
Smitten At First Sight

"What do you have for me about the Stones, Doug?" I asked as soon as I got off the executive elevator and greeted by my assistant.

All the Bells Foods cooperate offices are designed with same unique structure and interior, decorated with specific colours - white, purple and pink. Doug filled me in while walking briskly to my first meeting. They were similar to my findings as well.

Ryan is the first son and he's like the heir to the throne of the Stone legacy, the second son is Roarke, who has a daughter and the CEO of Stone real estate business, Ronald works closely with Roarke since he's a structural engineer, Rick, the traveler is the lawyer, in charge of all legal matters, while the last is Reese, the tech guy.

Guess the parents are in love with the letter R

"All right, set an appointment, it's time to meet Mr. Ryan Stone"

I paused outside the board room and turned back to Doug, "by the way, how's little Chloe?", he broke into a full grin, "she's wonderful", Mary sends her greeting, we really appreciate the gift", I smiled a little and opened the door to get started with the meeting.

After the meeting with the directors, I walked to my office, a little migraine is already brewing in my forehead, I resist the urge to stretch in front of the employees, I walked faster to get to my office to get off my heels for a while. I was met ny Doug who informed me that my step mother wass waiting in my office.

Waht does she want now?

I stepped into my office and there she was on my chair, sitting elegantly like she owns it, I sighed and sat across her, not saying a word and just looking at her coolly. I know it ticks her off when I don't react or acknowledge her presence. "I would have thought the money we spent on you covers teaching you manners" she said with her usual clipped tone.

"What do you want?", ignoring her comment.

Sweeping her eyes snobbishly over me, "I'm sure you already know about the gala". Here we go again! I mentally rolled my eyes. The gala is organized by her where she and her close circle of friends, come together, dress up to donate money and bid art works to provide scholarship for students but we all know it's just an opportunity to show-off and gossip.

"I would not tolerate your usual rebellious attitude this year?", I raised my brow, feigning ignorance which further ticked her off. "what do you mean?", I asked.

Of course I know what she meant. I don't like being told what to do, especially by her and I make it a habit of dressing up, contrary to the theme of the event. I remembered the last year gala where the dress code was; be in the angelic form and make it pure, but I dressed in black and added a horn! I would love to see that look of astonishment on her face again.

"I will not allow you to belittle my son's special day because the gala will not be only for its usual purpose but also to celebrate Junior as the CEO of the company", she said proudly.

"I hope you've not started rolling out the invite because it would never happen" I said.

She stood up, her head held high like a royal, and walked around the table towards me, I stood as well and held her gaze, you can't intimidate me, bitch, I'm not junior. "you might be Garret's daughter but you have nothing in common with us and will never be part of our family". she said with disdain in her voice.

"Considering our dumb your sons are, I'm glad I look nothing like you all", I replied with a calm tone, the only evidence of anger was my tightened fist behind my back.

If looks could kill, I would have been six feet under, I could see the strained vein on her forehead and anger flashed through her eyes, she detests my calm and disinterest gaze.

"and where is the one you took everything from?" she mocked, "she abandoned you"

The subject about my mother is a very touchy one for me, I don't dwell too much on it because it saddens me and I have a lots of questions as regard why she left. I used to cry myself to sleep every night when I was young, when I think about my mother, especially when I get sick but over time, I created a compartment in my brain and shove all 'mummy topic' in there.

I shot her a deadly glare and a victorious smile appeared on her face, "guess I found a crack on the wall after all" and she left.

I stood there for a minute after she left to regain my composure before calling Doug, I asked about the appointment with Ryan Stone, "a meeting has been set with Mr. Stone, tomorrow at 10", handing me some reports that I had to go through.

I thanked him, "see you tomorrow, Doug". I needed to be alone, I welcomed the peace and quiet and poured myself to work, occasionally massaging my forehead to relieve the headache, I need to finish on time so I can go home, release the anger that is pent up in the gym and relax afterwards while looking forward to meeting R1 of the Cleft brothers.


Exquisite is the word to describe Stone Hotels, this is not the first time I have been here, top events and parties have been hosted here and I'm always in awe at the magnificent architectural structure of the hotel, just like their other ones that I have visited across the country, they are all superb. Walking through the lobby, I noticed the elegant and unique interiors, the intricate S and H were done in gold and silver and displayed largely at the lobby.

A pretty lady with a nice smile on her face welcomed me at the top floor, "welcome, Miss Campbell, Mr. Ryan is waiting for you inside" judging by the looks and design, it's meant only for the CEO. I walked past the lounge, glimpsing at my reflection as I walked, my hair was neatly packed in a bun, the click of my white heel was swallowed by the soft cream rug. I took a quick glance at my appearance and was satisfied with my white pant trouser and my navy blue blazer with a white camisole underneath, marched with a red belt, same colour with the shade of my hair and lipstick. I brushed a hand over my hair to ensure they were still in place.

"Time to see the sexy god" I thought, before entering the room.

Staring back at me behind the big oak table is the bluest eyes I have ever seen, camera clearly didn't do justice to Ryan Stone's face, feeling flustered from just a look, I quickly averted my eyes.

His shinning short black hair which reaches just about the nape looks like hands have gone through them many times today, his sexy stubble suits him perfectly and his black suit fits perfectly to his body and accentuate his apparent strong lean body,

Get a grip Rena!

I quickly schooled my features but not fast enough, I bet he knew I was admiring him.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Campbell", I met his outstretched hand for a firm handshake, i felt like the tiniest jolt of electricity passed through my arm for a brief moment, I noticed how he hesitated before letting go of my hand.

"same here, Mr. Stone," I replied, wanting to sound as professional as possible.

"I'm sure you have been briefed on why I'm here", I spoke, looking him straight in the eyes, I could see some specks of lighter shade of blue like a scattered dust around his iris, we held each other's gaze for a while before I blinked away.

He had a playful grin on his face before replying, "I've been filled on the purpose of the meeting but as a business man, what do I gain by making you our sole supplier?".

He leaned back on his chair, placing one leg over the other, he rests he hands on his knees, waiting for my response.

"aside from assuring you of the long term quality of our product and regular supply without a hitch, I'm willing to negotiate the price a little below the market price" I added. I couldn't shake off the feeling that he wanted more than that, judging by the subtle smirk on his face and the glints in his eyes.

"Isn't that a little too small, considering what you'll get in return if you get this deal?" he said, starring at my lips, resisting the urge to pressed my lips together to avoid smudging my lipstick. I wasn't surprised that he knew about the deal Junior and I had with father and I'm sure if he's as ruthless as rumored, then he might prey on our desperation!

I swept my eyes over him and looked away with disinterest, I know men like him who think women can be charmed off their pants once they as much as smile, he might think my desperation extends to sleeping with him but I'm way too professional to sleep with him out of desperation. There's always another method in closing a deal, if one looks hard enough for it.

"What might you suggest is good enough, Mr. Stone", I asked, curious to hear what he would suggest and at the same time annoyed. Something glints in his eyes, like a predator who has caught its prey.

"You're a beautiful woman, miss Campbell, I'm sure you hear that a lot", sweeping his eyes through my body, his eyes stayed a little bit longer on my lips.

Thanks for the compliments asshole, but you're not getting in my pant over a deal!

I felt hot suddenly, "what are you insinuating?", I raised my brow, looking quizzically and expecting more explanation.

"don't tell me the only thing you're bringing to the table is the reduced price of your good, in case you haven't notice, Stone Hotels is well off, not affiliating with you wouldn't affect our shares." he drawled.

I wish I could wipe the grin off your face, asshole.

I stood and planted my hands flat on the table, moving my face closed to his and he drew his closer, the position made the upper part of my body lean on the table, "I'm definitely not bring my body to the table, Mr. Ryan"

"Half of your body is already on the table...literarily" he smirked, resting his eyes on my chest. I quickly stood upright, adjusted my blazer and sat back down, trying to restrain my palm from kissing his cheeks.

"As much as I would agree that you're an attractive woman, I don't miss business with pleasure Miss Campbell." Shooting a stern look in my way.

"I have been eyeing a piece of land which belongs to your father", he continued "allow me to buy the land in exchange for your proposition".

I pondered over it for few minutes, not bad for a deal, we get to established more outlets globally and SH will create an opportunity to enter the global market, extending our wings beyond the country.

"So, you knew what you wanted all along was a piece of land while you acted like you wanted to get into my pant?" I queried in annoyance.

Why am I getting worked up by this asshole?!

"Oh Serena, it seems you're mistaken, I said I don't mix business with pleasure, I never said I don't want pleasure after business".

"Not gonna happen" I deadpanned.

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