
Chapter 204 – Yapping The Second Mission

Finishing the first mission of the storyline alone took 2 hours, and 20 minutes of that was spent climbing the building. If only he knew about the Garudama transport service, he would have finished this way earlier.

"Use our service again, young mercenary!" A middle-aged man riding a flying monster that looked like an eagle with orange feathers waved his hand and took off.

Max watched him fly away with the monster, and the corner of his lips twitched slightly. That was why his viewers reacted strangely when he climbed the building again. He thought they were laughing with him, but it turned out they laughed at him.

"You guys are really evil when I need help. Why can't you just tell me about the flying service?" He grumbled.

And then, he rolled his eyes, remembering what the chat told him before.

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