
House Sigil

During the week, the construction of the farm field and the storage was completed. Now only the forge remained. The areas around the Knight House were finally also properly cleaned, well for the dirt-covered road it was. 

And not only were they able to get another 3 knights the other 2 were at level 9 and with another few days of hunting they would finally advance to Tier 1. But with that being said the day's chores got them busy running about. The mine was expanded by about two times, and finally it looked sort of like a mine and not just an outer layer of mountain. They had also gathered some strong wood and vines to form another fence for the fields. 

And as the days started getting near where another pair would join the knights Eldric began to think about what type of banner should be used for their House. After some thought he could not come up with anything satisfactory so he decided he would ask the group later tonight at the fire. 

The day passed quickly, and the hunt in the afternoon was extremely successful. Many rabbits and fowls were killed, there were 1 boar and a new animal- a black striped deer. And due to the expanded storage space, they were able to accommodate the new food supplies with ease. But firstly, it was left to dry in the area they indivertibly created for the food. Eldric had once seen how his people at the Balmore House made food last long. Now it may not always taste the best but was that not why the fields were created? 

As the group started roasting and gathering around the campfire Eldric signaled for them to be quiet. "Since we are all gathered here, I want to announce something. We have all traveled far and wide, have we not. And finally, we came across this beautiful paradise. We started building and growing stronger, we even established a House and finally in another few days' time two more brothers would join our knight ranks and as such we would have 10 knights. And since that is a momentous occasion, I wanted to suggest something of importance. It would be something that the outside world would one day respect and fear and what we would honor. I want to finally create our emblem, our banner, our values and ideals." 

"Our symbol." he added with passion to his voice. "And I believe that everyone should have a say in it. So does anyone want to suggest a symbol?" 

The campfire was deathly silence, it took them a minute to absorb all that was said and comprehend it before smiles and cheers broke out. Finally, after the initial joy was calmed, they all started to ponder. One young man suggested with excitement, "What about a Golden Lion?" 

"No, we can't, they are solely used for nobility. And don't forget, we are not a house of royals or nobles, we are a house of Knights and that is what we shall remain." Evander said with a shake of his head. 

"What about a serpent?" one asked. "No absolutely not. They are cruel deceivers and cunning, I will absolutely not. We have honor and valor and the banner we want should represent us as such." Galen immediately replied. 

"Then what about a star then? I mean every time I look up towards the stars I hope and pray for guidance. What if we use a star as our sigil, representing light?' Cael asked. 

"Aye, it ain't a bad idea but I don't think it suites well with our values" Solen said after pondering. "Patriarch, if our house is to represent our honor and value, to remain knights and serve and protect our land. And if I may add, I know that the region we are in is at the border of Montania but it is covered in snow and ice every year for 6 months' time. So, I think we should have a sigil that befits us as protectors as we envisioned us to be, and it must have something to do with the winter?" 

"Brilliant" Eldric and the group sighed. "Do you have anything in mind?" 

"Hahaha, no I don't I only thought that since we are in Montania that is covered in snow we should have something to do with winter especially since our House is named Snow." Solen laughed sheepishly. 

"Then does any of you have a suggesting related to winter?" Eldric asked. 

"A White Wolf?" someone suggested. "No, a wolf is too common." 

"A frozen Rose" "No" 

As the night went on the group kept throwing ideas out but none had a specific lure to it when suddenly a soft voice could be heard, but when it sounded everyone fell silent as if thunder struck them. They all turned to stare at a young man, arguably the youngest in the whole group even younger than Lachlan. He was also the lowest level here, except of course for Eldric. His name was Arthur. 

Eldric asked, "Please repeat what you said Arthur" Arthur stared into Eldric's eyes and began to feel nervous, but he indeed did repeat the words." What about an Icy Crowned Stag." 

Before Eldric could even answer, Galen, Solen and Evander laughed out loud and in unison shouted," That's it!" 

"An Icy Crowned Stag. Patriarch that is what our sigil should look like" Galen said. Eldric agreed and turned his attention back to Arthur, "Indeed that is what our sigil will look like. Arthur, how did you come up with it?" he asked curiously. 

Stammering he said," W-well I-I thought s-since we talked about winter a w-winter animal should be perfect. And the icy crowned stag is known as protectors of the weak by the mountain villages in Montania. It suited our cause as it is also known for its honor." 

"Hahaha" the group burst out loud as they saw Arhtur blush in embarrassment. "Arthur, you have come up with the idea, so how do we create it?" Eldric asked. 

"Well, the I-Icy Crowned Stag, is a s-stag with antlers made of ice, representing the house's association with the cold and frost of winter. And I-if we make it a Winterland stag and a with its beautiful brown fur against a backdrop of white snow it would be best." he described. 

"Perfect, absolutely beautiful. Then that would be our sigil for our House, and with a house our motto must come about, I was thinking about 'Courage in Frost, Valor in Battle', what do you think?" he asked. "Nothing suits better" was the unanimous vote. 

And so, on this night the House of Snow had finally created their own sigil and motto to live by and judge their lives by for years to come. 

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