
5 x 21 Two Minutes to Midnight

I was walking up the path to an abandoned chemical plant in Astrakhan, Russia. That plant would be the weapon to defeat the Horseman Pestilence.

The location of the plant and what was contained in its walls were top secret, even my inner circle knew only the fragmented bits of information to do their jobs.

Officially, the guards in the plant were led to believe that they were guarding the world's most fatal toxin, a chemical bio-weapon that if given to the wrong hands, would eradicate all life on Earth, but what was truly in the plant, was the actual fountain of youth, the weapon to neutralize Pestilence.

I approached the ruined, dilapidated, chemical plant in the badlands of rural Russia, but what an untrained observer might not realize, is that the entire building was crawling with several highly-trained weapons and men, 8 sniper rifles were pointed at my head, ready to fire if I so much as blink funny.

"Стой, ты кто? И какое тебе здесь дело? Если ты не назовешь себя, тебя немедленно убьют." The security guard pointed his weapon to my face, observing my every move.

("Halt, who are you? And what is your business here? if you do not identify yourself, you will be killed immediately.")

I didn't answer him, as I simply projected my wings in all my glory, the security guard looked surprised for a moment, before lowering his weapon, and going to a position of attention.

"Мои извинения, администратор, я не знал, что находился в вашем сияющем присутствии, какие у меня приказы?

("My apologies, Administrator, I did not know that I was in your radiant presence, what are my orders?)

"Спокойно, земляк, в данный момент весь этот сайт находится в протоколе 2024, вы все знаете, что делать дальше."

"At ease, soldier, at this moment, this entire site is at protocol 2024, you all know what to do next." The guard nodded as the snipers lowered their weapons.

The book buzzed, and I walked into the chemical plant as the man was speaking in rapid Russian on a radio, I walked past countless mazes and locations before I found the place where the fountain of youth was contained.

It was stored in a room filled with lush and luminous flora, with a stone well in the middle of the room.

The water had a clear and translucent surface with a silvery glow, I approached the well and produced eight canisters to collect the water.

One of the canisters was for my confirmation with Pestilence, the other seven were to be distributed to the surrounding continents, to deal with Pestilence's virus around the world.

I was flying away from the plant while holding the canister, when I started to think back on the last time Pestilence created an outbreak like this. 

The year was 1631. I was walking down the streets of Venice, a once great and rich city-state, now ravaged by the latest of pestilence's episodes of this century. 

Me and Raphael have been stationed in this part of Europe, to find and contain pestilence before his disease becomes more stronger and potent, for the past year I have been masquerading as a healer with the body of a plague doctor. 

I was forced to wear uncomfortable tight leather breeches with a long heavy coat, with a bird mask to cover my nose from the foul smell of the disease and corpses. 

I spent my days in this city by going to the homes of the sick, and due to the mass paranoia of this city regarding plague doctors, I was forced to use 16th-century practices to diagnose the infected. 

The streets are empty and the stores barren with a third of the population already dead, I have been slowly using my grace to heal the ailments and cure the sores, but the patients either die or have been too infected, to save them from the pain. 

"Calm down little one, I have come to relive you from your pain." I knelt down as my hand glowed over the body of the little boy that was covered in boils.

I heard the sounds of wings flapping and the smell of cold air and ozone, as Raphael flew next to me with an indifferent expression.

"So let me guess, it's the same in the surrounding towns and countries? And we are not even anywhere close to finding Pestilence and ending this mess." Summarizing the report that Raphael was about to tell me, sighing as the boy scamper off.

"Isaiel. I firmly believe that our Father is punishing these people for their sins. He has not appeared to us since the crucifixion, and he allows this disease to run rampant throughout the rest of this continent." Raphael leaned against the wall.

"It's best not to think about this situation in that manner Raphael, our father may be silent now but our mission has always been clear; protect and shepherd humanity, and to defend the balance of the natural order." I watched as the townspeople began to burn Sage, to purify the cursed air.

"Is that what you are doing with the spawn of Eve, brother? It's unclean to work with an abomination, especially with a savage and barbaric species like the dragon race." Raphael spoke with disdain and self-arrogance, as a storm started to form overhead.

"I am simply in a temporary alliance with the Mother of All, to combat the threat that her dragon-spawn children are becoming for humanity and the natural order." Explaining to Raphael the purpose of my arrangement with Eve.

I shifted my thoughts and memories of that time period to the back of my mind, I was standing above the city of Davenport in Iowa, the current location of pestilence's Croatan Virus.

The entire city was in complete chaos as infected croatan zombies ran rampant in the streets, slaughtering and infecting anything that they can get their hands on like rabid rats.

I opened the canister and raised my hand as the water particles condensed into a cloud, growing into water droplets as the cloud got bigger and bigger, till rain started to fall.

I could see that the cure was already reversing the effects of the virus, as I went to the hospital and filed the sprinklers with the remaining water in the canister, timing it to go off on my signal.

I teleported to the room that pestilence was in and saw Sam and Dean on the floor, coughing up pools of their own blood.

"Isaiel....been a while. Oh you boys don't look well. Might be the scarlet fever, or the meningitis. Oh, or it's the syphilis, whatever your feeling right now. It's going to be alot worse when I'm done with you." Pestilence had a crazed look on his face as he turned his attention to me.

"Disease gets a bad rep, don't you think Isaiel? For being filthy and chaotic, but that really describes people who get sick. Disease itself is pretty pure single-minded. They have one purpose, and that's to divide and conquer." Pestilence stepped on Dean's hand, as he tried to grab the demon knife.

"Yeah, it's so pure when it kills over 20 million people in Europe, or maybe 1.16 million in some random global pandemic in 9 years." I rolled my eyes as Pestilence formed a smile.

"You know, I was wondering how you managed to defeat my brothers. After all, your just weak sloppy humans. But now I see that you had Isaiel on your side." If looks could kill, Pestilence could have probably vaporize me with the look in his eyes. Not that it would do anything.

Castiel barged in and fell to the floor coughing, as thousands of flies swarmed in the room and began to infect the sick trio with unknown diseases.

"You really should have taken some tips from War, Pestilence. Because he woild have told you that you should never let your enemy come to your base, because they might have a trick up their sleeve." Activating the sprinklers.

Pestilence had an expression of panic on his face as he tried to cover himself with his flies, bursting into flames as his skin burned.

The air smelt like poison as black smoke came out of pestilence's charred and now decomposing body, the water cleansing the unclean taint from pestilence's presence on Earth.

I teleported to Chicago, as reapers surrounded the entire city. I entered a little pizzeria where Death sat eating a slice of pizza.

"Join me Isaiel, I have been waiting for quite some time." Death spoke in a monotone tone as lighting flashed outside.

"I'm sorry about your brothers old friend. You know that I didn't have much option, since the rings needed to be gathered." I took a slice of pizza and poured a glass of Minute Maid as Death nodded.

"Thank you, I have missed our little chats together. Your much more interesting to talk to than your father,and your brother is nothing but an insufferable brat." Death motioned to his neck, as there was a silver leash on it.

"I know that this will be hard for you. Locking your brother up for the second time. But you are doing the right thing for everyone." Death smiled at me with sadness in his eyes.

I looked down at my plate as the food didn't seem to be appealing to me anymore. I was really going to betray my brother for the second time, splitting a family that already broken.

Dean showed up to get Death's ring, as they made a deal to allow Sam to jump into the cage with Lucifer, for his cooperation.

"That problem with that arrogant upstart of a god, I hope that you have it under contr___

"The situation is being handled Death, so why don't you worry about handling your duties as Lucifer's little bitch, and I worry about saving this fragile universe once again." For a split second my body felt different, as if I was in my backseat of my body.

"I don't know what's happening to me, but all I know is that the issue with Indra, the gods, and the apocalypse ends for all of us." I left that pizzeria to look for Indra's location.

"If one stays in the dark to serve the light, then how long will they last before being consumed in that darkness? Look, the cracks are already showing themselves."

"We all have a monster growing inside us."

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