
Chapter 10 — Annihilation

The missiles, guided by advanced technology, homed in onto their individual targets with precision. Explosions illuminated the sky as the first barrage struck the Elsass Kingdom's fleet. Ships were torn apart, the brave and heavily armoured soldiers in them never getting their chance to shine on the battlefield. The ships, previously fearsome weapons of war, imploded and turned into giant fireworks as their gunpowder storages were ignited.


The once-mighty fortress now looked vulnerable as it absorbed a large number of explosions. The magical shield surrounding it shimmered and dimmed, but it held, protecting the fortress inside.


Despite the devastating assault that would've collapsed any other army, the Imperial Army wasn't defeated yet. The surviving ships regrouped, dumped most of their gunpowder, and desperately began to spread out and land to hide in the forest.


However, it was at this moment that Konrad's air force arrived. 20 KA-52 attack helicopters, 20 Yak-130 light attack aircraft, and one AC-130 gunship was ready to slaughter.


The 20 Yak-130 light attack aircraft locked onto their targets and unleashed their munitions. One by one, missiles dropped from their wings. They dropped like dead stones, then burst alive with a roar and shot off furiously with a tail of white smoke. Designed to fight against supersonic aircraft, the missiles zoomed into the remaining imperial army and impacted all their targets with pinpoint accuracy. The once-mighty fleet lay in ruins, with burning ships falling from the sky, their efforts no match for the advanced weaponry of the 21st century.


Wyvern riders emerged, fearlessly charging towards the fleet, only to be shot down with 30mm rounds fired from the attack helicopters. The Yak-130s had one more volley of munitions and this time they all targeted the floating fortress. The magic shield dimmed and finally shattered with the continuous explosions. Having exhausted all their munitions, the Yak-130s turned around and headed back to the airbase to refuel and re-arm. Meanwhile, the helicopters swooped down to finish the job.


Booms erupted as the countless medieval cannons on the fortress and remaining ships opened fire, lobbing huge stone cannonballs at the sky. However, none of them managed to impact the nimble helicopters.




Bunker-busting Hellfire Missiles dropped off their wings and sped towards the fortress, destroying the defenceless cannons. Helicopters flew around it, strafing the survivors with a relentless barrage of unguided rockets and 30mm rounds. The fortress, now a burning wreck, drifted helplessly in the sky before finally plummeting to the ground, causing a massive explosion upon impact as its gunpowder storage ignited.


The helicopters moved off to finish off the remaining ships. The fleeing soldiers trying to escape into the forest were all accurately spotted by the advanced thermal vision camera of the KA-52 attack helicopters and were mercilessly cut down.


The nobles and ministers watched in awe and disbelief as the Third Reich's forces dismantled the seemingly invincible Imperial Army.


[This power…]


[We are saved!]


[Only God can have this power…]


[When I go home, I'm going to hug my wife and children and tell them how much I love them!]


Their despair had turned to hope, and their fear… they longer feared the Elsass Army. They now feared the man standing in front of them. King Edmund let out a sigh of relief and thought about how he unknowingly made the best choice in his life.


Meanwhile, Konrad was watching the battle through a small tablet in his hands. It connected to the cameras of the attack helicopters and showed the ongoing battle. Despite the overwhelming victory that was shown, Konrad felt nothing. Instead, he was concerned about another problem. He whispered under his breath.


[The Imperial army… How can their morale be so high? Despite overwhelming casualties, they still don't stop attacking. There are still surviving wyvern riders charging the helicopters. Do they not fear death? How are they still loading the cannons? Do they not realise that they would become targets? And the archers, why are they even trying to shoot at the helicopters? They must have realised that their weak arrows would do nothing against the steel armour that can even resist 23mm bullets]


The more Konrad watched, the more the unnaturalness of the army became apparent. The soldiers mechanically continued loading the cannons, despite certain death. Over 99% of the wyvern riders were wiped out, but the surviving ones continued charging the helicopters. Konrad narrowed his eyes. It was almost like the soldiers didn't have a free will. Almost like… they were puppets.


[I can now see why this army could fight against so many kingdoms and win. If all the Imperial Army is like this, they would dominate the cold weapons battlefield. After all, morale is a deciding factor in wars fought with cold weapons. On the cold weapons battlefield, it is not new that untrained barbarians with extremely high morale will defeat the regular army that has undergone systematic military training but has low morale. After all, who would want to fight against an enemy who doesn't fear death? How many people can really sacrifice their lives for their country?]


[Luckily, in the era of hot weapons, manpower and morale is no longer the fundamental factor in measuring war]


Suddenly, Konrad's source power fluctuated, giving him a message.


[Hmm… Interesting. So their fearlessness is from the power of an otherworlder. That means that there are other people like me who have been sent from Earth into this world with a power. The new Imperial Army must have been their work]


Knowing that there were more people like him, Konrad felt a sense of pressure. But at the same time, he felt a burst of competitiveness and determination. He vowed that he would destroy them all and force them to submit. At the same time, he wondered if he could integrate their powers into his. After all, his soldiers were infinitely loyal, not fearless.


Of course, his soldiers would fight to the death for him, but they would still feel fear and emotions. They may even accidentally make mistakes. However, while thinking about this, a part of Konrad didn't want to remove the emotions of his soldiers. It just felt wrong and unnatural. He preferred his soldiers to have their own emotions and thoughts.


At that time, the Yak-130s had returned, fully refuelled and armed, ready to wipe out the stubborn and futile resistance.


[Lock on… Fire!]


Missiles streaked into the forest, the high explosives decimating the surviving army. In a period of less than half an hour, the fate of the army had been set in stone. Total and complete annihilation.


As the helicopters continued to fly around the forest, looking for any hiding survivors to kill, Konrad turned back towards King Edmund.

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