
Chapter 38 Establishing the Foundations of the Empire

Then he took out a two-sided coin and said, "This coin has two faces. We will choose a side each. I will toss the coin into the air, and when it falls, the side that lands face up will represent who starts the game first."

Raizel understood KE's intention and chose one of the sides.

When KE threw the coin with all his physical strength, it spun very fast, so fast that neither he nor Raizel could see the winning side.

As soon as it landed, the winning face was revealed; it was Raizel's, to KE's surprise, who really thought he was going to win.


But he didn't care much and Raizel made the first move, followed by KE.

An hour passed, and the game continued. Raizel was very focused, not even realizing how enjoyable chess could be.

KE waited for Raizel's move, actually enjoying watching him sweat and tremble.


Finally, Raizel moved, but KE laughed and quickly ended the game.

"Checkmate," KE continued laughing and reset the game as he noticed Raizel intended to continue playing.

As soon as KE set up the chess pieces again, he wanted to toss the coin, but Raizel stopped him.

"This time, you start first, KE," Raizel said and began the game.

This game was better than the previous one as both KE and Raizel had gotten used to it.

KE looked at Raizel and asked, "So, what will you do next?"


Raizel moved his piece and looked at KE, "I'll find Frankenstein first and then return home."


"Stay here for a month after my coronation as the emperor of the empire, and then let me go with you to your servant Frankenstein because I have long wanted to see the world," Raizel nodded and accepted this plan.

Raizel was also curious about KE's empire, "So, what will you do next?"

"That's simple. There's a demon race that escaped outside my empire, but some remained here for reasons, and I want to eradicate their existence," KE thought about his plan for the month to show Raizel his land.

He then remembered something important, "I almost forgot, after that, I want to meet the head of the Demon Slayer Organization because he's my uncle and my father's friend, as the world has cursed him, and I want to cure him."

KE thought seriously and remembered there was something more important, looking at Raizel, "Tomorrow, I will show you how my special forces refine Etheora, and you will also attend the first meeting of the empire."


Raizel nodded, moving his last pawn and cornering KE's king while listening to him.

"You cheater… you want to stop me from analyzing, right?" Raizel turned red with embarrassment but refused to admit it.

Then they continued playing for hours until the sun rose and the night sky turned to morning.

It was the happiest day for Raizel, who really enjoyed his time with KE.

KE looked out the window at the sky, realizing morning had come.

He hadn't really thought he and Raizel would play chess all night without stopping.

He turned his face and looked at Raizel drinking tea.

He was full of good ideas as chess gives a lot of inspiration, "Raizel, how many chess formations did we make while playing?"

"…1793 formations." Raizel's eyes were filled with calm, but KE was not.

Because he was sure that when he and Raizel played chess, they were beginners, and by the last game, they had reached a level of chess understanding beyond the human world.

"Sigh, it doesn't matter anymore, let's go Raizel, it's already time," KE shook his head, clearing away all extra thoughts.


"Okay," Raizel stopped drinking tea, noticing morning had come, and it was time to go with KE to see his special forces.

KE and Raizel went to the meeting room as this morning was the first meeting of the empire, so he prepared many files and arrangements.

Only one month remained until the supernatural and human worlds arrived.

He wanted the empire to be at the forefront in power, status, wealth, technique, and development.

KE and Raizel stopped in front of a black gold gate about ten meters tall.

He didn't want anyone to open it for him.


KE just touched the gate with his hands and began to push it. If he were an ordinary man, it would have been impossible for him, even if a hundred men couldn't push it as he did.

When the gate was fully opened, and both KE and Raizel entered, they saw that the meeting room was not just a room but a huge hall with about seven hundred people or so.

KE noticed his parents, wives(his woman's), and followers all close to his chair.

There was also the old man and all the elite people who controlled Nippon.

Dante, Akihiro, and Sebastian stood behind Jordan, reminding all the children he had trained.

All the children were different from their last meeting; their eyes were sharp, their expressions firm, and their bodies, once thin, were now more robust and muscular for the men.

The women hadn't changed much, but they were filled with an aura that wouldn't lose to the men, as everyone had received the same teaching, training, and food.

"It seems the Etheora-enriched food had many benefits," KE bit his thumb, smiling, and turned to explain to Raizel that these were his special forces that he had been training.

Raizel nodded, his eyes filled with appreciation, for these children in front of him were truly elite soldiers and very strong.

He could say their physical strength was the peak of humanity and couldn't believe what would happen after obtaining the Etheora refinement techniques KE had arranged for them.

KE continued walking with Raizel; everyone in the hall bowed respectfully.

They were filled with various emotions, whether fear, awe, or admiration.

Miyako and Ryota were filled with pride because KE was their child, whether it was them, his wives, or followers; they would not bow to him as it would diminish their morals, even though he always prevented them from doing so.

They never really thought that the day when the Shinomori clan's empire would be established would be so close.

As soon as KE and Raizel reached the old man and all the elite officials, they bowed to him politely and respectfully.

Everyone in the meeting hall was sitting in the "Seiza" position, waiting for KE to sit and command them.

"Raizel, can you sit in this position, or should I bring you a chair?" KE whispered to Raizel, knowing he was nobility and might not have sat on the floor since birth.

Raizel smiled at KE and looked at everyone in their sitting position, "No, there's no need. I've already learned it."

"Respect, respect," KE raised his thumb, expressing appreciation for Raizel's quick learning.

Raizel's cheeks turned red, but he also smiled. This was the first time for him that no one spoke to him with respect; he finally felt liberated.

KE sat alone, with everyone in the meeting hall in front of him, and Raizel sat next to Ryota and Miyako.

"Well, the meeting has started," KE raised his voice, and everyone rose from their bow by his power.

Everyone was surprised; true, they had seen KE's battle, but feeling this terrifying power that lifted everyone made them understand that if he wanted, he could kill them.

Everyone was tense and scared, except for the officials and some clan patriarchs, "There's no need to be tense. I won't hurt you unless you do something against the laws I will set."

Some calmed down, and others became more scared, as it was impossible that there weren't a group of people who had done some evil and bad things.

"Isao Fujimoto, present the report," KE looked at the old man, or Isao Fujimoto, waiting for him to present the report from yesterday.

Almost a whole night should have been enough to change or even shake all of Nippon.

"As you command, Your Majesty," Isao took out a file and began to read aloud.

"Last night, I sent summoning letters and, at the same time, explanations of the basic laws and clauses to all the officials, and they are already here," Isao explained not only to KE but to all the present people.

Because today, KE would complete the laws and clauses of the empire that would change the chaotic and human-filled land.

"And at the same time, we sent some people to disguise the fact that the release of Your Majesty's great power, which led to climate change and the display of miracles, was just a few meteors that were destroyed beside our planet," KE's expression was strange as he couldn't believe that just a few meteors would deceive everyone.

But he forgot that it's not hard to deceive people in this era.

Isao stopped talking after a while to explain some points he had done based on the files KE had given them.

KE nodded, understanding that Isao had finished; frankly, Isao had done everything perfectly.

"Isao, how much money is in the treasury?" Isao lowered his head and began to calculate in his mind.

He raised his head and looked at KE, "Your Majesty, it's one and a half billion Yen."

"Hooo, one and a half billion," KE whispered, starting to think about the best way to use this money.

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