
Chapter 14: Renesmee

A few days later, Jacob was in the woods in front of Sam and the pack and explain the situation calmly to them telepathically with Edward, Bella in better health, Carlisle, Esme and Emmett while Edward translated for his family.

Sam: Jacob, you returned to the region but instead of being with your brothers you are with our enemies?!

Jacob: The Cullens are not our enemies and you know it. What happened with Seth was an accident, Rosalie didn't want to hurt him and he probably told you that but you scared him.

Sam: This thing growing in Bella's belly has an immense thirst. After killing the mother, he will attack the rest of the inhabitants of the region.

Jacob: I checked it and it's not true, the child can tolerate human food but he also needs a regular supply of blood. Bella is doing better and as long as every once in a while she ingests a little human blood then she can eat normal food, we tried it and it works.

Paul: Human blood? This is a violation of the treaty!

Jacob: Bella is not a vampire at the moment, think of it as a blood transfusion.

Sam: We can't take this risk Jacob and tonight we are going to attack. Are you going to fight alongside us?! With us your brothers?

Jacob: I'm not going to fight you, but I'm not going to fight innocent people who did no harm out of fear alone. These are not the values ​​of our people.

Sam: Then stay away.

Jacob: I can't let you do this.


Seth: Maybe Jacob is right, we don't know anything about the situation and Bella seems to be doing better. No treaty laws were violated and this is Bella's child.

"Shut up Seth or I will have to get tough on you" Sam said showing his fangs at Seth who lowered his head but moved forward to join Jacob and face the pack his sister Leah also followed under the growls of the pack.


Jacob: Sam, I don't want my brothers' fangs stained with innocent blood and I'm sure you don't want that, not in front of our ancestors on their land. I offer you an alternative, let me do it.

Edward: Jacob?!

"If Bella's child turns out to be a monster, I will kill him myself." I am strong enough to do this without any of them dreaming of stopping me but if this child poses no danger then you will leave the Cullens alone" he said ignoring Edward who translated for the others.

Sam: We'll see about that and we'll keep an eye on you.

Jacob: In the meantime, let the Cullens return to hunting. New members of their families must also learn to be around humans by repressing their thirsts like the others, they can't do it by staying there because of you.

Sam: That's understood, but don't forget this deal Jacob.

Jacob: You have my word.

They left and Jacob stayed with Leah, Seth and the Cullens. The two wolves stayed behind purely for protection, they saw that their brothers were upset so they wanted to be there in case Sam changed his mind.

Bella: Jacob...were you serious? Are you really going to kill my baby?

Edward: I won't allow it.

Jacob: Which one of you here believes that this child will be a monster?!


Jacob: That's what I thought so there's nothing to worry about. You should go now, I just clashed with my brothers and I need to be alone for a while. Seth, Leah go with them.

The two wolves wanted to be with him and didn't leave. Jacob couldn't get rid of them so he took his giant wolf form and took them to hunt a little and eat some fresh meat.

4 days later, Jacob returned from a patrol with Seth and Leah when Esme came over with sandwiches for them. Seth accepted his sandwich with a big smile as usual, Leah pouted a little but also took hers and Jacob took the last one while thanking the woman who had a happy smile.

Leah didn't like him at first but Jacob taught her to see the Cullens in a different light so even though she was suspicious, she wasn't really mean to the woman anymore.

Esme: Jake, Edward and the girls were looking for you upstairs.

Jacob: Why?

Esmee: Bella decided on the child's name since you said she was a girl.

Jacob: They don't need me to approve anything.

Esme: Jake...please...

He went up with her and found Bella with Edward, Rosalie and Alice.

Edward: Jacob, Bella wanted you to hear our daughter's name.

Jacob: I'm listening to you, Bella.

Bella: I put together the names of our two mothers for her Renée and Esme 

Jacob: Result?

Bella: Renesmee


The others started laughing.

Jacob: Your daughter will be a unique being Bella, she needed a unique name and that's the case.

Edward: I agree.

Bella: Jake, I also wanted to ask you if you would agree to become our baby's godfather.

Edward: I care about Jacob too.

Everyone was moved by this request and waited for Jacob's response.

Jacob: I refuse.

Edward: Jacob please, it's -(interrupted)

Jacob: When this whole thing is over, I'll go back as far from this place as I can. I can't stay here anymore I'm tired of a vampire showing up every time I love someone. Asia, Africa or South America, I don't know where I will go but I will hardly come back.

"Please..." Bella said almost crying, Rosalie gave her her blood worm but Bella dropped it and by the time she wanted to catch it, Jacob had already made it for her and give it back. 

If she had wanted to grab the object, she would have broken her spine and the child would have come by force like in the movie , the girls laid her down on the couch and Jacob sat next to her and he stroked the forehead.

Jacob: Don't worry, I'm still here for the moment, I won't leave you anytime soon Bella.

"Stay with me please..." Bella said and Edward also listened to Renesmee's voice inside.

Edward: I can't believe it...

Rosalie: What?

Edward: The little one likes the sound of my voice, she also likes her mother's voice but she still much prefers Jacob's voice.

Esmee: Who's going to blame him after everything he did ?

Alice: She's grateful to him, do you think?

Rosalie: No matter, he won't stay for her...

The next day, Jacob was sleeping on the balcony when Bella's cries were heard, she had gone into labor and the pain was unbearable given the way she was struggling.

Carlisle and the others took Bree and Danielle into town to walk among the humans and it was only Rosalie, Emmett and Edward with them.

Soon they were taken to Carlisle's lab and Emmett called him but they didn't have time to wait any longer.

Rosalie: Morphine, quickly.

Jacob: We don't have time anymore and she's in too much pain to push the child. Edward, prepare your venom and right after you bring out the child, you will inject it into her.

Edward took out 4 long syringes filled with his venom prepared for this occasion.

Jacob: Bella, Bella look at me and listen very carefully to the sound of my voice. I'm going to open it and get the kid out so I need you to hold on. Edward, Rosalie hold her hands, she will need you morally.

Emmett: What do I do?


Jacob: Hold her Legs, I don't want her to struggle too much from the pain.

He held out his index finger as his nail became a sharp claw and with a clean stroke, he incised at the level of the pelvis to open Bella under several layers of tissue and began to extract the child from her mother .

The child came out, Jacob cut the umbilical cord and looked at Edward in Emergency.

Jacob: Edward, the venom while she's still conscious.

Edward and Rosalie immediately injected the venom with all the syringes and immediately, her agony began.

"Rosalie, Emmett take Renesmee and I'll stay to assist her with Edward." He said as Rosalie rushed to hug her niece with all her love along with Emmett and he took her away as she cried as soon as Jacob separated from her.

He came to take Bella's hand agitated by the pain of the venom in front of Edward and together they stayed there until she was stable.

"Thank you Jacob, thank you very much" Edward was sincere and Jacob just nodded.

"You should clean her up, put her in new clothes and put her in a bed so others don't see her like that. She's your wife so I can't help you with that, it's too intimate." He said before leaving as he felt Sam's pack approaching.

Jacob went to ask Rosalie for the child and asked her to accompany him to present her to Sam and prove that she poses no danger.

The moment he took the child and their eyes met, Jacob immediately imprinted on her in spite of himself but it was different from what one might have expected.

Once outside, Jacob saw Sam and walked over with the child.

Jacob: Bella is in the process of changing and the child is not a vampire. I'm sure you can listen to her heartbeat and what's more...I imprinted on her.

Sam sniffed before growling a little then left with the others.

Rosalie: What does it mean that you imprinted on her?

Jacob: It simply means that an indescribable bond has been formed between her and me, they can never harm her according to our laws.

He handed the child to Rosalie and they went back inside to wait for the others who were quick to return. Emmett explained to them how everything had happened and how Jacob had given birth to their baby girl.

Edward who was holding his daughter in his arms showed them where Bella was still unconscious and everyone was relieved.

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