
Memories of a certain being 1

Freya or better known as Shub-Niggurath was so bored. After spending billions of years devouring universes and worlds to satisfy her hunger and spread chaos, she felt bored.

She did many things that the mind wouldn't be able to comprehend like genocides, world destruction, killing gods and turning people against their gods and kill them, she also formed a cult in some worlds from people who only worship her to the point of doing anything they could do to gain her favour like abandoning their friends and selling their families as sacrifices to her.

There was even more psychotic things she did but it's is so disgusting that you will want puke from how goresome and incomprehensible it is. She was a rather sadistic bitch who loved to torture people and play with their minds to her heart content while a very creepy smile on her face and a laugh that the least could be said about it was evil and filled with madness.

It was so horrible.

Her sister Noirnox didn't even do that, she was more reserved and only devoured worlds.

But then after so many long years of doing these things, Shub-Niggurath felt bored and couldn't find anything to satisfy her heart at all. Nothing from the mentioned above could fill the hole in her heart at all.

But then one day while she observing some world to practice her favourite hobby which was torturing and killing people, her little sister Noirnox came to her and told her that she found a very special human in world called Earth.

That human was handsome and attractive and his mind was so very amazing. It was chaotic and filled with madness something that made her sister talk about for long with sparkling eyes, although she was in her true form that was an abomination, Shub-Niggurath could still see those sparkling eyes looking at her while talking about that human.

"What is so special about him?" Shub said with an uninterested tone.

"All that I have just said!" Noirnox said with a very excited tone.

"Just that?"

"What do you mean 'Just that'? He is so awesome big sis! And so amusing to watch that I didn't get bored at all!"

"But that's rather normal. I have met with so many humans who were so handsome and crazy that I bet they are even crazier that that human you are talking about. Just forget it lil sis, go do something else than watching some normal human." Shub was totally uninterested in that human that her little sister was taking about, so she just left her sister alone and went to the world that she was observing earlier to practice her usual and favourite hobby.

While on the other hand, Noirnox just sighed in disappointment at her sister's antics.

'If you just saw him for once you wouldn't be saying all these things.' She thought before she disappeared and went to continue her new hobby of observing the human that caught her interest.

But she didn't know that her new hobby would turn into something that would make her obsessed with that human and make her fall so deep in love with him.

And that's something unusual for an outer god, a being of evil and chaos.

Anyway, Noir continued watching that human and how he saved the world from a virus that nearly killed have of the population with serum he invented and tried on his body. She also watched how he nearly died from one of his experiments but it seemed he still had a long way to die.

She admired his craziness and how chaotic his mind was but above all of that, she felt a weird attraction toward him as if there was a gravity pulling her toward him.

It was so strange but sweet and amazing to her. She for the first time in millions of years felt attracted toward a human being, a male at that.

As if she was falling in love with him. Her heart was racing and overflowing with emotions she didn't experience at all. She only knew one thing in all her life that devour and destroy. That's it. But these new feelings in her heart made her opened to a new world and a new universe she didn't know.

A universe where the word Love ruled. She of course read many romance novels and manga out of boredom before but she didn't experience such a feeling for once but now things are different.

Because a human caused her to experience these feelings. Noirnox began to observe him more and spend most if not all of her time watching him like a creepy stalker from some anime, but she didn't care as he was the only thing in her mind. Even in her own dimension, she had a room filled with pictures of him and plushies resembling him with a picture of him on the pillow where she rested her body on. He walls were even decorated with his pics and even the ceiling.

She come here whenever there was something she wanted to add to her collection.

Noirnox became so obsessed with him. She didn't know why but that was what was in her head all the time. His very being and how he behaves, how he talks, the way he writes, how he spends his free time and so on. She even memorized all of his habits to the point she could tell if he was lying or feeling upset.

So strange yet so sweet.

She knew his name and kept repeating it in her head like a broken record.

'Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin...♥'

At that time she knew what she wanted, she wanted him for herself, make him hers but she knew his personality well and he wouldn't like that, he wasn't a man to be dominated but a man born to dominate.

Maybe that's why the Essence of the Dragon King Milzard blended so well with his soul.

Noirnox didn't want that, she didn't want to force him when he didn't like it which was quite funny for an outer god to think like that.

When she could simply brainwash him and make him her salve without lifting a finger, that's how broken outer gods are.

But she didn't want that, she wanted him to love her back and have sex with him in all positions and maybe dominate her like how he dominated her heart. She wanted to be his wife. This was what she concluded after millions of years of thinking in her own dimension where the time was irrelevant, so it didn't matter if she spent millions or billions of years the time for Austin would be fixed, and by the time she returns to watch him he will be same as the time she left him.

Nothing changed.

However, after she reached that decision, which was becoming his wife, she didn't know that her big sis who was secretly watching her, was also observing that human and changes in her heart also began.

Things were going to be so chaotic.

I like that~


A/N: Here is another chapter for the week, I'm planning on publishing 4 chapters per week from now on until the end of the year because after that I have to do my military service 😣

Also consider this chapter and the next one to be a rest from all those sex scenes. It's still a long way till I finish all sex scenes but I will try to make it fast.

Anyway, still tuned for more~


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