
chapter 33 :The Secret And the successful capture

Recap: System and SB UI Daniel. Both are finally face-to-face. The fight of the century is going to start. But before that, we turn our attention to the friends, as the hunt has started. Will it all go as planned? Backfire, making Eugene regret it.

Chapter reading guide.

Words that are bold mean they are spoken in a different language. So some . characters cannot understand them.

SB UI = Second body ultra instinct

OG Daniel= Original Daniel

System= Our main character

Any questions ask in the comments.

The story starts here:

System and SB UI both moved at such speed that they could not be seen with the naked eye. 

Both fighters aimed at each other's faces. Using a straight punch aimed at each other's faces.

The fist is easily dodged by both fighters. Now both of them look at each other. The fist glides a couple of centimeters away from their face.

The two fighters punches created huge air flow in an enclosed room. Taking a step back. Both looked at each other.

System spoke after a while of only looking, "What are you not even going to say hello to me? You might have fooled everyone else, but I know that you can talk".

These words caught the attention of Og Daniel, who was carrying an unconscious jay. On his shoulder, As he is shocked by these words.

Og Daniel feels that nightmare, and the second body has a big link with each other.

SB UI doesn't respond to system words. But he continues to look at him without showing any emotion. But the eyes told a whole different story.

His eyes showed a shocked look. The system just blindly said random bullshit. But seeing the response meant one thing clearly.

The second body is sentient. It has its own will and thoughts. This reaction also puts the system in deep thought about who was the previous owner of the body.

While system is left to deal with canon world.

We turn our attention back to our story world.

We turn our attention to the place where the hunt has started.

All the affiliate executives have chosen the targets they want to hunt and brought them to the drop location.

We see Hoyotoko as the one who went after Vasco and Jace. I have caught up with them. And so the plan to capture them quickly starts.

Jace has always been sensitive to volatile emotions. He knows how Vasco feels when other guys his age are hanging out with girls.

But many other guys are also not like Vasco. To uphold justice. Due to my past experiences, He wants to be a hero in his own way.

Trying to help them overcome and believe in themselves.

Jace sees Vasco smiling like a child seeing new things. And turning toward him when he wants to buy something.

In situations like this, Jace feels it is his responsibility to help Vasco and also says no to him. For buying some useless things.

So seeing Vasco turn from a happy man to a sad man with a cloud over his head. It's funny for Jace.

Vasco speaks in a childlike tone: "But Jace, they are good for training" . I hope that Jake buys the toy gun for him.

Jace looks at the thing that Vasco wants and then looks back at him. And replies in an adult full tone, "How will it help you? Train." This is a toy gun; for what purpose can you use it to train?".

Vasco, seeing the rejection, turns to whine again. With people around them giving them both strange looks.

I enjoy seeing people's reactions. His ears turn red. And he wants to pull Vasco away. Grabbing him by the back of his neck.

Jace, with strength that is not normal for his size, pulls Vasco away and into an alley with not many people. To get away from the eyes of the people.

While all this is happening with Jace and Vasco, Both are unaware of the man. Which is following them.

And seeing them go in the alley, he also follows. Entering the alley, he sees that Jace is lecturing Vasco.

But not wanting to waste any more of the time. He walks up to both of them. With Jace and Vasco also noticing him.

Jace looks at the tall man who entered the alley and sees a strange man wearing a mask. Many will assume he is up to no good.

Jace turns and is about to say something. But he fails, as both he and Vasco are grabbed by the face. Both are then smashed into the ground.

With their backs colliding so hard with the ground. It damaged the alley floor. With blood leaking from both their heads.

Jace is knocked down instantly, while Vasco is barely awake. He was trying to understand what had happened. One second, he was getting lectured by Jace, and then, out of nowhere, this happened.

As his brain tries to process what has happened, The man wearing the mask takes out a phone and calls someone.

He speaks in clear Japanese: "The targets are caught. Send in the transportation". The words of the man got Vasco out of his train of thought.

Blinking a couple of times. Trying to focus his eye sight to get a look at their attacker. Vasco gets a clear look at him. A tall guy was wearing a suit and a strange mask.

Vasco is not the guy with the biggest brain. But he has enough thinking power. I was trying to think about the reason for the man to attack them. But his brain power is dulled even more due to the impact from before.

Turning his head, Vasco gets a clear look at Jace. Seeing him not moving, Vasco tries to get up. But his attempt to rise has not gone unnoticed by the man.

Hoyotoko is the second affiliate, and in the circus, he has seen many people with desperate eyes. Trying to claw at any chance of survival.

This is like the same situation in the second affiliate. He sighs to himself, wanting to put Vasco out of commission.

This is also due to his thoughts about weak people. He thinks that  'weak should be ruled by the strong. They should always bow their heads..

I was walking over to Vasco, who was trying to rise to his feet. With the intent to incapacitate Vasco.

Without much thought, he brings his foot down on Vasco's face. But to his surprise, his foot is caught by Vasco.

Vasco held his foot by the ankle. Stopping it mid-air. Using all his strength. Vasco pushed away Hoyotoko.

After that, Vasco stands up on his feet. Shaking his head to the sides a couple of times. To get more clarity,.

The feeling of something warm flowing down from the back of his head. But ignore it.

Vasco gets a good look at Jace and sees a bit of the blood pooling around his head. Without giving Hotokoyo any attention.

He goes toward Jace. And tries to wake him up. "Jace, get up" . I see no movement from Jace.

Vasco speaks even more. "Ok, I will not ask for the toy gun or anything else, so get up". The vasco tone gets a bit desperate with each word.

Still getting no response, he kneels to pick up Jace to find medical help. Getting Jace on his back. He turns to leave the alley.

Hoyotoko, who was on the side, watched it all. Seeing the desperation emotions. He scoffs. With his train of thought, he begins, Emotions are for the weak'.

To speak out his thoughts. He speaks in broken Korean to get his point across vasco with a tone of contempt: "Emotions weak. If strong, not in this state"

The sentence was strange, but Vasco understood the meaning behind it. Putting jace against the wall. He speaks to the knocked-out Jace. "Jace, wait here; this will not take much time".

Turning his attention to the man who attacked them both. Vasco, with anger and rage in his tone, says.

"I don't know who you are. And what is your business with us? But since you attacked us first, Without any reason, this means you're a bad guy, and I hate bad guys".

Vasco stands straight without any stance. And walks near Hoyotoko. Both now stand near each other. Vasco is a head shorter than him.

Without much words spoken, both fighters strike each other in the face. With vasco, begin pushing back. Due to the size and strength difference.

The fight looks in the favor of Hoyotoko. Due to his size and strength. Hoyotoko is the third-strongest. In second affiliate.

Vasco saw how he was pushed back. He goes for a tackle. Vasco will soon realize that strength doesn't matter if you can't use it properly.

The tackle pushed Hoyotoko into the wall. The force was enough to damage the wall. Vasco sees his tackle Begin as successful.

Vasco puts Hoyotoko in a bear hug. Grabbing and tightening his grip. I want to make it painful for the second affiliate guy.

Hoyotoko was surprised by a sudden burst in strength from Vasco and was a bit shocked by the tackle and a bear hug.

Hoyotoko easily shook off Vasco's grip. And using wrestling, he throws Vasco to the ground. And gets vasco in a back chock. Tightening the grip.

He speaks once again in Japanese, "Weak all that bravado, all that talk, all that bullshit. Just to get defeated. In moments. Without strength. Your nothing. The weak should always obey the strong".

But he soon remembers that Vasco could not understand him. So in short Korean,. He described vasco as "weakling".

Finally, Vasco stopped struggling, his hands dropped slowly to the ground. With that, a van pulled up with three people. Got off.

carried both of them on the side and back of the van. And tied them both. Hoyotoko took a picture of them. And sent it to the others. This was his declaration of his success.

When Vasco and Jace begin to be captured, we turn our attention to the others. With the Chinese guy and three sections of staff. He gets his eyes on Zach, Mira, and Yui.

Zack felt happy. He was on a date with Mira. Even if she didn't know But he was also sad. Yui was also with them. This ruined his mood.

He wanted to tell you. To leave, but he knew Mira would be angry with him. And his brain made even worse stories.

But while he was busy with his mind-making stories, Zack and the girls were unaware of the guy.

Yui, looking at Zack, who was lost in thoughts, spoke, "Zack to earth, zack to earth. Get your mind out of your thoughts. There are two beautiful girls with you. And you have the gall to think about something else".

Yui took a look at Mira, got a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Zack, are you thinking about other girls?".

These words successfully caught the attention of Zack. Who was so caught off guard? He almost tripped on his own two feet.

Flustered and thinking about what Mira will think about him. Without thinking about what to say. He said what came into his mind: "I was thinking about Mira and how beautiful she looked".

This caused both Mira and Zac to be more flustered and blush like crazy. Seeing this secrecy.

Yui felt jealous and thought to herself.

'Mira has someone like Zac who cares this much for her. Sigh when or will I ever find someone who can care for me like Zach cares for Mira'.

But Mira tries to change the mood and says, "Let's go somewhere and eat". They walk around, wanting to find a good place to dine.

While the guy who was looking at them formed a distance. His phone vibrates in his pocket, taking it out.

He sees the picture of Vasco and Jace beginning to be tied up. This picture made him feel like he was targeted by the Japanese guy.

Speaking to himself in Chinese, "That damn Japanese ape. Just because he caught them. He thinks he is  something" Fuming with anger.

He doesn't want to waste any more time observing. Without any warning. He throws a kunai aimed at Zack's legs.

Zack felt something was wrong. But without any warning. He is suddenly impaled in the thigh with a kunai.

Just when Mira and Yui were about to scream, The third affiliate guy speaks in a loud voice in Korean, "Scream, the next one will be in his head".

Looking at the man who attacked them without any warning. Yui was the first to say, "Who are you and what do you want? Take your money and just leave.".

The guy, not wanting to waste much time, takes his phone out. And calls, speaking to the other side in an arrogant tone.

"Target caught, send the transportation".

And cuts the phone after hearing their response.

Zack heard all and saw the man looking at them with such a proud look. This makes him angry.

Looking at the place where he was hit, The place where the kunai was in his thigh. Processing this zack thinks,'Who i is this guy? Does he know about me? Or he just aimed randomly'.

Many might not know. But an injury to the thigh. Can cause movement impairment. Or, in simple words, Mess with someone's movements.

Many boxers, like Zac, use movement to generate punching power. And to outspeed an opponent. So a leg injury's damage is great. His fighting prowess.

Zack is looking at the whole situation. He looked at the Chinese guy and said, "What's your deal? Why are you targeting us?".

The Chinese guy feels annoyed at Zack's question. And she doesn't want to talk with him. Because he doesn't like to waste much time on weaklings.

He thinks Zack is weak. And is asking for forgiveness from him. The guy has a massive ego. And likes to dream of beating others in dreams.

The man is sent to his dreams of defeating Daniel alone. Within seconds and proving that the third affiliate is the strongest.

Zach with the girls looks at the guy who is distracted. Zack knows he might not get a second chance like that.

Quickly takes out the kunai from the thigh. And throws it at the guy. Which brings him out of his dream of beginning the legendary. Master and the biggest don of the world.

Hastily dodging to the side to avoid the poorly thrown kunai. The Chinese guy is thrown off balance.

Zack rushed, disregarding his injury. Zack has great conviction. He can and will do anything when it comes to Mira.

The Chinese guy is leaning heavily to the left. Zac uses all his strength to land the most powerful left hook.

Which connects sending the guy jaw and shaking his brain. Following up with his right hand to land a liver shot.

This makes the Chinese guy lean forward a bit and use his hands. To cover the liver area. Zack, looking at his reaction, delivers a final blow. With a devestating upper cut.

Which landed under his chin. Knocking him down effectively. The Chinese guy. Zack breathes a bit heavily.

Adernline rush. Has started to clam down. He was flinching in pain due to his leg. Zack sits on the ground. Taking breaths to process what happened.

He looks at the guy he knocked out. looking around him. Zack sees a phone that fell out of the Chinese dude's pocket.

The phone starts to ring. Zach slowly moves toward the phone and grabs it. Looking at the phone, he sees an unknown number calling. 

Picking up the phone, Zack brings it near his ear. And listening to the call without speaking much.

A cheerful voice comes from the other side. "Hey old face here. I have effectively caught the target. I have the girl. I am heading back to the main ambush point. When you're done with the guys on your end, Bring and be quick since you're the last one remaining".

Before Zack can properly understand what happened, The phone is cut off. Leaving a confused zack. Who looks at the phone?

Opening the phone, which had no password. The phone setting is in Chinese. But he sees a notification about a picture.

Without thinking much. He clicks on it. And sees the picture of Vasco. Jace. Knocked out. While Zoe is tied near them. 

Swiping to the left, he also sees that. All his friends are caught. Zack is left perplexed and swarmed by this much information.

Zack's brain seems to not be able to understand what happened. Turning toward. Mira and Yui.

Both girls are shocked and are standing still due to fear. Zack, looking at them, said, "Call Zoe and Crystal. Call all the friends; see who we can reach".

Hearing Zack's voice, both girls are taken out of the trance and follow Zack's orders.

While Zach also takes out his phone and calls the big Daniel. But he hears that he can't reach his number.

Looking over at the girls, he can see that they are also in the same situation. Gritting his teeth. Zack feels he needs to involve the police.

Just as he was about to call the police, a van pulled near them. From the van, four people get off.

While 3 wore a cleaners uniform, One wore glasses, and the first responder wore a uniform. Getting off the van.

The man is shocked by the secrecy as the third affiliate guy begins on the ground. While the girls are unharmed. And Zack was bleeding from his thigh.

He let out a breath, which made it seem like he was tired. And speaks in an knowing and a tired tone

"I guessed taegon might faile to capture you. Why don't you put the phone down and come with us. Failure to comply might lead to some dead friends".

Story ends here:

Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also tell me what you like about it.

Also recommend me an anime hand to hand fight so i can take inspiration for the fight between system and SB UI Daniel.

Any questions ask me in the comments. And have a good day.

And also if you liked the story pls consider leaving a review. Thank you. You for the support with your power stones.

I am thankful for it. Hope you all have a great day.

Sunday. Might upload

Monday no chapter

Tuesday no chapter As these 2 days i. Have university classes. And will be to tired to think straight about anything. Or even how to drink water

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