
1. The Beginning.

The screams of a woman could be heard in a large mansion in the country of England. The manor was decorated in ebony wood with hints of silver, and emerald accents. The Lord of the Estate Lucius Molfoy, paced back and forth in the hallway next to the room where his wife, Narcissa was giving birth to their first child.

The next moment the sounds of a child crying could be heard, filling the halls of the mansion. One of the house maids came out of the room and addressed him in a fearful manner.

"L-Lord Molfoy, it's a boy." She stuttered.

A smile formed on his face as he walked into the room, practically shoving the maid out of his way.

He walked into the room to see his wife on the bed, holding the child. Moving to her side, he demanded the child to be given to him. His wife regretfully gave him the child, to which he looked at him in disgust.

"Clean him first. I don't want my clothes to get dirty." He said condescendingly to one of the maids. She quickly walked over and took the child from Narcissa and cleaned him, before giving him to Lucius.

He held the child up and looked at him with his green eyes.

"The dark lord will be pleased." He said, looking at his wife. "He is almost here to name the child. Make yourself presentable." He said, giving her back the child.

"Will you not name him?" She asked bewildered. "He is our first son." She challenged.

"Be silent!" He hissed. "This will be an honor for our first son, you wretched woman. Now, make yourself presentable. He is almost here."

As if waiting for him to speak the words the main doors flew open, as a hooded figure in black came into the room like a spector, floating above the ground. Lucius ran from the room to go meet his master, leaving the child, the maids, and his wife to follow.

The dark lord touched down on the ground and pulled his hood back.

"Where is the child?" He asked. Lucius had knelt And placed his head on the ground, in either fear, or reverence. He slowly lifted his head and answered.

"Still with my wife in the birthing room. She should be out any second." He said in a trembling voice.

The Dark Lord said nothing more as he walked by Lucius, who was still kneeling. More people walked through the door, following the wraith-like figure. These people were the Dark Lord's closest confidants, which Lucius was a member of.

Bellatrix Lestrange stopped next to him, breaking away from the group.

"This is a joyous day Lucius. A new servant for the dark lord has been born, first of his kind. You must be so proud." She said in her mocking, but endearing tone.

"I am. Come, let us go." He said, getting up and gesturing for them to follow their Lord.

Voldemort stood next to the door waiting for Lucius to arrive, then walked into the room.

Narcissa was in the process of trying to stand, but was having trouble as one of the maids helped Her. The moment she saw everyone entering the room, her face filled with fear. Meeting the eyes of his wife, Lucius walked towards her, anger plainly writen on his face.

"I told you to make yourself presentable!" He hissed in a quiet tone, though everyone in the room heard him.

"Lucius." The Dark Lord said, coming over to the two of them.

"Please my Lord, forgi-." "Silence." His master interrupted him. "Move away." He told his servant.

Lucius backed away from his wife, fearing the worst.

Voldemort surprised everyone in the room as he reached out with one pale hand, taking Narcissas's in his.

"Sit my faithful servant, and rest." He said as he helped her back to the bed. He helped the woman lay back down on it before turning back to Lucius.

"She has done me a great service by giving me a new servant. She deserves Some rest." He hissed at the man.

Turning to the maid that held the child, he bit her to approach him. She did so at once, fear evident in her body movements.

Reaching out he took the child in his arms. It looked a bit awkward, as he held the boy, but soon he gazed into the child's eye.

This boy was definitely a Malfoy. emerald green eyes, with pale blond, almost white hair.

"Your name," The Dark Lord said.

"Will be Scorpius. Scorpius Malfoy."

3 years Later.

A woman's screams could be heard again in the same room, of the same mansion. But this time, Lucius wasn't alone in his pacing around the door outside the birthing room. A young boy was with his father, copying his movements as a child would be. Walking back and forth the child repeated everything the man would say, in a much more jovial tone.

"What's taking so long in there?" Lucius complained.

"Whas takin so wong in thewe!" Scorpius said in his much higher voice.

"BE QUITE!" The man shouted at the boy.

Taken aback and fearful of his fathers rebuke, Scorpius shut his mouth and stopped moving.

Soon the cries of another baby rang through the halls, as another child entered the world.

Scorpius froze at the sound, not understanding what it was. His father walked through the door, entering the room to look At his newborn. Scorpius followed, running as fast as his little legs would carry him across the large room.

"Another boy." Lucius said with a hint of happiness looking at the newborn.

"The Dark Lord is almost here." He said, looking back at his wife. It looked as if he wanted to say more, but turned and left the room.

Narcissa gave a sigh of relief as he walked out before turning to Scorpius.

"Scorpius," She said, holding out her hand. "Come meet your baby brother." She told him. He approached with childlike curiosity, climbing onto the bed with one of the maids' help. He crawled over to his mother as she held an arm out and grabbed him, bringing him to her.

He looked into her arms and saw… the most ugly thing he had ever laid eyes on. The baby's face was scrunched up, and almost as red as the tomatoes out in the garden.

He looked up to his mother, who gave a sly smile, understanding what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, he won't look like this for long." She told him lovingly.

Soon the door was opened, and a bald pale man came walking through the door.

The first thing Scorpius noticed was his eyes. They were blood red. Fearful Of the man approaching, he buried his head in his mother's bosom, hiding himself from the figure.

"The boy is frightened of me." He said simply with a little laugh. This made the other people that had come with him into the room murmur with a hint of laughter as well.

"Scorpius!" His father said sternly. "Come Here!"

Doing as his father said, Scorpius climbed off of the bed and ran to him, Trying his best to stay as far away from the scary man as possible. He reached his father, and was met with a slap To the face that sent him to the ground.

Looking up at his father with tearful eyes, Scorpius brought a hand to his cheek that had started to swell.

"Lucius-" his mother started to say, but she was cut off by the Dark Lord.

"Lucius, if you strike one of my servants in front of me unprovoked again, I will not be happy. Do you understand me?" He said calmly. He walked over to the boy and knelt down, looking into his eyes.

"Besides." He said, grabbing the boy by his chin.

"It is good that he fears me. It will make him more obedient." He said, gripping the boy tightly. His long nails dug into cheeks leaving faint scratches on his face.

The man stood and walked over to Narcissa, and took the baby from her arms.

"This child's name shall be… Draco. Draco Malfoy." He said, giving the child back to Narcissa.

"Rest my dear." He said to the woman.

Turning back the group he held his hands out. "This is a joyous occasion. Another servant has been born, and we will celebrate. Go!" He commanded, letting his servant leave the mansion to go do whatever it was they did to celebrate.

The Lord left with them, and as Lucius was about to follow, Narcissa Called out to him.

"I do not want you going out tonight. You know how I feel about the "celebrating" they do." She said, focusing on the word "Celebrating". Lucius scowled.

"It's only muggles." He retorted to his wife before leaving the room. Narcissa shook her head, and said a silent prayer to whatever God's were out there for the muggles that would be tortured tonight.

4 years later.

Four years had passed since Draco had been born. The two boys had been taught by their father the ways of the pure bloods. To look down on everyone, to despise those whom were different then them. Scorpius and Draco took to it well, for if they didn't, a beating was their reward.

Scorpius had met the tall dark scary Lord a couple more times since his brothers birth. But on one particular day, his father came home screaming, and throwing things around the house. His lord had been killed by a boy as old as Draco. Scorpius experienced his first Cruciatus curse that day. he had gone to comfort his father, telling him that the scary man had gone away and that he didn't have to bow to that man anymore.

In a fit of rage, his father cast the curse on him. It was unlike anything he had felt before, the pain was unbearable for his small body. He screamed himself hoarse in the first 10 seconds, then after that no noise came from him.

His mother and one of the maids came to his rescue, only for his father to cast the curse on them as well.

His mother would go attend to herself, but one of the maids who's name was Cynthia, cared for him. She would clean him and heal him before she cleaned and healing herself. She was at least sixteen or seventeen at the time, and had long raven black hair, with crystalblue eyes. She had been employed with his family for about four or five year now. Every moment Scorpius got, he would spend it with her. Something like a first crush she assumed.

Scorpius avoided his father as much as he could after that. But things would soon take a turn for the worst.

It was nearing Scorpius' seventh birthday, and with it his magical core would form giving him the ability to use magic. It was another joyous occasion, one where his father would take him to "celebrate" his birthday. The boy was nervous, as much pressure was put on him. The days came and went, and with it, the hope of magic.

"He's a squib." Bellatrix hissed in Lucius' ear. It had been a couple month since his seventh birthday, and Scorpius was getting nervous about the way his father and mother looked at him. His fathers was one of hatred, anger, disappointment, and disgust. While his mother's was one of fear, and trepidation. He had been beaten a few times since his father's master had been killed, and each time his mother and the maid Cynthia, had come to his defense.

Each time They would be beaten as well. His mother had stopped trying to help, fearing her husband more. But Cynthia never stopped caring for him. She always leapt to his defense, but each time it cost her.

There was a group of Death Eaters gathered in the main large hall of the mansion where they all were gathered.

"You know what has to happen." Bellatrix said with a devilish smile on her face.

"Yes." Lucius said to her.

"Boy!" He shouted at Scorpius, who came running over.

"Y-yes father?" He said tripping over his words.

Lucius struck out at the boy, viciously carving a gash on Scorpius' cheek with one of his rings.

"Don't you dare call me that, do you understand me!" He hissed at the boy, who had fallen to the ground.

"Have I done something wrong father?" Scorpius cried, looking up at his father as he held his bleeding cheek.

"I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!" Lucius screamed as he kicked the child in the face, breaking his nose. Scorpius cried out in pain, holding his nose as he tried to back away from his abuser.

"I don't understand!" He shouted, as he tried to claw his way across the floor.

"I don't understand!" Bellatrix said mocking him. "Of course you don't understand. But you will, very soon." She said as she approached the child who was still backing away from them on the ground.

"FATHER PLEASE!" He shouted.

Bellatrix whipped out a knife from her belt before slashing it across the child's face, leaving a giant gash over his left cheek.

Scorpius fell to his back from his sitting position, holding his face as he cried. Bellatrix straddled his chest, kneeling on one of his arms as she brought the knife closer to his face.

"He is not your father." She said, enunciating every word carefully.

"From this moment on, you don't even have a family anymore!" She said, and begun her work.

Scorpius screamed, feeling the knife dig into his left eye. He kicked, punched with his free arm, did anything he could to get free, but his struggle only made things worse.

"Flipendo!" Someone shouted, throwing Bellatrix off of Scorpius. She landed hard against the floor, scattering the knife she was using away from her.

"How dare you!" Lucius shouted at Scorpius' savior.

"Crucio!" He shouted. The woman fell to the floor, screaming her lungs out. Scorpius, had brought his left hand up to his face, which came away bloody, but as he wiped away the tears from his good eye, he say who had saved him. It wasn't his mother, though she had seen everything.

It was Cynthia.

The maid was spasming on the floor, her throat hoarse from screaming. Bellatrix had gotten up from where she had fallen, and had walked over to where Lucius stood.

"Enough." She said. "It's my turn."

Lucius let up the spell, letting Cynthia free from her torture, only for Bellatrix to shout "Crucio!" again. Cynthia started spasming once more, making the worst noise Scorpius had ever heard.

"S-Stop!" He shouted, crawling over to her spasming body.

Bellatrix let up the spell, release Cynthia once more.

"P-... Please Lord, don't hurt Her anymore." He pleaded.

"It's either you, or her!" Bellatrix shouted at him, giving him the choice. She smiled evily at his use of the term Lord. It seemed she had gotten through to him.

Scorpius looked to Cynthia's pale face, seeing the drool and foam coming from her lips, the tears coming from her almost vacant eyes. He could see her pleading eyes, asking him to save himself. But he could also see a hint of self preservation there as well.

"M-" before he could answer Bellatrix cast the spell on him, making him start screaming.

The crowd of gathered death eaters started to laugh as the screams filled the air.

After a couple minutes of switching back and forth between the two of them, they finally stopped.

Lucius stepped towards Scorpius, who shyed away from him in fear.

"You no longer bear the name Scorpius. From now on your name is…" He stopped to think for a moment, before a crule smile grew on his lips.

"Your name is Serf. Slave. Servant." He said, before walking away.

Scorpius looked over to his mother and younger brother, who had been crying silently. His brother had no idea what was happening, but his mother knew all to well.

As Lucius walked by the pair he stopped and looked them each in the eyes.

"He is no longer a Malfoy. Is that understood?" He said venomously.

Draco looked up, not understanding.

"But father, why is big Brother in trouble?" He asked innocently. Lucius lashed out at the child, striking the four year old hard enough to send him to the ground.

"HE IS NOT YOUR BROTHER!" He screamed before walking away, yelling incoherently as he did.

Narcissa quickly picked Draco but before she left she turned back the the room.

"Dobby. Take care of them." She said and left the room, leaving Scorpius, Cynthia, Bellatrix, and the rest of the death eaters alone.

"Accio." She said as the knife flew to her hand. She gave one more venomous smile to Scorpius, before leaving with the group through the front door.

Dobby appeared in the room and snapped his fingers. The blood was evaporated, and the room became clean. "Come on you two. Let dobby help." He said gently, bringing them to the rooms of the servants. In addition to dobby, the Malfoys had employed multiple other human servants as well. They cleaned Scorpius and Cynthia, and let them rest, before Lucius demanded that they be put to work in the harshest conditions. And like that, seven years past.

The years had not been kind to Scorpius, or Cynthia. He was put to work in the fields, doing whatever labor was required whetherit be in rain, snow, or the blistering heat, while Cynthia worked in one of the separate houses from the main mansion.

He had grown strong from his work in the fields, but he looked a little malnourished. His left check had a long clean scar that ran from his ear to cut below his lower lip, nearly missing his upper lip. His left eye was now a mass of scars from his struggle with his aunt. She had dug her knife around his eye, cutting at his face as he struggled beneath him. A smaller scar could be found under his larger scar from his fathers ring, and his nose was now a little crooked. His body was covered in scars now from the long years of labor. He had gotten used to it over the years, but was still a struggle to look at when he woke up in the morning.

Scorpius and Cynthia had been sent away from the mansion, as Lucius and the rest of the Dark Lord's servants didn't want to see them, unless to torture them again. Scorpius had grown used to the Cruciatus curse by now, having it be used upon him whenever Lucius was angry, which was more times then not. He would call him in from the fields, and torture him until his anger abated.

After every session, he would be sent back into the fields to work, where the other servants who sneak him away to his small shelter, where Cynthia would clean and care for him. In all this time, she still stayed with him, never abandoning him.

Her life wasn't easy either, as every time Bellatrix saw her she would cast Crucio and laugh as Cynthia would scream herself hoarse. She would work her hands raw, getting blisters and rashes from her work. She would constantly suffer from overuse syndrome, causing her hands to have great pain. In these times, it would be Scorpius' turn to care for her.

On Scorpius' eleventh birthday, and old man came knocking at the mansions door looking for him. He later found out that the mans name was Albus Dumbledore, but he was turned away, being told that Scorpius had died when he was seven. Saddened by the news the man left, and never came back.

Scorpius almost never saw his brother or mother any more, but on occasion he would see them. He saw the day Draco got his entrance letter from Hogwarts, which he threw in Scorpius' face. Draco had been taught to hate his older brother, seeing him as their father did. Nothing but a slave.

Draco was just days away from finishing his second year at Hogwarts, when a furious Lucius came home. He called Scorpius to his office, but met him in the main hall of the mansion. Once Scorpius arrived, he was met with only one word.

"Crucio!" Lucius shouted, sending Scorpius to his knees. He only gave a yelp of pain, then was silent. The spell had been cast on him so many times he was starting to build up a tolerance to it. Lucius was furious when he saw how little Scorpius was affected by it. Pouring all his hatred into the spell, Scorpius finally broke. Falling to the flood in a heap, as he started to yell out in pain.

Lucius stopped the spell, giving Scorpius a respite.

"I just lost my house elf because of that little bastard, Harry Potter!" He shouted. Scorpius couldn't help but curse the name. He had been tortured on more than one occasion, thanks to Harry Potter. He had made a fool of Lucius and Draco, which was then either taken out of dobby, or him.

"You understand what that means right?!" Lucius shouted out to Scorpius, who was picking himself off the floor.

"It means your work load just increased, Crucio!" He screamed.

Scorpius fell to the floor once more and began spasming, before there was a light knock at the door.

The spell stopped abruptly, leaving Scorpius to gasp for breath. Lucius approached the door, then told Scorpius to leave. He did as his father commanded, limping Out of the main room.

As he made his way down on of the hallways that lead to the back of the manor he was surprised to meet his mother, as she tried to stop him.

"I'm sorry my lady, I didn't mean to get in your way." He said, moving out of her way. He knew what awaited him if he had given any other answer.

"Scorpius, please," She begged reaching out for him, but he backed away

"You must understand!" She pleaded with him.

"I understand." He said coldly. "I understand that your fear of him, outweighs your love for me." He told her.

"I'm sorry," She said frantically. "I know I've failed, but what do you expect he will do to me if I go against him?" She said chocking up, dropping her facade of a calm and cold woman.

"So you throw your first born to the wolves, to save yourself!" He said venomously, dropping all pretense, knowing full well what could happen if he was caught talking like this.

Narcissa was shocked at his outburst, never having him speak to her like this.

"I-, I-," She stuttered, trying to finds the words.

taking a moment to cool himself, Scorpius spoke once more.

"I'm sorry for my outburst mistress, but I must get back to my duties." He said as he started to limp away.

"What can I do?" She asked. Understanding that she wanted to lessen his burdens some, he turned back to her.

"You can make sure Cynthia is safe." He told her before leaving once more.

As Lucius opened the door he saw one of his most hated enemies stand there.

"Albus Dumbledore." He said coldly.

Albus cut to the chase immediate. "I want the boy."

"What do you mean? What boy?" Lucius spat.

"Come now Lucius. Dobby told me of Scorpius. Give him to me and I will take him away from here." Albus said sternly.

Lucius scoffed. "Scorpius died when h-" "when he was seven, you've told me that before. But I know he is still alive. Just give him to me, and I will never speak of this to anyone." Dumbledore cut him off.

The last think Lucius needed was the wizengamot launching and investigation into him at the moment.

Clicking his tounge, he spoke. "Take him then." He spat before slamming the door. Dumbledore smiled as he made his way into one of the fields where he could see a tall yound man, limping his way to one of the many small houses that lined the estate.

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