

N/B : I apologize for not updating online. I haven't had much to subscribe for data. I'll be updating tomorrow.

Music recommended : To be young by Anne-Marie ft Doja cat.

(Levi's POV)

'Who was that?' Lin asked as soon as I shut the door behind me.

'No one.' I approach her bed.

'Why don't you cook me a meal, babe?' Lin flashed me a smile.

'Levi would've made you a meal but he's disgustingly lazy.' Jacob burst into a mocking laughter. Funny enough. Lin joins him.

'It's true. You never cook. I still find it strange that you know what a gas cooker does' He went on laughing.

'Alright. That's enough.' I glare at Jacob.

'Fine. I'll leave you be. I'll go check on Charlotte. Wonder if her mum will let me in.' Jacob stood up and left the room.

Lin takes my hand in hers leaving me stunned by her behaviour.

'I missed you.' Tears fill her eyes. 'I thought I was going to die.'

'Hey. Come here.' I pull her into a hug. 'It's going to be okay.'

'Don't ever go away.' Lin whispered.

It took an amount of hesistation before I answered. 'I'll never go away.'


(Charlotte's POV)

I'm home finally.

While laying in bed, I counted the rotating ceiling fan till my head swarm. Looking away, I sat up, trying not to turn my gaze to the window. If I did, I'd regret it. BTS' Boy with luv jolt me from my thoughts and I pick up my phone. It's a foreign number. That code. It's Britain's.

'Hello.' I answered the call.

'Charlotte, is that you?' The masculine voice is familiar.

I know who it is. 'George.'

'It's me.' I hear him heave a relieved sigh. 'You don't know how I've longed to hear your voice.'

My heart pitter pats. 'Really?'

'Yes. You left without saying goodbye. It really hurt.' He was indeed deeply hurt.

'I'm sorry.' I didn't know when those words escaped my lips.

'Sophie wouldn't let me talk to you.' He said.

Then I recall my previous conversation with Sophia. She had warned me to stay away from George. That he was no good. I wasn't sure if it were all true but it was correct he never contacted me while I was still in London. Why now?

'She had a lot to say.' I can hear him sniff softly. It must be cold.

'I'm sorry if she insulted you. She never meant it.' I turned over on my left.

'I'm sure she didn't.' Now, he was being sarcastic.

All of a sudden, I grew quiet. Unsure of what to say. Uncertain of his reaction. Unclear was the whole drama between him and Sophie.

'Can we have a video chat? I want to see your face.' George's reply came to me as a bolt from the blue.

'W- - what?' I stammered terribly.

'I want to see you, Charlotte.' Heat flushed through me as I receive a video call from him.

'Hey.' A blonde appeared on the screen. He's good looking in his white T-shirt. Running his hand through his sun-browned hair, he flashed me a reassuring smile.

'Hi.' I smiled back.


(Jacob's POV)

By the time I returned Lin's room, Levi was nowhere to be found. I inquired from her his whereabouts and she told me he went to see an old man. Shit. I know who Levi's going to meet.

(Levi's POV)

The car pulled up to the hospital. I got out, and took the elevator to the room on the fourth floor. It dawned on me that I was no longer a angry at dad. It's true I had been away from family, from Ahmed, from Amara. I realise I shouldn't be dismissive. This last Hide and Seek taught me that. Holding onto the door knob, fear gripped me. What if Ahmed turns me away? What if he yells at me? I deserved it every bit of it but it isn't my fault. I knew coming back here would stir up the ugly feeling I've been dying to drown. The pain of losing her resurfaced and a tear threaten to slip from my eyes. I sniffled and tried to leave when a familiar voice called my name. I turned to the direction of the speaker and there he was. Ahmed. In his casual black shirt and dark pants which I knew cost a house. His face was beet red. His hair was tousled. It was not a pretty picture. Even with all that money, he still looked miserable.

'Come here, boy.' He beckoned me over and I walked into his embrace. He held onto me as though I was going to disappear. I pat his back softly, reassuring him that I wouldn't.

We both pulled away and he looked at me. Tears filled his eyes.

'I thought you'd never come.' He said.

I shook my head. 'I wanted to but I couldn't.'

'It isn't your fault, boy. I understand. It took strength from Allah to come see her too. It wasn't easy.' Ahmed wiped a tear from his cheek and the scene broke my heart. It dawned on me that I was a terrible person.

'Let's go see her.' He took my wrist. I let him do it. It was high time I faced my fears.

But when the door opened. When I stepped into the room. When I laid my eyes on her immobile body connected with tubes, my heart sank and I let the tears I held back fall down my cheeks. All my hidden sorrows emerged and I let myself drown in them.


(Charlotte's POV)

'No way. He did that?' I scoffed. How could Levi insult George while using my phone? Well, I wasn't shocked. Levi is full of surprises.

'He's a dick for doing that to you.' George frowns. The lines on his forehead deepen and I wish I could straighten them.

'George, dinner's ready.' I heard his Ma say.

Disappointment wash all over me. I wanted him to stay.

'Duty calls.' He smiles nervously.

'It's okay.' I smile back. 'I'll call you.'

'I'll be expecting it soon. Love you.' He disconnected the call.

I roll on my back, squealing silently. Georgie said he loves me. Finally. My crush says he loves me. I can't wait to tell Sophie. As soon as I'm about to hit the call icon, mum calls from downstairs.

'Coming.' I roll my eyes and head downstairs.

Strangely, Nurse Amie is here.

Dad began. 'Queen, you're already acquainted with Nurse Amie.'

I look between her and Dad. 'What's this about?'

Nurse Amie came forward. 'Your parents want me as your personal nurse. I'll be working with Doctor Mishael. Your parents sought your consent and so do I. If you don't agree, I'll leave.'

'Who says I don't want you here?' I walk into her embrace.

She pats her hair softly and whispered. 'Are you alright?'

'Yes.' I whispered back.

We both pulled away.

'She'll visit you here on the weekends and of course, take care of you in school on weekdays. Is that okay?' Dad asked.

I nod my consent.

'Then that settles it.' Amie smiled. She arose to leave and I stopped her. 'Can we have a word?'

The parents gave me a look and I .went on.


'Sure.' I heard their retreating steps till the door was slid shut.

'I'm sure you have a lot of questions.' She began.

I pointed to the two seater arm-chair. 'You bet I do.'

We both took a seat.

'I swear to God that I only found out about H. A. S. that day. The principals never told me.' Amie said.

I found it hard to believe. 'No.'

'I'm not lying, Char. That Friday I was fired.'

My eyes widened. 'What?'

'Yeah. By Principal Ratcliff. Apparently, the school director found my replacement. A second generation chaebol infact.' She went on.

'But dad said you'll take care of me in school. How come when you're fired?' I couldn't help but ask.

'I was rehired. Your father is one of the top sponsors the school has. It'll be a shame if he pulled out from the school knowing he gave me a job there.' Amie returned with a mischievous smile.

Colour me shocked. 'Father wrote your recommendation letter?'

'Yes. Indeed. I am indebted to your family. So honour my word when I say I never knew about Hide and Seek.'

'Why does the school director allow that game to be played every month? Aren't parents aware of it?'

'I'm afraid not. No parent would want to leave their child in a school like that if they knew the truth.'

'Then we should go to the police.'

'That would be dangerous, Char. There's no evidence. No one would believe you.'

'I have to try.'

'Do you know the people who sponsor the game? Drug lords, ministers, you name it. You'll be putting your life and the lives of your family in grave danger.'

'Then should I sit still and do nothing? I've been hurt. Twice!' I whisper the last part.

'Hey.' Amie pat my lap. 'I swear I will get to the bottom of this. No one should be hurt the way Lin was. No deserves it.'

'How do we stop H. A. S?' I ask.

'My brother's a detective. On every Hide and Seek day, I'll set up spy cams in the halls. Once it's over, I'll grab it. No one will know.'

'You sound so certain.'

'I've done that before. Listen, nothing will happen to you or anyone ever again. I'll make sure of it.'

I heard the door open. It's Johnny. Of course. 'I hope you don't mind me barging in.'

'Of course I mind!' I roll my eyes.

Standing by the doorway, I wave at Amie till she gets into her car and drives off. A figure walks slowly to the Wright's residence. I couldn't make out the face but I knew who that walking step belonged to. Shoplifter.

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