room where we will discuss the total points for each school and the winner for the first part of the event"

And with that they all started to exit the forest except for the ones that were unconscious, they were carried out by the managers of Kyoto's high school and taken into the infirmary

While Mechamaru just sent out another puppet which he has stored into the meeting.

While all the students enter the only one excited to meet Gojo was Miwa who tried to keep her excitement in check

While Gojo just had a neutral smug expression clearly showing how happy he was.

Utahime seeing almost everyone gathered waited a bit until everyone came even the ones from the infirmary, it took a few minutes but soon everyone was present.

As soon as Todo entered the room the first thing he tried to do was hug Ash with tears in his eyes but what he quickly met was the floor as Ash just performed a perfect Judo throw.

He then moved towards Maki and enveloped her in the hug and as he started hugging her he turned his head to Todo who was getting up from the floor with a happy expression

"Don't ever try that again or next time I'll kill you"

Everyone from Kyoto just said "Please do" in a monotone voice at the same time.

'Seriously just how much do they hate him.' Everyone from the Tokyo side thought

Utahime just shook her head before announcing "Now onto the points, We got the Kyoto team with... 106 points"

Everyone from Kyoto was quite shock at how many points they had they didn't expect to have so many.

Momo then slightly raised her hand and as she did Utahime called out her which prompted Momo to ask "How did we even get so many points, we were mostly busy with going after Tokyo's team. Miwa was the only one actively hunting curses"

Utahime just shook her head "You basically answered your own question, it was Miwa that hunted most of the curses she just kept hunting 3 grade curses until they were all mostly exorcized"

Momo and Mai soon enveloped Miwa in a hug thanking her for her hard work. Which made her embarrassed and hid her face in her hands.

Utahime just smiled lightly while looking at them before reading the score for the Tokyo team and with a weary smile she said "And for Tokyo their total score is... 407 points"

Ash while still clinging onto Maki just said "I didn't even hunt any of the curses i mostly fought Todo and kept Mai company"

Maki hearing this just put an 'Oh Really' expression.

Ash then corrected himself "I was mostly telling her how we met, you know the old getting to know your sister-in-law routine"

Maki just patted his face that was over her shoulders "I was just teasing you, you can relax babe"

"And so the winner for this round goes to Tokyo with the most point"

And with that the first round is officially over...



Do I even do the tournament it just seems redundant at this point i could just skip it since I can't think of nothing interesting that could happen. There is literally no point towards the tournament.

another thing is I don't know what to do about Rika and how to go about it without changing too much about her while making the story flow

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