
* Isaiel vs an alpha Wendigo p1

[This really isn't a chapter just a short of power flex]

I walked across the cracked ground on worn sandals.

It had been a long time since I seen anything here such as, a animal or even a human.

It didn't bother me as I was walking and observing humanity, walking on earth like a human and reconnect with the human experience.

I whistle a tune I had heard in my previous life, I had found myself in a craggy, mountain region.

This place was the birthplace of what was going to be Mount everest, it already had frosted caps in its peaks.

It truly was a breathtaking place, I now understood why so many people risk their life's to see this place and breath the air.

I remembered that there was a little friendly village not far from here. It had been a few decades since I last there.

The people of the village always accepted him as a stranger, having no knowledge of what I was and my power.

It was nice to be around humans again, Oh how had missed that feeling.

But as I approached the village, there were great plumes of smoke rising in the sky. And I decided to break my rules about interfering on this trip to see if he could help.

In a blink of an eye, I had disappeared and reappeared right in the village's center at the town square.

Huts and houses had been torn asunder. As broken weapons laid on the ground, as entire huts were on fire and the smell of blood was potent like a great battle happend here.

But there was something wrong, their were no bodies not one, from an attacker or defender.

I was so puzzled at this, it didn't make any sense and a downside to my vessel's, is that I didn't have access to true Precognition.

I mean even me, a former human and now seraph couldn't believe the power of Precognition, and being able to see all the future and its possibilities.

But when I was In a vessel, I didn't have access to the comple possibilities of the future due to the fact that humans, are bound to the flow of linear time, and the mind wouldn't be able to handle all that knowledge. Their brains would burst and spill out.

Instead, I decided to investigate the village and see for myself if I could piece together what truly happened here.

The buildings looked like they were ripped apart by claw marks. What kind of animal could have come here and destroyed this place?

Then I herd something a voice, it was quiet and pleading beneath a pile of rubble.

It was a survivor! I rushed towards the pile and used My Telekinesis to push away the rubble. And I found a feeble old man who was blind and quivering in the dust.

I helped him up and guided him into one of the few intact huts and we took seats.

I then conjered two cups of warm, healing tea and gave one to the blind man to calm his nerves.

And I asked him if he rembered anything from the chaos that happened in the village and to tell me the story.

The blind man told me that one of the village's scouts had gone up to the mountain with a hunting party.

The group had been gone for days, until the youngest in the party returned. Weeping, frostbitten, and covered in the smell of blood.

The young man said that his friends had been killed by a beast in the mountains. Something that looked almost like a man, but it's face was horribly wrong and awful.

He was lucky to escape with his life when the others were torn apart. But after an hour since the survivor returned to the village, the monster had enter the village.

Of course the blind man story had gaps in them but as he was missing one of his major senses, but the sounds he could describe with perfect clarity.

A villager saw it approaching and screamed. The other villagers saw it too and screamed louder.

With tears in his eyes, the man recalled the sounds of arrows and swords clashing against something.

But even the greatest warriors had died to this thing and so did the one's who hid and fled but were still slaughtered in the end.

And when he was the only one left, he waited but the monster did not take him. It wasn't fair, it took everything else and left him to suffer here alone.

After killing all the villagers, the monster had wondered off to the mountains and was gone.

I patted the old man on the shoulder when he was done and I ask him if he could did he wanted to forget this, all the horrors that he had heard in this village.

He said Yes, and I touched his forehead and erased his memories. The village, the monster and the sounds of the screams.

I also healed the man of his blindness and teleported him far away to a different village and went into the dreams of its villagers saying:

"Take good care of this man. He has gone through horrors you couldn't understand. Your reward will come in time you have my word."

Then I sighed as the monster that the man described was most likely one of Eve's children. Or a child of her creation it didn't matter, I would stop this monster before it kills more innocents.

When I found the creature, it was licking the blood off his lips. It's soul looked like it was once human before turned by Eve.

It was an alpha, I could sense the large potent power of Eve in its veins. It had alabaster skin, and white eyes with claws that could cut through titanium.

"Do you know who I am? I said in a deep voice my eyes glowing with power.

The monster lunged at me with speeds rivaling that of a bullet train. I vanished and the monster rolled out of the mountain.

"I'll guess I will take that as a no." I said behind him.

"You ought to give me some respect. More respect then you gave to the villagers, at least." I said annoyed

It darted towards me again, trying to hit me but all his attacks phased right through. I leaped back and put some space between us.

And I used my Telekinesis, to throw the alpha backwards, like a leaf in the wind. And the Alpha anchored itself to the ground.

"Well, you're certainly a tenacious Alpha aren't you? I want to know why you killed all those people." I demanded

It didn't answer me, and tried to attack me by closing the gap between us. Then I made the stone in the cave, turn into the properties of quicksand.

The wendigo attempted to get out by thrashing but the ground completely submerged it in the Earth.

I made the ground solid again, and stepped forward and looked at where the monster previously was.

Suddenly, the ground rumbled below me and cracks formed. I raised an eyebrow, actually impressed as the Wendigo ripped free of its prison.

I sighed again, those poor innocent villagers. They never stood and chance against this Alpha.

It lunged at me, faster than before. And I teleported away as the Apha broke a cave wall effortlessly.

I appeared nearby, but had to teleport when he attacked me again. It lunged again, and again, and again, every time I reappeared it came at me with incredible speeds.

I was playing around with the monster, if I wanted to I could kill it over a million times. But to widen the playing field, I teleaported to the top of the mountain.

And the alpha followed me, and went charging to the top of the mountain and I decided to stop to stop playing.

I released a mighty volley of lightning, that the world has never seen before or since struck down on the Alpha.

It was so hot, that the Alpha could smell itself cooking as it's atoms were disintegrated for a few seconds. It was so powerful that it would make Zeus fear for his life.

I knew that I wasn't dead that all I did was make it reform in Purgatory, unlike normal monsters that can be killed. Alpha's are the first children of Eve.

And when she turned them, they were all suffering from some kind of trauma when they were human.

And Eve exploited this trauma and made them into her first abominations. She made a curse that, unless the Alpha let's go of that trauma they will continue to exist.

I sighed and left the mountain, as my siblings would want a explanation for all this power and mess I made.

Next chapter Is the story of Jesus on castiel pov

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