
Tatooine: Revelation.

Hassan stared out of the window at the vast expanse of yellowish dust, the landscape of Tatooine, the homeworld of the legendary Chosen One - Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. There might have been other legendary figures born on this planet that Hassan was unaware of, but he didn't care. Right now, what weighed on his mind the most was saying goodbye to Boba.

Gabriel doubted he could persuade the boy to stay with him, but making another attempt at convincing him wouldn't hurt. On the other hand, parting ways would toughen Boba and turn him into a formidable warrior capable of facing any threat. Hassan wasn't a good teacher by himself, so even if he were to take on a student, they would need to have a solid foundation in combat already.

The brightest example that came to his mind was, of course, Ahsoka Tano. He would gladly recruit her to his side. A battle-hardened Togruta, wielding two lightsabers and commanding Clone Troopers, would eventually face an unpleasant separation from the Jedi Order, and that's when Hassan would be there to offer a helping hand. But to make sure she accepted his help, he needed to prepare thoroughly for that eventuality.

Among all the diverse characters in the galaxy, it was Ahsoka Tano who had captured his heart the most. While he admired the armor of many Sith, if he had to choose between excellent gear and a Togruta, he wouldn't hesitate to pick the latter.

"In the mood for a restroom break?" Gabriel nudged Shaak Ti, who was wrapped in a cloak with the hood pulled back. "It's your last chance to get things sorted."

"I'm fine," she replied calmly.

Meanwhile, the ship passed through the atmosphere and descended toward a fairly large city in the midst of the desert, appearing like an oasis of life against the desolation. Boba began a slow descent, and the adults continued to watch through the window before the farewell. These minutes passed quickly despite the overall heavy atmosphere. The boy didn't want to part with Hassan, Shaak Ti wished to take him with her, and Gabriel... Gabriel believed that difficulties would toughen Boba.

"Maybe we should fly to Dooku together?" Boba asked after he'd landed the ship on the platform.

"Or maybe you could come with us?" Darth replied, raising a counter-question.

"I want to..." Boba began sadly, "but I can't." He hopped out of the pilot's seat and approached the pair.

"I can't either," Hassan sighed. "Let's not delay the farewell."

Reaching into his belt, Hassan pulled out a ring. "Put it on. It's a kind of talisman that will protect you from danger. It's also my gift."

"Thank you," Boba said, accepting the gift.

"If you ever need my help, just find me, alright?"

"Alright," the pilot nodded in response.

"Take care of yourself, Boba," Shaak Ti sadly closed her eyes.

"I'm not saying goodbye, I'm saying see you later," Gabriel ruffled the boy's head.

Boba pursed his lips, then tightly embraced the man in the wooden mask. At first, Gabriel was taken aback by this unexpected action, but then he also hugged the boy back. At that moment, for some reason, Boba felt a deep sadness. He had been about to try and persuade Fett to stay with him, but then he remembered the kind of chaos that awaited in his future. A seasoned mercenary would have a much easier time surviving there.

Shaak Ti watched with a sad smile at the scene before her. The feared and dreadful Sith Lord, whom the entire galaxy should be afraid of, was hugging a regular boy whose father had died. Any other Sith would have already pushed the child away and sternly punished him for such displays of weakness, but not Hassan. What more proof was needed to show that he wasn't on the Dark Side of the Force?

"Come on, Boba," Gabriel finally released the pilot. "We need to go."

"Right..." Boba took a step back.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to my captive?" the man grabbed the woman's cloak, then abruptly tugged her towards him, hugging her by the shoulder.

The Jedi, clearly not expecting such a turn of events, pondered how she ended up in the arms of her captor, where their faces were too close for comfort. However, Hassan was still wearing his mask.

"Goodbye," Boba muttered to her and sat back down in the pilot's seat.

"Wow!" the man let go of the woman. "That's progress," he looked at the Togruta.


"Let's go," he beckoned his captive to the exit.

They passed through the adjacent compartment where the unconscious and bound Orra Sing lay. According to the plan, once Boba had put some distance between the planet and erased the flight history, he would wake up the bounty hunter. She would then lead him to Dooku. Admittedly, it was a less-than-ideal plan, but it was the only one they had.

The bright sun momentarily blinded the two as they disembarked from the ship. The sun. Hassan loved the sun, the heat, and the sand. In his childhood, he often ran barefoot on hot sand, imagining he was jumping over the rim of a volcano. Shaak Ti cast a parting glance at the Rab-1 and joined the self-proclaimed Sith, who seemed lost in nostalgia.

He was looking at the sun in a peculiar way, and its rays didn't seem to blind his eyes behind the wooden mask. Was Hassan from Tatooine? Did he used to live here? Or did he simply have an affinity for the sun? Regardless, Shaak Ti had no intention of building theories at the moment. They would likely be staying on this planet for quite some time.

"Who's going to pay for the landing on my landing pad?" a stranger's voice snapped them both out of their thoughts.

Standing before them was an unremarkable Rodian with green skin, dressed in tattered, baggy clothing.

"He's already taking off," Hassan pointed to the ship behind him, its turbines humming once more.

"Well, that doesn't matter. You still landed on my platform, so you have to pay!" the platform owner demanded firmly.

"How much?" Hassan asked.

"Twenty credits," the Rodian said, instantly calming down and extending his hand.

Hesitantly, the masked man reached into his belt, finally retrieving the money and handing it to the stranger.

Satisfied, the Rodian tucked the credits into his rear pocket and said, "Welcome to Tatooine," before turning and walking back to his office.

"Thank you..."

Shaak Ti cast a sidelong glance at Hassan. Through the Force, she sensed that he was up to something. And indeed, he began to look around, searching for witnesses, but apart from a few ships, worker droids, and various crates nearby, there was no one in sight. The Togruta closely monitored his actions, trying to decipher his intentions.

Suddenly, the fingers of the self-proclaimed Sith began to move slightly, and he was staring in the direction of the retreating Rodian. Shaak Ti also turned her gaze to him and saw that credits had flown out of the Rodian's pocket, and the owner hadn't even noticed it! In an instant, the money bridged the distance between them and landed in the clever pickpocket's palm.

Certainly, with the Force, it was possible to move objects, but extracting something from a sentient being's pocket was exceptionally challenging. It required intense concentration and fine-tuned Force manipulation—not just to lift an object but to do so unnoticed, without alerting the target. And, by the Force, Hassan had accomplished this feat with ease. Honestly, Shaak Ti inclined to think that he had done it effortlessly.

"Cover your face," he placed the money in his belt and shielded the woman with his hood. "I don't want anyone but me to see your beauty."

The Jedi Master didn't respond to his words. She felt neither warmly nor coldly toward them, but in a way, she appreciated his considerate demeanor. Furthermore, these words were a straightforward strategy to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. Shaak Ti didn't bother to validate her conclusions using her Force Sensing abilities.

She silently followed Hassan to the exit, and they emerged onto an incredibly crowded street. Here and there, diverse passersby bustled about, united by one common trait—worn-out clothing. However, there were differences as well. For example, some unfamiliar individuals were leading others, restrained by chains attached to special collars.

"Take my hand," the abductor urged, drawing closer.

"Don't worry, I won't run away," she thought that holding hands would be excessive.

"Or should I put you on a leash like them?" he clarified, slightly irritated.

Shaak Ti didn't have much of a choice. While she could run away right now while not yet restrained, during a chase, many innocent people could get hurt. Therefore, the Jedi extended her hand, which he promptly took, leading her further down the street. His grip was firm but caused her no discomfort.

Hassan deftly maneuvered through the crowds, overtaking others at a fairly rapid pace. One might think he was using his natural agility, but Shaak Ti sensed that he was drawing from personal experience. It wasn't the first time the abductor navigated narrow streets teeming with people. Was he adept at pocketing items from unsuspecting passersby, sometimes even using the Force?

Stealing wasn't part of a Jedi's training; true, many Force users had enough finesse to lift things, but even among them, Hassan stood out. He pilfered from bystanders with hardly any contact, making no extra movements that might alarm the credit owner. This demonstrated his extensive experience in pickpocketing.

Hassan likely didn't learn these skills after discovering his Force sensitivity, so Shaak Ti logically assumed he acquired these abilities in his childhood. The ability to navigate through gawkers while pilfering? What could this imply? A difficult and impoverished past for Hassan.

"Stop," the self-proclaimed Sith halted at a shop with a gaudy sign that read: "Goods for Every Occasion." "Let's go in."

Again, Shaak Ti had no choice; Hassan simply pulled her inside. They found themselves in a rather tight space between shelves and counters filled with various goods, illuminated by sunlight from the windows and a few overhead lights.

"Welcome!" a Sullustan shopkeeper immediately addressed them. "How can I assist you?"

"Do you have communication devices with holograms?" Hassan asked while examining assorted odds and ends.

"Are you referring to holoprojectors? I'm afraid I don't have any for sale, but if you want to contact someone, I can recommend tablets with access to the holonet!"

"Two of those."

"Of course!" The shopkeeper hastily retreated to the storeroom.

Why would he need tablets to contact someone on Tatooine? It was entirely possible. After all, someone like him, a Force-sensitive, should have both enemies and allies. Discovering Hassan's allies would be a valuable source of information.

"I'm here!" a voice echoed further into the store.

Hassan didn't let go of Shaak Ti's hand for a moment. It was he who led them deeper into the establishment, bypassing the shelves filled with various items. They found the shopkeeper behind the counter where the merchandise was displayed. Hassan, radiating fear and surprise, slightly turned the small devices in his hands and placed them back on the shelf.

"How much?" he asked.

"Two thousand credits. It's an excellent price; you won't find them cheaper anywhere else!" the shopkeeper declared loudly.

"Tell that to someone else," the Sith turned to leave, but he was quickly hailed by the Sullustan.

"Fine! One thousand eight hundred credits! This is my final offer!" the merchant proclaimed.

"Excellent. Could you configure them to communicate with each other first, and then I'll pay you?" the Sith approached a shelf of small robot parts.

"Of course!" The shopkeeper hurriedly started setting up the gadgets.

While the shopkeeper was occupied, Hassan gathered a handful of bolts and other small parts in his palm and covered them with his other hand. Then he stood still. Shaak Ti observed with interest as he concentrated on the items in his hand, feeling the tension and focus through their Force connection.

"Everything's ready!" Hassan exclaimed, startling the shopkeeper.

"Yes, everything's ready," the masked man withdrew the hand that concealed the items, revealing the credits. This naturally surprised Shaak Ti. "Your money," he handed them to the Sullustan.

"It's been a pleasure doing business with you!" the merchant quickly stashed the credits somewhere behind the counter. Hassan grabbed Shaak Ti's wrist and rushed out onto the street along with the newly acquired goods.

Shaak Ti had mixed feelings about this. It was impossible to just transform random items into credits. Even the Force couldn't do that, so clearly, something else was at play. The Jedi suspected that Hassan had used a mind trick, more precisely, an Illusion of the Force. Force Illusion was one of the most challenging aspects of using the Force, and it was surprising that Hassan had managed to master it, albeit with some difficulty.

"How did you do that?" Shaak Ti decided to inquire as they were already outside.

"Illusion," as she suspected, "It's not exactly my strong suit. Phew..." he sighed heavily.

No wonder! A Force user couldn't simply master all the gifts the Force offered immediately. That was why Jedi and Sith focused on a few disciplines to achieve mastery in them. Trying to learn everything at once could take more than a lifetime.

"Can you contact the Jedi Temple?" the young man spun the tablet in his hand.

"I can."


The sun was setting as Shaak Ti observed it from a broken window in a small hut within a partially ruined village. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the Sand People, the Tusken Raiders, were responsible for this destruction. The woman, still wrapped in her cloak but without the hood, stepped away from the window and went outside, where Hassan sat by the door, drawing something in the sand.

She felt they needed to talk. Her intuition, perhaps even the Force, told her that this might be the last time they were together, their last chance for a conversation. A serious conversation. She closed her eyes, clearing her mind of unnecessary thoughts, and then surveyed the tiny settlement, consisting of three houses, which was better described as a farm. Finally, she sat down next to the captive.

"What are you drawing?" she inquired with a gentle tone.

"Just some nonsense," the masked man instantly erased everything with a stick. "Contact the Jedi and tell them you're waiting for your ransom here on Tatooine. Tell them to come for you at dawn tomorrow with the money."

"Alright," the woman nodded. "But first, I would like to talk to you."

"Go ahead," he said.

"I feel that our meeting was not by chance, Hassan. Perhaps our first encounter wasn't ideal, but ultimately, the Force brought us together. It has connected us both, and now we can feel each other's emotions and mental states. This is more than just a Force Bond between a master and an apprentice because our connection is very strong. Even now, without much effort, I can sense your fear and dissatisfaction. I believe it's fear for the future. These are trying times; we, the Jedi, must protect the galaxy from the Separatists, led by Count Dooku. This is why I'm asking for your help in this war. With your power, you can save millions. With you on our side, the Republic's chances of victory in the war increase significantly. I promise that I can vouch for you before the Jedi Council. I can take you under my wing and teach you the ways of the Jedi. I know deep down that you are a good person. You are not a monster like the Sith. You haven't fallen to the Dark Side; you don't even touch it when you use the Force..." She paused for a moment. "The Force has connected us, and I truly believe it happened for a reason. Please, let me help you and show you the path of the Light Side of the Force."

A silence hung in the air as Hassan sat quietly, his hand covering his mask. She sensed a storm of emotions within him, ranging from anger to hope. She didn't rush him for an answer, allowing him time to think. The Force, an omnipresent energy with interpretations that varied even within the Jedi Order, brought them together. The Force Bond they shared wasn't formed without reason. It was a creation of the Force itself. Like visions of the future and the Force's guidance, Jedi had to interpret these connections themselves.

"For now, our paths will diverge," Hassan said, and in a flash of light, a tablet appeared in his hand, which he handed to the surprised Shaak Ti.

Out of nowhere, he manifested the tablet as if he had teleported it directly into his hands. Shaak Ti had never heard of such a Force technique, and it added an additional layer to Hassan's abilities. Now, she wondered what else he might be hiding.

"This tablet is yours now," he continued. "If you ever need my help, please contact me... I... I don't want to see you harmed."

"But if you come with me, I could take you as my apprentice," the woman insisted. "In that case, we could always maintain our connection."

"It's too dangerous for both of us. There is a powerful figure who holds sway on both sides of the barricade."

"Who is this figure?"

Could it be Hassan's teacher? It was possible, as mastering such techniques required guidance. However, there was also a chance he had discovered an ancient holocron containing the essence of a Jedi or a Sith.

"I cannot say for now, for your safety," Hassan replied, leaning closer to her. "You must promise me that you won't disclose our connection or the existence of this powerful figure to anyone, understood? Neither about our bond nor about the powerful figure—nothing. Can you promise me that, please?"

Shaak Ti gazed attentively at the wooden mask. She sensed his fear. It wasn't fear for himself but for her. He genuinely cared about her safety, which touched her deeply. However, on the other hand, he asked her to keep this valuable information from the Jedi Council, who might investigate and apprehend this powerful figure. It was a dilemma, a real dilemma that Shaak Ti faced.

"Everything... happens for a reason," Shaak Ti spoke reflectively. "It's all the will of the Force. By its will, I encountered Boba and you, the one with whom I've reestablished bonds I long lost. Perhaps I'm being foolish and impulsive, but I'm willing to trust you, Hassan."

"My name is Gabriel. Thank you," he replied.

"Gabriel," Shaak Ti warmly smiled, feeling their connection grow even stronger.

Guided by her intuition, she looked up at the sky and spotted a Separatist ship heading their way. Hassan quickly got to his feet and changed his mask, saying, "Quickly, inside the house. Take my lightsaber and give me your cloak. Under no circumstances leave the house. You're under my protection now."

"I can defend myself," Shaak Ti replied, taking off her cloak and accepting the offered lightsaber.

"You're still my captive," Gabriel said as he put on her cloak. "Don't forget, Jedi, you're facing Darth Hassan."

"Gabriel..." Shaak Ti smiled wryly and shook her head. "If the situation demands it, I will intervene immediately."

With that, they both hurried back into the house, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

{I'm excited to share some important news about our projects. We have another exciting chapter coming out this morning.

I also have some other exciting news for you. In addition to the current project, we have another work related to the world and characters of the game. The protagonist of this story unexpectedly found himself in the world of Naruto and transformed into his game character. Name: Naruto: Faceless

If you want to support us and our projects, don't forget about the Power Stones. They help us to continue the creative process and release new chapters.}

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