
Chapter 33

Aravinda chuckled, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Your Highness, your words carry the essence of truth, yet they seem to conceal a deeper layer, a hidden purpose. While I am but an old man approaching the twilight of his life, I do not seek to pry into your secrets. Your sincerity and the nobility of your intentions are enough to earn my support."

With a reassuring smile, Aravinda continued, "I cannot speak for all, but I, along with my family and the students I have guided, pledge our unwavering allegiance to your cause. We shall stand by your side, supporting your actions and adhering to your commands."

Karthikeya's face lit up with gratitude. "Your support is invaluable, Elder Aravinda. When we convene the trial of the captives, I request that you be seated as far from the proceedings as possible."

Aravinda nodded understandingly. "Your wish is my command, Your Highness. I shall ensure my presence is not a source of discomfort for any involved."

Aravinda, though puzzled by Karthikeya's request, decided to follow his orders without question. He had witnessed the young king's unwavering determination and sensed a depth of purpose that commanded respect.

As Karthikeya rose from his throne, allowing all the nobles entry into the hall he addressed the assembled nobles, "Our meeting has concluded, and decisions have been made. Now, I invite you to witness a trial of great significance. Follow me."

With a commanding presence, Karthikeya led the group towards the exit, his guards opening the doors wide to accommodate the nobles. They emerged into the bustling courtyard, where carriages awaited, ready to transport them to the training grounds.

Along the way, a spectacle unfolded before their eyes. People from all walks of life, from the humblest laborers to the most esteemed scholars, were converging on the training grounds, their curiosity piqued by the impending trial.

As they closed in, they noticed the entire area towards the training ground had been surrounded by civilians. The soliders made way for Karthikeya and the rest.

Soon reaching their destination, Karthikeya and the rest of the nobles stepped out at one end. A newly built podium was erected, while to the other side were seats that remained vacant.

"Those are for you?" Karthikeya said as he pointed to the seats. The Nobles nodded as they made their ways to the seats. Aravinda, heeding Karthikeya's words, took the people under him to the seat at the back.

Soon they were all seated, Karthikeya walked up to the podium with a calm and friendly expression. Standing before the thousands and thousands of civilians that had gathered and the his own subordinates to the side, he asked, "Is everything prepared, as I have asked?" Bairavendra, who was the closest to him, replied, "Yes, Your Highness. Everything is ready."

With a nod, Karthikeya turned to face the crowd. His voice, though soft, carried a commanding presence that echoed across the vast expanse. "People of my kingdom," he began, "I stand before you today to witness a trial of great significance. This trial will determine the fate of those who have been accused of treason against our kingdom."

A murmur rippled through the crowd as Karthikeya paused, letting his words sink in. He then continued, "I know that many of you have questions. You are wondering who these accused are and what crimes they have committed. I assure you that all will be revealed in due time. But for now, I ask for your patience and your trust."

The crowd began to quiet down, their curiosity piqued by Karthikeya's words.

"Bring them forward as I instructed," Karthikeya commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

A hush fell over the crowd as a group of soldiers, their faces grim and determined, escorted a group of Chola officials towards the podium. These officials, once symbols of power and influence, now stood humbled and defeated, their heads bowed in shame.

The lead soldier, holding a scroll tightly in his grasp, stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Karthikeya. "Your Majesty," he addressed the king, his voice filled with deference.

Karthikeya nodded curtly, his eyes scanning the faces of the accused officials. "Read out their names and the crimes they have committed, in order," he instructed, his tone firm and unwavering.

The soldier unrolled the scroll and cleared his throat, his voice echoing across the vast expanse. He began to recite the names of the accused officials, their positions of power, and the details of their corruption. With each name and each crime revealed, a murmur of disbelief and outrage rippled through the crowd.

The officials, their faces flushed with humiliation, stood silent, their heads bowed deeper and deeper. The weight of their transgressions pressed heavily upon them, their once-proud demeanor shattered by the stark light of truth.

The crowd watched in a mix of shock and confusion. They struggled to understand why the Chola prince, their own ruler, would expose these crimes so publicly. His actions seemed to defy logic, threatening to undermine his own authority and erode the trust of his people.

Yet, amidst the confusion and disbelief, a spark of admiration ignited within the hearts of some. They saw in Karthikeya's actions a display of courage and integrity, a willingness to confront corruption even at the risk of personal cost.

The soldier continued his recitation, his voice growing hoarse with the weight of each accusation. The crowd listened with rapt attention, their emotions a rollercoaster of disbelief, anger, and a glimmer of grudging respect for Karthikeya's unyielding adherence to justice.

A palpable silence enveloped the crowd as the full weight of Karthikeya's words sank in. The gravity of the accusations against the Chola officials had been laid bare, their betrayal of the kingdom and its people exposed for all to see.

The nobles, their faces etched with a mix of shock and apprehension, exchanged uneasy glances. They had long suspected the corruption that had festered within the Chola ranks, but the sheer extent of it, as revealed by Karthikeya's actions, left them reeling.

Among the civilians, a wave of emotions swept through the crowd. Some were consumed by anger, their fists clenched in fury at the thought of the officials' treachery. Others felt a deep sense of disappointment, their faith in their leaders shattered by the revelations. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of hope ignited. Karthikeya's unwavering commitment to justice had sent a powerful message, a beacon of hope in a time of darkness.

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