
Base Renovation

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As the Building materials have arrived he ordered many of the Manjuus to "1".

"What in the heavens do you think you're doing." The white-haired fox from before appeared.

Somehow the Manjuu are scared of her and get a very good distance from her.

"Demolishing and Rebuilding the dorms. What else do you expect?"

This made Kaga speechless. She expected a different answer.

"Hmm... I thought you were gonna destroy the dorms and make us homeless." (Kaga)

"Why would I do that? I'm not some cold heartless person as those previous commanders before me would. I'm not that bad trust me." (Yamatomo)

Kaga muttered in a low voice "Liar."

"Look, no matter if I'm lying or not. I don't care if you people call me names. You can call me a pedo, sure. You can call me a pervert, sure. You can even call me an evil person. I don't give a slight shit to anybody around here that calls me those. That doesn't effect my day-to-day life because I have a trait of a loner. But if you guys wanted to be satisfied, I'd like all of you to call me "A Failure". Satisfied? Right. I'd like to request to ask your friends to move out of the Dorms until it is finished in rebuilding." He then went back on bossing around the Manjuus.

By his words alone. He can make a person shut up, hell he can even be an anti-karen speaker. That's why in an argument there is a high chance that this guy would talk things out by carefully admitting it is his fault and it worked for him.

Kaga was speechless. It's the first time somebody actually doesn't care that he is being hated. But somehow she accepted that order and told everybody in the dorms to move out first.

"What a weird commander." said a certain large cruiser called IJN Azuma.


"Tch, please, that's just him acting. Wait 'till you see his true colors." Kaga said with an irritated tone.

"Say I really like what he says that he doesn't care a single bit if we call him names. Hehe "If you aren't satisfied? You can call me a failure if you want to.". What kind of commander that her majesty send to have such a personality?" (Azuma)

"Well let's just wait until he makes a move. We already got permission to kick him out if he does something." Said a certain battleship named IJN Izumo.


Hours later.

A Manjuu approached Yamatomo who picked him up.

"What fat chicken?"

"You said that there is a problem in the Iron Blood Section?"

"OK." *Puts Manjuu down* "I'm on my way."

As he goes to the Iron Blood Dorms there are several women outside that seem to be waiting for someone.

"Looky here there seems to be a certain white clothed man that is standing." Said a certain cruiser named KMS Mainz.

"What seems to be a problem here?" Yamatomo asked.

"Oh, nothing much. It's just somebody has too much luggage to carry." (Mainz)

"Hey Deutschland! Wie lange bleibst du da drin?" saiys it in german by a certain battleship name KMS Bismarck (Translate - Hey, Deutschland! How long are you gonna be inside there?)

There were no replies after that so Yamatomo went and checked.

He saw a struggling KMS Deutschland with her luggage.

"Do you need help with that?"

"What?" As she looks at the commander "Oh, it's just a Lowly trash. Don't get in my way or I will pulverize you with my cannons! Hell, you can't even speak out language."

Flex on.

"Kleines Mädchen, ich kann fließend Deutsch, weil ich seit meinem achtzehn. Lebensjahr einen Sprachkurs gemacht habe. Also bitte nicht erst urteilen." Yamatomo said in perfect german. This made all of the Iron Blood ship girls who heard him speechless (Translate - Little girl, I can speak fluent German because I have taken a language training course since I was 18. So don't judge first please.)

Yamatomo with a smug smile then said "Sonst noch was zu sagen? Ich bin ganz Ohr, kleines Mädchen." he said arrogantly (Translate - Anything else to say? I'm all ears little girl.)

"N-Nein. G-Gar nichts. Herr." This put Deutschland into her place (Translate - N- No. N- Nothing at all. Sir.)

"Sehr gut, du kleines Mädchen. Ich möchte, dass deine Persönlichkeit und deine Einstellung verändert werden, "Deutschland". Aber ich zwinge mich nicht dazu. Denken Sie nur daran, provozieren Sie nicht einfach Leute, die technisch besser sind als Sie." Yamatomo said as he helped Deutschland with her luggage. This level of strictness isn't that common for him. Rather it's in the bloodline in his family that random strictness levels would rise quickly like the speed of light. In Yamatomo's case? He just combines them with flex so he can smile at their defeat (Translate - Very Good you little girl. I want your personality and attitude of yours to be changed, "Deutschland". But I'm not forcing you to do it. Just remember don't just provoke people who are technically higher than you.)

"J-Ja Kommandant."

This is the first time that Deutschland felt fear. His tone alone has high authority and strictness. Even the other girls noticed this.

This level of strictness is unprecedented by the hearing ranged Iron Blood girls. The five previous commanders were going easy with their words but for this commander? They are now expecting a roller coaster of a ride.

As Yamatomo finished taking out all of the luggage.

"*Pant* That goes for you guys also. But I don't suggest it if you don't want to change. I'm not forcing you to do it." He then saw the Manjuu builders.


"Come on! Go! Go! Go!" As he went back on ordering the chickens the Iron Blood girls were speechless.

"What an interesting person. Fufufu." says a certain shoulder-cut blonde woman named KMS Roon.

As of now, 68% of the Dorms are almost done. Moving on to the cafeteria.

This is a little troublesome for Yamatomo that the food supply delivery arrived VERY early and the freezer warehouses aren't ready yet so he ordered a chunk of Manjuu builders to quickly build Warehouse storage wing 1. It wasn't long only one hour in completion. So the meat is now stored in the freezer.

Now things are getting smoothly now but Yamatomo doesn't want it to be soo smoothly.

First, he built a temporary cafeteria, an outdoor one, and served the girls some barbecue because that's their only dish available. As he was eating lunch he wanted to try what the chef manjuus that are capable of. He picked 5 Manjuu chefs and gave them five different luxury dishes for them to cook. And after they were done it was delicious.

So observation complete ✅ Manjuus can cook "anything".

I think that wraps everything up. Yamatomo carefully explained every manjuu that builds so maybe he will go on his own "repair" and that is his office.

His stuff is already transferred here so there are 6 of his warship collection that he displayed. A Katana that he put up on the wall. And he even destroyed the old desk and bought a new one that has a secret area to place his Glock 17. Don't ask why he has a gun.

He even placed an Iron baseball bat near the door for "a helpful tool that will help us later".

Some stuff and finally a picture. A picture of his Graduation in the academy. He and 8 others are his best friends. And lastly, that one who is ranked 10th.

Oh, he didn't forget that woman. No, he is still annoyed that he wanted to rip that piece of a picture but he doesn't want to. He just wanted to remember that annoying face every day.

Also because the academy rarely has female commanders that rank above 10th, in that time he asked that she could take place next to him, messaging another female commander who graduated In that particular academy.

First enough he didn't have full access to the internet yet because he still uses the Laptop and he needed someone to place his computer here.

Now taking note of what Cookie just said. If there are some girls here who can kill him in an instant I think everyone here can kill him instantly. So he will remember to lock the door that way if he dies here his "secret" files will be retrieved by his friends.

All in all, it was a very good day.

The next day.

"Ohh! Look at this place! As if we transferred to another island!" Said a certain blonde loli named HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The Ship girls are quite happy with their newly renovated home as they started to place their luggage now.

Finally, a dorm that corresponds to their architectural culture.

But that doesn't change the fact that all of this leads to the "lowly, evil, perverted, disgusting failure of a dog" named the commander or Mazuhashi as he introduced himself.

Yeah, he pulled this off as if he is sending them a message saying "I am better trust me". Yeah, literally what he just said in the letter when the dorms and cafeteria are done.

They enjoyed their breakfast. Their sweet delicious, multiple-choice food displayed breakfast. What a random thing to say.

But something is missing. Their "request". There are thousands upon thousands of requests that haven't yet been fulfilled.

And yet.

They did have their requests fulfilled. Well some aren't.


Meanwhile in Yamatomo's office. You'll see a "battle-harden" tired Yamatomo ordering around Manjuus who are his temporary assistants.

"Accept any requests that benefit them, don't accept if it's bullshit. If it's complex, give it to me I can accept it or not. As the accepted requests send them that their request has been accepted." He has been awake since yesterday but if he is done, if he can, he will go to a 24 hour sleep. If he can think.

As of now. The commander is doing his best to fulfill every request by saying yes or no.

And then a week later. The base is now in tip-top shape. Brand new.

Now we see Yamatomo strolling in his renovated base. He is quite satisfied seeing people smile all around. At the beginning it was gloomy and because he was here it's now lively as ever. As if a plant that hasn't been watered in decades has been watered finally.

As he was done strolling he went back in his office. He has nothing better to do so he is just going to make today his vacation time.

Usually, before, he would receive a plethora of assignments and "missions" which he could complete about 95% of them. But now he hasn't received any yet. Like a week with no assignments from the higher-ups. So he was quite bored already.

Just to pass the time he is gonna write a diary like literally he has nothing better to do.

An hour later.

As he was writing in his diary a knock on the door was heard.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in!"

As the door opened four ship girls entered his office.

"Well if it isn't Miss Enterprise, Miss Kaga, Miss Belfast, and Miss uhh...." Yet again another white-haired beautiful ship girl had appeared before him "Damn how many silver or white-haired girls are on this island?" He thought to himself.


"My name is KMS Graf Zeppelin." She introduced herself.

"So another carrier huh?" He just nodded.

He spoke "So what seems to be the reason for your visit? Is there an emergency? A request? Anything I will do my power in this position to satisfy your needs. As long it isn't absurd."

The girls looked at each other and then back at Yamatomo.

"Thank you." Enty bowed.


"Arigatou" Kaga also bowed.


"My queen's message is Thank you, Shikikan." Belfast also bowed.

"What's going on?"

"I heard you understand our language so. Vielen Danke." Graf Zeppelin the last one in the group bowed in front of Yamatomo.

"Uhm.... What should I do? Uhh.... All of you raise your heads please? It's wrong."

The four girls stopped bowing.

"Look, I know you girls still hate me for this. But as long I fulfill your needs I'll gladly do it. Just tell me. Your female shikikan will not finish her training when I turn 28 so you have to wait for two years. Don't worry I won't do anything bad to you girls, I'm originally a loner to be honest so It's easy for me to avoid you all."

Enty spoke.

"I-It's not about that Shikikan-sama. We found out you didn't sleep for two days last week just because you're fulfilling our needs. So we are here, as a representative of each faction to express our thanks."

"Y-Yeah, no harsh feelings when we talked trash behind you." (Kaga)

"Let me have an opinion. First of all, thank you for showing friendliness towards me. That's why I'm trying my best to be a good caretaker before I leave. Also, I feel sorry for you girls for getting assigned by straight 5 morons who are perverted and wanted to hurt someone like you guys. You're just unlucky to have bad caretakers. Also, I doubt you people believe you want a good caretaker?"

He then spreads out his arms.

"Your wish has been fulfilled. A temporary one to be exact. Just enjoy your new life here on earth and I'm sure nothing bad will happen. If something happens I'll deal with it. Even if I put my life on the line."

"Are we finished? If so, then all of you are dismissed."

The four of them just nodded and left the office where more ship girls were waiting for them.

"He sounds a little unhappy when we show him our thanks." Said a certain brown-haired fox girl named IJN Akagi.

"No, it's because it was unexpected. Also, he hadn't left his office other than buying food from the stores had he?" Enty asked Belfast.

"Yes, he hadn't left his office and I expected another stack of papers from us and his "higher-ups". To be honest I feel bad for him to be overworked." (Belfast)

"But he seems unaffected by overwork." (Graf Zeppelin)

"Well let's wait for a few more days," Kaga suggested.

And then another week later. This means he has been on this island for three weeks and has isolated (except for buying stuff) himself in his office doing paperwork for 1 and a half weeks.

Let's say tomorrow he will finish it.

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