
Chapter 5 — New Headquarters

Konrad looked over at the other drone pilot's screen and saw a medieval town right next to the forest. People could faintly be seen to be walking around on the ground, although the view was slightly pixelated thanks to the limited camera quality.

[This world's technology seems to be in the Middle Ages. However, the fact that humans are still alive after demon invasions must mean that their magic is very powerful. There's no way that a medieval society could defeat hundreds of thousands of demons without powerful magic. Private, don't fly too close, lest we be noticed. Survey their behaviour from a distance]


Konrad walked back to his tent with his bodyguards.

Opening his notebook, he started drawing a plan for his next actions.

[The island can be converted into a military base. The base will be outfitted with surface-to-air, surface-to-surface, anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles for deep-sea threats. The details can be decided later. Right now, the priority is transportation helicopters to airlift all my soldiers and supplies]

[Looking at transport helicopters, chinooks are the best, but they cost 7 million source points. In comparison, the Mi-26 transport helicopter costs only 1 million points. I remember back on Earth that the Mi-26 was known for being surprisingly cost-effective given its capabilities. For attack helicopters, I'll go with the Kamov Ka-52 for its firepower, speed, manoeuvrability, and survivability. It costs 1.5 million points. In the future, I will also need some jet fighters.]

Konrad remembered the extremely expensive and high-tech fifth-generation fighters of Earth.

[I probably don't need such a high-performing plane right now… I'll go with the cheap Yak-130. While it can't compare with the best fighters on Earth, I just need it to carry missiles. After all, it's not like I'm going to be fighting any F-35s soon]

He chuckled and summoned a single Mi-26 and three KA-52s for 4.5 million source points, leaving him with 55.5 million points. The helicopters came with pilots, each proficient and skilled in flying and using their armaments. Konrad also had a look at the price of the Yak-130; 1.5 million source points and decided to buy a few after he got a runway set up.

Loading 100 soldiers into the Mi-26 and leaving the rest at the outpost, Konrad took all the helicopters with him as he set off towards the island.

Konrad sat behind one of the pilot seats as the Mi-26 followed behind the KA-52s. Konrad was confident that even if he encountered a dragon, it would be torn apart effortlessly by the firepower of the attack helicopters.

Upon arrival, the helicopters flew around the island. The island was simply a big barren rock jutting out from the deep seas. When the transport helicopter landed, all that could be seen was grey rock and the sea crashing against the cliff faces.

Konrad spent 3 million points on 2000 soldiers and 12 million on materials to build military buildings, such as barracks, shooting ranges, offices, and a large headquarters building. Building machinery was exchanged for half a million. Finally, long-range and short-range radios were exchanged for every soldier, costing a total of 300,000. Konrad now had 39.5 million points.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed by.

The base had finally been built. The entire island had been converted into a military base. The base was outfitted with surface-to-air, surface-to-surface, anti-ship, and anti-submarine missiles. Watchtowers were patrolling and radar stations were monitoring the air and sea!

Its airfield held 10 Mi-26 transport helicopters, 20 KA-52 attack helicopters, 20 Yak-130 light attack aircraft, and one AC-130 gunship. Known as the angel of death on Earth, the AC-130 was capable of absolutely unleashing devastating firepower with its 25mm Gatling gun, 40mm Bofors cannon and 105mm howitzer. It had not been cheap as well, being Konrad's most expensive air force purchase so far and costing 16 million source points.

However, the pride of the base was its 6 missile silos, each containing an inter-continental ballistic missile with a yield of 100 megatons. That was his true reliance for exploring the world. In preparation for the fallout, Konrad had also built a series of interconnecting nuclear bunkers located deep under the island. If the bunker was made with modern equipment, it would have cost trillions of dollars and have taken years. Luckily, Konrad had his source power. He found that as well as using it to create things, it could also be used to destroy things. The space entire bunker had been dug out at a price of a couple million source points. Bedrock was expensive to remove after all.

The bunker was fully equipped for living in it for long periods of time and Konrad was confident it could even survive a low-yield nuclear bomb! Since Konrad was a fan of SCP, he named the bunker Site-01 and designed the interior to the style of an SCP facility. It had blast doors, accommodations, farms, recreation rooms and even containment chambers to house any magical items of interest. Konrad planned to capture a few magical objects and creatures to study them. He wanted to use the facility to house and research a large number of anomalous objects, just like the SCP foundation. He also planned to capture criminals and use them to test the effects of any anomalous objects. This could become a source of trade with the outside world; he gives them resources and they give him test subjects.

Of course, over this period of time, Konrad hadn't just been building his base. He had also sent out many soldiers to hunt in the seas and on land far away from human settlements as he was relucent to come into contact with the humans living here. However, today this was about to change.

For the past month, Konrad had been building up his military force. Now, he was finally ready to unleash it and reveal his hand to the world. How would the natives react? He couldn't wait to find out.

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