


Amanda nudges her friend's arm in the English Class, insisting she tells her the tea of her with Philip...

"Noooo". Magedelene squealing out loud.

"Y'all kissed right". Amanda smiling at her friend, like she herself won a big contract.

Magedelene eyeing her. " You blasphem girl, thou holy one dont do that" all smiles on her face, tickling Magedelene

"I promise you after the class, I will give you all the tea" she laughs in between the tickling.

Magedelene looks over at the lecturer, who is just mentioning the medium through which Announcement can be made to the public.

She looks around the class, hoping to find Philip. Maybe he isn't minoring from English'. She mutters to herself, focusing on the lecturer

The lecturer goes to the screen indicting why there's a need for public announcement.

Magedelene looks over to Amanda who is obviously on her phone, she decides to spill the tea,

"We went to an art collection". She pauses, knowing Amanda was going to say something.

"Yoooo, that boy is something else,he knew the right way to get to you".

Magedelene blushing, and grinning widely

" Who got you smiling like that". Amanda nudges her arms.

" Philip got me smiling like this though".She flicks an imaginary hair backwards.

"How about you, any tea for me, yunno I watched your live video, I almost left the orientation that day to come experience the restaurant live, you did great". Magedelene kissing the tip of her fingers

"Thanks bae, but I haven't gotten any response from them yet, and my viewers are already visiting the place yunno". Amanda expresses sadly.

Magedelene goes closer to Amanda and hugs her "Has this kind of thing happen before".

" Yeah, it has that was when I was kinda new in this business". She responds softly

"Why didn't you sue them". Magedelene already getting angry.

Magedelene looks at her and smile " babe I didn't know better, I was still new, I was doubting my own ablities".

"Do you still doubt it, because I want you to know that you are great at what you do". Magedelene replies softly

Amanda eyes goes moist, she says to Magedelene hoping to give her give her a little assurance " let's give them this week and if nothing yet, I will be sueing them".

"That's the spirit, when other organization hears of it, they will know you're the big deal, okay?". Magedelene gives Amanda a smile.

" I really don't know what the lecturer is teaching, do you have the PDF of the topic". Amanda looks over at the screen like it was foreign words on it

Sure, I will ask the group". Magedelene looks over to Amanda who is really looking down. "Hey, we will figure this out together okay". She tightens her fingers around Amanda's .

" Thanks babes, do you have any other class, because I have another restaurant promotion to do, you know so I can drop you off". Amanda looks at her phone checking her schedule

"You can go without me okay, I think I have Accounting class after this" Magedelene gives her a warm smile

" This woman doesn't seem to be leaving any time soon". Amanda says in between her teeth.

" I guess, we die here then ". They both let out a chuckle


After days of not speaking to Dave, he felt invincible to her, Everytime, he was sending home Flowers, Apology cards,

Hoping that he was going to get her to say something, But no words came out.

But this evening Mary surprises herself and Dave as she speaks.

" We have to tell Philip, our son has a right to know about this". She notices her voice sounding different, it was due to tears and sleeplessness night.

"I really can't face him, and tell him that the Father he knows, he admires, he emulates he isn't the same person". He mutters shamefully.

Mary didn't speak, she looks at him, so many words, so many things she wants to say, but it all came from a place of hurt, of anger.

" It not always about you, do you think he's ever going to forgive you for keeping this away from him for so long". She manages to speak.

" I know babe, I just can't bring myself to do, I just can't". He stammers

" Then, I have no choice than to tell him myself, I wanted you to be the bigger person, but since you can't, I won't be a part of your scheme". She spat her words angrily

" Now, when you say you want us to him the truth about this, then we will eventually have to tell him the whole truth about his existence ". Dave speaks gently, trying to make her see the implications of what she's about to do, of what she's demanding for.

"We have to tell him the whole truth, unless he's going to hate us, I don't want to lose him". Mary almost at the verge of crying.

" How about we wait a little bit, before we disclose this". Dave trying to get her support.

"No, the longer time we waste, the more we will lose him when we eventually do". She pauses, heaves a deep breath

" I never realized how painful it can be, you know the secrets you kept from me".She raises her brow when he looks at her with a confused face.

she looks clearly at this face for the first time, Just realizing how Dave was looking lost, with the aging lines he had gathered over the years. She didn't know it was due to the secrets he was keeping, that was underneath the aging lines on his forehead.

Dave comes closer to her, trying to tighten his fingers around her gently

" Have I lost you, my love". He pauses, Mary could see the tiredness, the frustration on his face.

"I am really sorry, my love, me, hiding all these things away from you, I wanted to protect you, Most importantly, I didn't want you to stop seeing me as the husband and father you knew, I never wanted to hurt you this way". He pauses hoping Mary will say something.

She didn't, Mary looks away, tears were already steaming around her eyes, she didn't want to him seeing her this way again.

Philip continues " what can I do to make it right, this time?". Pleading with his eyes

She loosen his fingers around hers, " The only thing, that would make this right now ,is by, telling Philip the truth".

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