
chapter 30 : The unfortunate encounter and plots

Recap: Little Daniel and system were visiting little Daniel mother. But they are also have company with them, The friend's also surprised them. To visit the mom. After reaching the place many left to rest at the hotel with jay zoe with both of them to visit little Daniel home.

Story starts here :

Little Daniel leading the friends to his home, wanting to meet his mom. After all they are meeting after a long time.

During his time and training with james, he never had any to contact with her. Which made him, A worried little Daniel. With this problem, His mind raced to come up with reasons. And trying to think of answers or reasons to tell her.

He was leading the way towards his child hood home. Guiding them and telling them about the area, and how he spent his child hood.

Little Daniel shows them around. Which also makes him remember many childhood memories and things.

Nostalgia of all his childhood memories. After a long time, Little Daniel remembers many memories of the area. Getting him a bit emotional.

The emotions of happiness was surging. He changed alot within months. He went form little sad and depressed.

To tall and happy and having friend's, To which he can leave his back to. And now he is gonna meet her. The one he used to blame for his life. Wanting to reach his home faster.

While all this was happening in his head. He leads the group through an alley. In which they encounter a certain person which little Daniel does not want to encounter. With his new friends

In the alley we see logan lee who was surrounded by his so called friends. But the correct words to call them will be lackeys. They all were his little lackey.

They all stuck with logan due to his strength. They followed him bullying swearing. They did all under his name.

Logan was with his new target was in the alley. Doing what he does always. Humiliating other people and making them do embarrassing things.

Since Daniel transferred schools. He soon found new target for his activities.

Looking down at the person in his feet logan with strange emotions his eyes. Speaks to the guy who was lying in his feets "Look at you, you look pathetic".

squatting down he grabs the other person by the hair. Making eye contact with him. And saying in a sarcastic tone " But i like the look in your eye. The look of helplessness. This is what happens to a weak guy like you".

Wanting to say more humiliating words to guy. His attention is directed toward the new people who entered the alley. Looking over.

He sees all the people. He looks at there face. Which makes him angry . Logan always held great hatred for the guys with pretty face. Due to his past.

Looking at them. Logan lets go of the hair of the fallen guy. And speaks to them "I was in an bad mood but now i am even more angry. Do you think your hot or something due to your face".

Standing up he goes over to system using the big body. He goes over and puts his hand over the shoulder. Saying "You will make the perfect guy to pass time".

System hearing logan rants keeps an emotion less face. With little Daniel and jay standing in front of zoe to keep her safe.

Seeing no reaction form the guy. Logan's lackey's laughs and says

Lackey 1 : "Yo logan I think he must have shit himself. Looks like he is Frozen form fear".

Lackey 2 adds more in an sarcastic tone. "I know logan does look scary. But who cares about the boys. My eye is on the real price".

Hearing the lackey all eyes turn toward zoe behind jay and little Daniel. With lustful eyes.

After getting a good look on zoe whistles and says "Hey babe why don't you ditch losers and hang out with us. I assure you will not regret it".

Zoe is disgusted with their tone and looks. Wanting to cover herself. She pushes herself behind little Daniel to hide her more. Form their eyes.

Having enough logan and his lackeys bullshit. Little Daniel speaks in a low tone "Apologize to her. Otherwise don't blame me for what will happen to you all". Looking them straight in eyes with fury in his words.

The alley which was contained the laughter of logan lackeys and soft crys of the victim. Now id dead silent.

Logan eyes widen. His grip on system shoulder getting stronger. To show his anger. Trying to get the guy beside him on his knees. Wanting show his dominance.

But soon he realizes the guy next to him did not changed his face. Logan feeling his pride was hit. Using all his strength.

If we were to put his current mind set in motion. He wants to crush the shoulder of

system using the perfect body. But still gets no reaction.

System seeing Logan's attempt. Slowly puts his hand on logan, and easily takes logan hand off shocking logan, Who thinks ' This bastard how strong is this guy. Is he a human or a machine '. Shocked on how his hand was taken off like ease.

After taking Logan's hand off. System speaks in a clam tone "Why don't you all apologize to us and the guy on the ground and we all go our separate ways, And believe me you don't want to do this".

Hearing this and how easily the guy took off logan hand. The lackey's are getting a bit scared. But one takes some courage. And screams "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN APOLOGIZE, HUH YOU THINK LOGAN IS SERIOUS, HE IS GOING EASY ON YOU ALL. BUT NOW YOU PISSED HIM OFF, HE WILL FUC...G MURDER YOU ALL NOW".

This sudden out burst helped lackey's remember that they have logan on thier side and they also have numbers advantage.

Zoe seeing the situation. And knowing what System is capable of trys to get all of them to clam down and says "Daniel lets take another route. I don't like alley ways after what happen a while back". Her voice clearly showing a bit of panic and fear.

Zoe has a little fear of alleys due to paprika incident. After that happened she never took any way through alley or a narrow street.

Logan didn't hear what she said after Daniel. His mind raced to understand the name she said. He thought 'No way Daniel, Pikachu how the hell. No I cannot believe this that fat short fuc* changed this much'.

Logan mind came up, with a reason thinking it might be another Daniel.

System hearing zoe voice lets go of logan hand. And makes his way near the group. But as he was leaving one lackey trys to get a cheap shot.

He runs behind system wanting to him in the back of the head screaming "Don't ignore us bastard!!". For a moment he thought his attack is successful.

Moving a bit to side. Seeing how gis attack failed quickly turning to face the guy he was trying to attack. His face is grabbed by system. Effort lessly lifting the guy off the ground. As his feet left the ground.

Everyone is shocked at this. System tightening the grip on his face. The lackey's starts felling pain and starts thrashing around and , trys to pull the hand off his face. But ultimately failing.

Logan seeing the situation. Finally snaps kicking the nearby tharsh can. Trying to get the upper hand. Using this tactic to instill a bit of fear in the people against them.

This tactic successfully scares zoe. Which angers jay and little Daniel. System throws the guy aside. He falls in the large trash bin.

2 lackey's rush to get revenge for thier friend. Throwing a wild punch. And trying to grab system legs. They both are hit by a single jab. In the face. Knocking them down.

Logan is left standing with his 2 guys on the ground and one in a trash bin. Feeling humiliated. He gives the look of anger to system.

With the look he also says "What they were weak. I Think you earned a reward by defeating them. And that reward is getting a beating of your life".

After saying this he rushes to system to take him down. Due to logan knowing juijustu. He aims tackle his opponent to take him to the groud.

As he came closer to his aim. He ignored his opponent capability. Logan is struck in the face with fast speed followed up by a left hook and an upper cut. This all happened in seconds.

Logan mind can not understand what happened to him. He is knocked out. Little Daniel seeing this thinks. 'Logan always thought he was the big one. But i guess he thinks of himself even bigger now'. Sighing to himself.

Little Daniel turns his attention to zoe and jay apologizing. For the incident. As he tried to take blame for what happened. But zoe and jay forgives him and tells him to not apologize.

He takes them out of the alley. Leads them to his little home. Looking at the little house in front of him.

He feels a bit nervous to knock. But system seeing this pushes him a bit. Little Daniel finally knocks.

After a while of waiting the door is the opened revealing a old women, with many wrinkles or her face.

Looking up to the group she noticed Daniel and his friends. Looking at them with excitement visible in her eyes she asked " Where is Daniel. Did he not come with you all".

Looking at her little Daniel is left speechless. Gathering a bit of courage he replies "I am home mom".

These words made the old women look at him carefully. She steps up and trys to touch little Daniel face.

Bits of tears forming in her eyes. She might not have recognized him at first by looks. But his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

After a tearful meet between a mother and son. She leads them inside. Time passed quickly. Seeing the time both jay and zoe ask. To take a leave to the hotel.

But Daniel mother wanted them to stay over. But knowing her house condition she lets them leave. Little Daniel goes with them to drop them to the hotel.

With system left behind with little Daniel mother. She looks at system and speaks to him "Thank you for becoming little Daniel friend. When he left for a new place. I was scared he might be bullied like he was here. But when i had a talk with you. I saw how you treated him. You helped him change. For that i am thankful. Your like a elder brother to him ".

System feeling embarrassed by this trys to denies this. And says "Pls stop your making me embarrassed, i just provided him a bit of help. He changed himself. It was all his effort".

While all this was happening in little Daniel home. Somewhere else we the guy who was knocked by system standing in the same alley where he was defeated.

Logan was standing, Looking at his expression. He was bitting his lower lip as anger was clear. His veins on forehead throbbed. With only thought on his mind 'I Will kill that bastard'.

Logan wanted revenge. For the humiliation he faced, and was willing to anything to get it. Weather was it his luck or bad luck.

Some one stood behind him. To get logan attention. He spoke "Revenge, I can help you get it, we both are aiming in the same direction". Putting his hand forward, like asking for a handshake.

Logan felt someone was whispering in his ear. To accept it, to get his payback. Logan raised his hand also saying in a low tone "I hope you will stick to your words. If you tired to cross me i will ve coming for you".

The man with glasses with his eyes shining. Looking at logan says in a honest tone "Believe me i am the man of my words".

Behind him many people enter the alley. With 2 people wearing same suits and of standing at his right and left side.

Logan looking at this secene, He is shocked, he hears the guy speak more "But now we wait for the perfect opportunity to take revenge for both our behalf".

Logan leaves the alley. Without looking back with a smile on his face. Without looking back.

The man wearing glasses and with wrinkles on his face questions "What is the use of such a low level peice. He cannot even cover as a foot soldier, Eugene".

Eugene looking at the place where logan made his exist responds in a mysterious tone " kojima san our piece here has a lot of value, that we can use, That Value might not be in strength, But the emotional value is really high". The lens of his glasses shine a mysterious light.

The man now named kojima respond to Eugene "What ever your currently planning, I don't care about it much, But why are you showing such curiosity in the boy".

This question got the attention of the other man with scar on his face and white suit. Also looks at Eugene wanting to gain an answer which will clear their curiosity.

Looking at thier eyes Eugene responds "How many people you think can beat madook and yuseong within 30 secs. Not form gen 0 or gen 1. Form generation 2nd".

Both old people are left in deep thinking by this question. Coming to not a proper answer.

Looking at them Eugene speaks to ease their worries "Daniel park defeated them both in 30 secs. And i asked them both how it felt fighting against him. Madook answer left me deep in thought his answer was".

Madook : "We had no chance of winning, The feeling was something which i never encountered. To this day i question myself. How Strong Is Daniel park".

The both old people listening this are bit. Interested in Daniel Park now. The man without glasses questions the man next to him " Brother Shigeaki what is your thought about this".

The glasses guy named Shigeaki respond to the guy with scars "Hiroaki my train of thought is what did he experienced in such a peaceful generation to be that strong".

Eugene hearing both brothers talk speaks once again to get their attention "Nothing he experienced nothing, After the incident in the detention centre, I used my sources to get information about him, It was like he never existed. He just came into Korea and was admitted to the j high".

This got both kojima bothers attention even more. Eugene continued "His past their was nothing. So after a bot of more searching, I got a major lead about his past, That lead is connected to charles. He made all the documents for him. While he was in juvi center for almost killed zeus".

The name of charles got kojima brothers. Mind racing. Once again to get their attention Eugene told them the plan. To check the ture strength of Daniel park.

And why they both were needed and what was the role of logan.

While they were discussing the plot. We turn our attention to system who was sneezeing. Thinking ' Who is talking about me'. With that thought. He lies on the futon.

Getting ready to get a peaceful night sleep. His attention is brought to the panel. Remembering the song he heard in the morning.

He opens the panel to see what was the dong about. Looking at the quest. System using the perfect body smiles. With the thought on his mind begin 'Lets test what is my current limit'.

Story ends here

Sorry for the clif and i just vanished for a long time was busy with university exams and when they end my laptop died on which i had written the whole chapter. Which demotivated me alot.

And with the help of @KqroIsReading I made this chapter. So thank you bro.

The story is also on Wattpad on which the 1st affiliate arc won. I will be sending system to 1st arc hiding his face and. Pay a visit to taejin and others.

Pls leave a comment if you enjoyed the chapter. And tell me how can i improve it more thank you for reading this.

And once again thank kqroIs reading for helping me with this chapter.

Have a good day or night peace

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