
Basic Training Field

While Long Haoran and Mr. Shampoo Commercial Model were in the middle of an 'essential' talk about crops and an imaginary love confession, the foodie army also was engaging in another discussion. 

They were initially discussing today's dinner menu, sharing their food fantasies of an all-you-can-eat buffet, unli pork barbecue, a tankful of spicy hotpot to the executive level imperial banquets until it swerve to the territory's important matters and the one who brought it up was the pixie. 

(A/N: Some imperial banquets need the kitchen to make 3000 dishes and it's not an exaggeration which explains Baozi's obsession XD.)

"Good old witch, do you have any plans on building a training fort or at least a small training room before the monster tide? Those resident of yours is talking about it." Elga leaned against the chair before asking. 

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