
Snake Pit part 3 final

(Omni pov):

Seeing that they were done and that last remains of the snake turned into dust showing that it was finally exorcise

They started moving again after Gojo and Ash finish trolling them

While moving both Toge and and Maki were covered in purple flames as recovering their curse energy, stamina and any injuries they sustained during their fight

Panda who didn't do anything and just threw Toge did need it but the same couldn't be said about the other two

Toge as usual damage his throat especially during the last attack

While Maki had muscles torn and some bones fractures.

But overall they were okay just mentally exhausted.

Seeing how they were both Gojo and Ash decided to finish everything quickly and so the went to find the final bosses of the dungeons or atleast thats how it was for the two of them they were treating everything like a game

They made it to a part in the domain where there was a group of first grade curses, seeing Ash and the rest entered they got excited and in a fast slithering motion they shot of towards the group to devour them

As the shot off they shouted "Preyyyyyyyyyyy"

With their mouth wide open showing their fangs. Poison seems to be dropping from their fangs and into the floor which started to melt due to the corrosive nature of it

Ash then turns to Gojo

Ash: Do you want to it or should I

Gojo: you can do it I'm just here to supervise you all

Ash: well if you say so, I always wanted to use a new technique for a while anyways.

He then puts his an in a wings shape like how Megumi summons Nue and says

"Curse Technique Reversal : Kiss of Death"

He then summons flames with a greenish tint and manipulates them to take the shape of tiny little angels no bigger than a finger and sends them away towards the grotesque looking snakes there was an angel for each one of them

When the snakes got right in front of Ash and they were about to take a bite out of him tiny little angels appeared beside them and gave them a little kiss before dissipating into the wind

What followed after was horrifying to watch the skin of the snakes started to melt right off their faces and splotch right on the ground

They started squirming and thrashing about due to the pain they couldn't even scream, they can be seen trying to scream out to let out some relief of the pain and start hissing but no sound came out of the them the only sound that can be heard were the thrashing and the fire the still stayed near their head that they started looking like ghost riders

Slowly they stopped moving and turned into ashes, no one knows if its because of the flames or for them being exorcised.

Ash then turns to look at them and saw them looking at him with their mouths open

Maki: it took us all three of us to finish just one first class and you just took out a group of them with a wave of your hand just how strong are you?

Ash: I don't know it's not like there's a competition for who's the strongest sorcerer's out there, the one I mostly fought was Gojo-sensei but you know how that goes

They then started walking where they felt the most concentration of curse energy

When they reached it they found a curse spirit that looked like a like a mythical Naga , from the torso down was the shape of the snake and from the torso up was the shape of a disfigured human.

When they looked around you can see sculptures of disgusting looking snakes with an expression of fear on most of them

Ash: Careful it looks like it looks like its curse technique has something to do with petrification

Ash: I'll just try to do deal with this quickly

Ash then flashed step and tried to punch the Naga in the face with curse energy flowing through his hands but the snake was able to dodge it by twisting its body in a weird direction

The naga then put curse energy into its eyes and glared at his arm that tried to punch it with

Ash's arm then started to slowly turn into stone it reached all the way towards his elbow before he simply grabbed it and ripped it from his shoulders he then burned it and with his phoenix flame just grew a new one

Ash then picked up the speed how fast his punched and kicks where going but non of them were hitting and just as he was about to rush at her again he looked down and saw that his legs

Were starting to get petrified

Ash: 'it looks like the petrification is a sure hit technique in this domain

Seeing his legs Ash just summoned a hot sword and swung it across his legs completely separating them from his body he them summoned wings on his back to fly him around seeing that this was going nowhere he regrew his legs.

He then turned his wings into four chains with spikes at the end of them, two chains at each side of the body

When he was falling from not having his wings as support anymore simply threw two chains at the Naga that missed both side of her head

Seeing that it missed the Naga just smiled and started laughing at him

"Sasasasasa you missssssssed"

Ash: I wasn't aim for you in the first place

Naga: Huh

The Naga then looked around and saw that the chains made of flames were lodge into the ground giving her no time to chace to escaped from the sides. She could only move backwards but Ash wasn't going to let that happen

When he saw that the chains were in the ground he smiled and pulled on them as hard as he could was sent flying towards her at an impressive speed he then put his knees forwards and smashed them into her face

She was then sent flying backwards into the walls with her face caved in, seeing that she was about to get up Ash didn't let it happen put two chains coiling around her arms she started screaming in pain as the heat from the chains were starting to leave a mark all over her arms

Ash then controlled the other two chains he conjured into wrapping around her neck and torso that separated her snake and human half

He squeezed the chains that were around her Neck and torso and pulled on the chains that were coiling around her arms

The Nagas head couldn't take the pressure anymore and popped off into the air that same can be said for the arms and torso

Her torso was spilt into two while her arms were pulled arm from her shoulders leaving as she slowly started disintegrating

And with that the Domain slowly started to break apart leaving Ash and his classmates in the open once again

Ash: well that was fun wasn't it

Maki: fun for you maybe that was exhausting and I even lost my weapon.

Panda: I kinda liked the adventure

Toge just said "salmon" agreeing with Panda

Gojo: let's go back to school its already late and you need to get back to your dorms anyways. Who know tomorrow can just be another great adventure.

And with that they left to go back.


I'm not doing another dungeon like domain for a while imma just start treating them like ability boosters.

creating moves to use is so hard I had spent an hour just thinking about different fire moves and I came up with nothing

By the way the reason his reverse technique has a greenish tint is because I searched up what is the opposite of purple and I got a yellow greenish color so I just made it green

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