
Levi's Cousin

N/B : Chapter updates will be made daily.

Goal : 2 chapters daily

20 power stones a day

We go premium soon. Vote, Hikari's

Music recommendation : Soldier-Poet-King by The-Oh-Hellos.

I was silent, watching Levi pass his arm through Adira casually. 'If you aren't gonna kiss her then you're disqualified.'

'Don't tell me Lin's gonna kiss Stacy.' I rub my nose with a doubtful air.

'She'll do it. Mostly because of peer pressure and because she worships Levi. He's like Jesus to her.' I hear Josie say.

'No way.' I gasp in shock.

I watch Lin crawl across the floor to meet Stacy. Her hand moved to Stacy's chin and Stacy's to her neck. It was obvious that Lin was hesitant but Stacy was ready. She pressed her lips to Lin's and began kissing her.

My mouth fell open. I was half-vexed and half-amazed. Do Americans easily kiss each other? Especially the same sex?

They both pulled away and I don't fail to see pink hue creep to Stacy's cheeks. She enjoyed it. But her partner was not having it. Lin muttered to herself. Probably cursing in French or was it German?

With this, Levi threw himself, laughing till tears came into his eyes. So did the others. I was too depressed to lift the corner of my lips. What the heck was I watching? 'Who wanna smoke some cigawettes?!' Scott spluttered excitedly.

'How the hell did you drunk so fast? I haven't had a sip of alcohol.' Adolph took the cigar he held from him.

'Why wouldn't he get drunk?' Adira says. 'You're German. He's daddy's boy.'

Everyone laughs again. What's so funny?

Looking at the cigar, Gracie scoffs in bewilderment. 'A pack of cigarettes costs $12k? What's it made out of? The blood of Jesus?'

'I stole this from dad when he wasn't looking.' Scottie drawled. He looked terrible with his flushed cheeks and half-open eyes. I wondered if he was seeing anything.

'I didn't know you were loaded, Rivera. Always thought you lived under the bridge somewhere.' Gracie unwrapped the cigar.

'Yeah, me too. Congrats, man.' Stacy winked at him and he smiled.

Levi had taken off his mask and lit a cigar. He settled for a smoke himself, looking over at me with an intensity that made his face more attractive.

I tore my gaze from him.

'Now, let's play.' Levi says.


Stacy leans forward to spin the bottle. I look up at Levi sitting opposite me. He still regarded me softly, fanning away the smoke of his cigar with one hand. I become self-aware and bite down on my lowerlip. Just why was he staring at me?

'Its on Charlotte!' Scottie yelled.

My heart sank. No. It can't be me. It's too damn early. This doesn't happen in K-dramas, does it?

'Yeah. It is.' Matty smiled.

My soul sickened and almost left my body. Come bury me, somebody.

'Hey, it's not on Charlotte.' Stacy rolled her eyes. 'It's in-between you both.'

She referred to Matty and Scottie.

'Guess you both have to kiss then.' Stacy says casually and leans back on the post she previously sat.

'You outta your damn mind, lady? I don't wanna kiss a dude.' Matty shook his head.

'Come on, man. It's not a big deal. We're still brothers for life.' Scottie pouts his lips and everyone laughs.

'Hahaha.' Everyone laughs.

'Hell no. I'd rather kiss Charlotte.' Matty blurts out and everyone turns to me.

'You okay with it, Char? Don't tell me you've got a boyfriend.' Stacy asked.

'I'll pass.' I say only to hear disappointed sighs from everyone. Lin shrugs her shoulder and looks away. Josie's hand clasped tightly on my arm and I look at her. Her gaze was on something else. In my case, someone. He came with Jacob. Jacob was dressed the way Levi did. A dark sepulchral look but the other guy caught everyone's attention. He had tanned silly skin. His almond eyes were sheltered behind round glasses. Strawberry-blonde hair fell shoulder-length in wavy curls. His perfectly ironed white shirt was neatly folded to his elbow. You could see the lines running down his trousers. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled an otherworldly smile that could charm any lady to take off her clothes.

'Michael.' Levi hollered and sprang up to greet this Apollos.

'Sup.' Michael shook Levi's hand softly.

Don't tell me this handsome fella is related to that scoundrel! God no!

'Hey, everyone. This is my cousin, Michael.' Levi introduced.

I palmed my face and hissed. 'Dammit. Just when I find a crush, he's related to that asshole.'

Michael joined the game. Margo and most of the girls present spinned the bottle slowly hoping it would land on Mike but it didn't. Eventually, the game was coming to an end.

'Hey.' Jacob scooched over to my side.

'Hi.' I greet back.

'You can leave if you want. Is the game making you uncomfortable?' He asked.

'Oh.' I respond slowly.

Michael is laughing now and his eyes flashed at mine and my heart beats fast. He looked like one of those artifacts in museums. It sad he's not up for purchase. Something in his movements made me want to win him as my husband. He looked lovely in his white and black. In his eyes were a deeper light in his eyes, rosey flush on his cheeks. I realise I had a crush on this bloke. He'll be the 3rd guy I like. God! What is wrong with me?!

'Want one?' A hand wiggle a cigar infront of me. It belonged to Margo.

'Keep that away from her.' Matty said protectively.

'I wasn't asking you, princess.' Margo rolled her eyes at Matty.

I exhale softly. I can't smoke with a bad heart. I'll die. But I saw Aunt Mavis smoke and nothing happened to her. She has a bad heart and she smoked pipe. The woman's still alive.

'Smoking isn't that bad. It's just inhaling and exhaling. Like breathing air.' Margo's words are hypnotizing me coz I don't realise when I take it from her.

Before I could put it to my lips, another hand snatched it from me. It's Levi's. He inhaled the smoke and puff the smoke from his nostrils. I cough violently after inhaling the metallic-smelling smoke.

'Peer pressure won't work in here. You don't want her reporting me to her mummy, do you?' He said and everyone laughs.

I become embarrassed and look away.

'Levi, that's enough.' Jacob said through gritted teeth.

'Hey, I did nothing wrong.' Levi laughed a little., returning to his seat.

'It's okay. Don't mind that asshole.' Jacob pat my hand and I look down at it.

There's a knock on the door.

'Yo, code red.' A voice outside the door said.

I'd recognized it anywhere. 'Johnny?!'

'Who's Johnny?!' He returned and I hear retreating footsteps.

Wait! Did Levi pay him to be the look-out?

Everyone is clearing everything. Lin runs to air the room by opening the windows. Michael turns on the fan. Adolph hides the bottles underneath Levi's bed. The footsteps are getting to the door and everything is yet to be in order.

'We need a distraction.' Michael says. Did his voice ever sound so angelic?

'On it.' Gracie grabs Adolph's wrist. 'Ready?'

'Ready.' Adolph nods and they both lock lips.

'Aww.' I coo and Josie drags me aside. I think I sound high.

I hear the door open. A gasp following after.

'My word! What are you two doing?' It's Cindy, Levi's mum.

'You caught us, Mrs Wright.' Gracie laughed.

'Where's everyone?' She asked.

'At the backyard.' Gravie lied.

'Now, come along. We've got some pictures to take.' Cindy says and they follow her outside.

'Don't tell our parents.' I hear Gravie's muffled voice plead.

Evryone comes out of their hiding place.

'We've head down slowly.' Levi instructed. 'The windows. Now!'

Everyone did as they were told. Heading out the window. The ladies were helped first then the boys followed after. But for some unknown reason, Levi held me back.

'Levi, come on.' Lin called after him.

'Go.' He kept his answer short and she climbed down.

'So? Why'd you keep here?' I ask.

'I was looking forward to a kiss. That's all.' He smiled.

'You're kidding me.' I walk to the open window.

'Hey. I'm just joking.' He chuckled lightly.

'That's not funny.' I look down. It's quite far from the ground. Jesus.

'Scared?' He walked up next to me.

'No.' I close my eyes when a ghost of wind blow the hair on my forehead.

'Liar.' He brushed some hair off my forehead and looked into my eyes. 'I'll help you down.'

He extended his hands at me.

'Levi!' That's Jacob's voice from downstairs.

'Time's ticking, kitten.' He still has his hamd extended.

'Fine.' I take his hand and let him hold me.

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