

MF for motherfucker, who is motherfuckin' DOOM?

A bitch, DOOM's a bitch and his secret has secrets so the secrets are sick rats and the secret is a seeking rate, call DOOM a plague doctor for the cats. 14th, 18th century had him masked, D for Dauger from prisons Pignerol to Bastille. Hip hip for the who, ray of mystique, all tick till he went valet, DOOM never serves so he'll never wear iron again in this lifetime. Just died so fuck it, next life wears so much iron, call him Chancellor. Ti, do, DOOM pumping lead in a still court, bard of poetry before becoming the bud of hip, hop to the past, call him Demodocus 2before a royal court. Elite is DOOM, so elite the Lost Legion had to track him. Lost in greed but they found him. Standard bearer without any so they brained him. Left for dead but DOOM lived on silphium, more precious than the gold he stole. Famelicose but still elite. Eating knights by the head, Arthurian lore remembers DOOM as the Green Knight. Blood always rushes to his head so he wanted to gush about the gush, head cut, wanted red on his skin green. Blood on a knight then its back to the woods, Gawain can keep the axe. Why? Fuck knows, still in the arena  so the Gladiator 1mask remains on. Onto the next...

I loved the Green Knight. So weird and mysterious.

CloudBamboocreators' thoughts
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