
Ch 48 No War Crime Brother...

I had sent sneakiest member of my crew to infiltrate the city and cause havoc in Östhammar a few hours before sunrise.

All of us began preparing for the assault, Axes were sharpened to have wicked edges, Chainmail Hauberks were donned and Helmets were tied snugly by the excited Norsemen.

I helped Lagerta tie the straps on her armor from behind them I reached down and gave her Firm Ass a nice squeeze.

She turned around with a smirk and slapped my hand away. "Why do you grab me when you're about to rape some crying Women of Östhammar?" She asked coyly.

"If you don't turn around and let me grab you for a bit longer I'll delay the Raid while I put a baby in your belly." I spoke and took a step closer to her until our faces were only inches apart.

She blushed deeply at the thought of being impregnated then swung hard at my face, I saw it coming and could have avoided it but didn't really care.

Her fist impacted my face and a bit of blood ran down from my lip.

Lagerta neared her face to mine and licked the trail of blood that ran down my lip and smiled mischievously.

She wrapped her armored arms around my neck and began kissing me deeply while savoring the fresh blood.

After a few moments of kissing she let me go and threw another punch at me but I caught it easily and she smirked. "No baby goes in my belly until I get a few more raids Husband, I may be your wife but I'm not here to only please you." She spoke with a mixture of anger and arousal.

"Fine you wild woman, but that punch made me want to impregnate you even more." I spoke and brought her in for another sloppy kiss as she rubbed her hand on my crotch through my armor.

Soon after we all loaded onto the Ships and i stood near the prow and blew a warhorn as everyone began rowing out to sea.

After half an hour we neared Östhammar and we all saw that my man had been successful in infiltrating the city.


we all looked in awe at the beautiful flames that lit up the dark skies as we rowed hard toward the port.

With my Odin's eye I could see six longships moored to port and thirteen more dry docked on logs.... Just those ships would make this raid worth it.

Over the sound of rough ocean waves I could hear screams and shouts of panicked inhabitants of Östhammar as they bailed the raging fire on the opposite side of the port.

Before long we reached Port and quickly moored ourselves wherever possible and began streaming out of our ships.

I noticed one guard still stood watch and was fumbling to get a warhorn out of its case so I snatched the spear from one of my men and pulled back my arm and took aim.




Immediately the guard dropped like a sack of potatoes as his blood spurted out from the gaping wound in his armored chest.

The warriors that saw my kill were shocked, he must have been thirty meters away after all.

I began walking toward the town as hundreds of my warriors continued piling out of the ships and joining the mass moving toward the city walls.

They were tall wooden walls but still imposing, I neared the large wooden gate and a few of my men pulled out grappling hooks as I ordered the rest to maintain absolute silence.




Grappling hooks were thrown and soon I climbed up along with Lagerta and four more Men to unlatch the huge gate and allow everyone inside.

everyone waited patiently while imagining the beautiful women theyd rape and the plunder they'd take home.

I finally climbed fully over the wall and moved to the other hooks and pulled Lagerta and my men up the last few feet, to me they didn't weigh much.

I pulled the spear out of the impaled guards chest and looked over the wall and threw it near the feet of the man whom I'd borrowed it from.

I looked around and saw the only way to go down was through the Gatehouse so I walked toward the wooden door after pulling out my Axe.

Lagerta stopped me with a hand and whispered. "Let me go first." She spoke and I nodded.

I neared the door and slowly pulled it open as it creaked and we all moved inside as quietly as possible.

There was a man sleeping against a corner, he was using his cloak as a blanket and his arm as a pillow....him and the other Guard probably took turns being on duty.

Lagerta walked up silently with a smile and swung her axe down hard on his face.

Her razor sharp axe made impact and split his sleeping face in half as blood sprayed out and his body spasmed and twitched.

After that she stole his coin purse and the silver arm ring he wore.

After that we moved to a nearby door and opened it to reveal a spiral wooden staircase and we all moved down slowly.

Eventually we found another door about halfway down and we stopped and listened in.

Lagerta pushed the door open and ran inside with me and our men closely behind.

We found two men fucking a woman on a small bed, Lagerta swung at one naked man and cleaved into his chest then struck his face with her shield and a loud cracking was heard.

I swung at the other man who was fucking the girls mouth and cut diagonally and he was split in half as his blood and guts spilled all over the small bed.

The woman who was getting fucked was sprayed in blood and screamed loudly before Lagerta swung down on her head and split her skull into two pieces as a spurt of blood and brain matter flew at her helmet.

She raised her helmet and I wiped her face clean as my men ransacked the room quickly.

"Thank you Husband~" Lagerta spoke with arousal in her voice, it seemed slaughtering swedes made her aroused.

Soon after we moved downstairs and exited the watchtower.

I walked to the large gate and pulled off the steel reinforced block that was keeping the gates shut.

"Alright Open It." I spoke through the small gap and my men pushed hard as the heavy gates slowly creaked open and they moved in completely silently.

I gave orders that none were allowed to yell until we made contact with the enemy.

Then I heard the pitter patter of footsteps in the darkness and saw Ven my new official pyromancer who burned the far side of Östhammar.

He ran toward us and I patted his shoulder. "Good work, your armor and weapons are in my ship...Make sure and put on your colors before you come back." I spoke quietly and he nodded before running off to the ship.

"Alright everyone, follow me to the flames....most of their warriors should be trying to smother the flames.....and stay quiet." I spoke and everyone nodded as we walked down the dark streets of Östhammar toward the flames in the distance.

As we approached we all heard the yelling of hundreds of men as they worked together in putting out the flames.






We all listened in and soon we turned a corner to find six hundred men working together as they cut down buildings to stop the flames and others formed long chainlines to several nearby wells to draw water into buckets to toss onto the flames.

There was a stack of shields and spears nearby from the few armored men present, they set them down so they could work more efficiently which would bite them in the ass.

I also saw dozens of burned men women and children nearby who seem to have survived the flames, they were all crying and being treated by a few old Women.

I raised my Axe without a word then ran forward to the Old Man who was giving the most orders, beside him were seven others in full Armor with their weapons on their hips....

The old man was likely the Stivardur to the New Young Earl overseeing this work.

I neared him and his bodyguards in only a few moments.

My Axe cut through the air at great speeds toward the Old Man.

 My Axe cut him in half as my men swarmed forward onto the unprepared and mostly unarmed and unarmored men.

I quickly turned to his bodyguards who were drawing their weapons and began hacking them apart Viciously as the cries of battle began to resound in my ears.

I cut down five of them before Lagerta moved in from the side and slashed one man in his leg then swung hard at his head and dented helmet as it crushed his skull and he fell limply, unluckily for her the Axe got stuck.

The last man saw her peril and swung at Lagerta but my axe sliced clean at him, and soon both his arms flopped onto the ground as he screamed while looking at his blood spraying out all around.

Lagerta pulled out her beautiful engraved sword and shoved it into the screaming mans throat with a smile as she was sprayed in his blood.

I looked over and spotted my warriors absolutely decimating the men in the streets and hacking them apart like livestock.

From the nearby houses screams of terror were heard as people saw their husbands, father's, brothers, and neighbors killed in the streets by hundreds of men.

I saw some of my men hacking apart the women and children who survived the flames without mercy, a burned slave was cheaper after all.

After that I moved to the thirty survivors who had formed a defensive Formation nearby and were still fighting as my men stabbed and hacked at them with not much success.

"MOVE ASIDE!!!" I Bellowed out and immediately a way was made as I rushed forward and jumped at the defensive Formation.

Three spears were thrust at me and three spears did no damage against my heavy armor.

I swung my fearsome Axe wildly as my warriors saw the sheer power of their Earl in action as streams of blood and dozens of limbs and heads were scattered all around in mere moments.

After I was down with the slaughter I looked around and shouted. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT!!! MY CREW WITH ME!!! THE REST OF YOU GO FIND SOME PLUNDER!!!" I roared out and they trembled in fear before rushing the nearby houses and hacking and kicking down the doors and rushing in.

Immediately I heard the cries of babies, the screams of women and children as my men moved in and dragged out the good ones and slaughtered the rest.

I saw plenty of men moving to the corpses and taking their arm rings and Amy valuables before sprinting off like Hyenas to find plunder and Women.


The blare of a Warhorn was heard in the distance and I found the noise to be coming from the Great Hall.

My crew quickly moved beside me and we marched down the street to find this Son Of Bjarni....

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