
Chapter 557: Domestic Violence!

New York, Times Building.

Sharon Waxman, her work tag neatly affixed to her collar, anxiously awaited the completion of the file download from her mailbox. Once it was ready, she swiftly copied it to a USB flash drive and hurriedly exited her office cubicle. With determination, she knocked on the office door of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Landman.

Jonathan, upon seeing someone entering his office, removed his glasses, furrowed his brows, and inquired, "What's the matter?"

"Chief, I've just received an anonymous email from a paparazzi," Sharon declared, placing the USB drive on his desk. "It contains highly sensitive news material."

Jonathan took the USB flash drive, inserted it into his computer, and began to view the contents. In less than ten seconds, his expression turned exceedingly serious as he asked, "Where did these come from?"

Sharon replied honestly, "Someone anonymously sent it to my news mailbox, just ten minutes ago."

Jonathan recognized the immense news value in this material. Running a hand through his gray hair, he appeared torn, grappling with a difficult decision.

Sharon was eager to convey, "This is major news, bound to make waves across the United States."

Jonathan did not offer an immediate response. He contemplated the situation at length before stating, "Harvey Weinstein is a significant advertiser for us. His advertisements appear in The Times every year, contributing a seven-figure sum to our revenue."

Sharon grasped the implication of her boss's words. While The New York Times was one of the nation's premier newspapers, profitability was not a given.

With an annual advertising investment exceeding seven figures, Harvey Weinstein was undeniably a pivotal client.

Jonathan unplugged the USB flash drive, secured it in his desk drawer, and uttered, "Harvey Weinstein holds no elected office and lacks inherent newsworthiness. We shall let this matter rest."

However, he contemplated further, advising, "You should attempt to identify the individual who provided this material. Retrieve all the original news materials."

Sharon nodded and proceeded with her task.

Not far from there, within the editorial office of The New Yorker.

Brin sat attentively at his desk, awaiting his immediate superior, Tina, to review the video material recently received.

Tina's eyes widened with every passing moment as she watched the content. Her mood steadily improved, eventually prompting her to burst into laughter.

Brin was well acquainted with his boss's approach and anticipated that this news would inevitably find its way into print. Thus, he began composing an article with haste, aiming to complete it as swiftly as possible.

Tina, momentarily diverting her gaze from the screen, addressed Brin, "Where did you obtain this?"

"Someone anonymously uploaded it to our inbox," Brin responded cautiously. "Chief Editor, do you intend to publish it?"

Tina waved her hand emphatically, asserting, "Publish it! We must absolutely publish it and expedite its release on our website."

Seeking clarity, Brin inquired, "To what extent?"

"Publish the unaltered version!" Tina, a resilient woman who had fought her way to the top, found a personal resonance with the video.

However, a key factor remained: "When we were promoting the films 'Chicago' and 'The Hours,' Harvey Weinstein still owed us $260,000 in advertising fees. We were forced to spend a considerable sum and engage a lawyer in a legal battle against him and Weinstein Pictures!"

Brin understood the gravity of the situation, asserting, "Boss, I know what needs to be done!"

Tina, unaffected by Weinstein's status, stated resolutely, "Expose him, nail Harvey Weinstein to the wall!"

Across major cities in the United States, from New York to Los Angeles, Chicago to San Francisco, influential newspaper offices, radio stations, and television networks alike received identical news clips.

Martin's strategy was straightforward. In this situation, one must cast a wide net in the hope of catching a few more fish.

Many of these media outlets initially considered suppressing the news temporarily, with some even reaching out to the parties involved.

However, among the over 500 media outlets in total, there were influential ones that cared little for Harvey Weinstein and opted to publish the news.

Even Harvey Weinstein's influence had its limits.

After TMZ, websites such as YouTube, The New Yorker, HULU, and Yahoo News all published news related to Weinstein.

Netizens who read the information were ignited with fervor.

In TMZ's news comment section, fans left over a thousand comments in under half an hour.

"Shocking! In our civilized society, a sanctimonious and successful person would actually commit such a heinous act!"

"Harvey Weinstein is a criminal!"

"Where's 911? Where's the FBI? We have a rapist here!"

"Keeping our eyes peeled for updates. If this goes quiet, America is doomed."

In addition to prominent first-tier websites like TMZ, the uploaded video rapidly garnered attention on hundreds of second-tier websites throughout Europe and the United States.

The wildfire of public opinion had been ignited.

In a Beverly Hills mansion, a couple engaged in another heated argument.

Georgina fixed a cold stare on her husband, Harvey, and asked sternly, "Aside from Nicole Kidman, were there others?"

Harvey raised his hands defensively, responding, "No, there was no one else."

"At a time like this, you still won't admit it?" Georgina seethed with anger. "You used a role to deceive Nicole Kidman; surely you must have deceived others too!"

Harvey, putting on a brave front, asserted, "Nicole Kidman was the first after I married you."

Georgina inquired, "Did you engage in such behavior frequently before we married?"

"No," Harvey replied, unwilling to admit wrongdoing. "Absolutely not. I'm an investor and producer; I have no need for such actions..."

Before he could finish, a forceful car door slam echoed outside.

Amidst the rapid footsteps, Harvey's deputy, Lombardo, rushed in. Unmindful of Georgina's presence, he urgently reported, "Something has happened. Check TMZ's homepage for the news!"

Harvey inquired, "What happened?"

"Someone captured a video at the Four Seasons Hotel," Lombardo hurriedly explained. "It's already posted on the TMZ website."

Upon hearing this, Harvey's anger flared, and he turned to Georgina, accusing, "Did you secretly record the video?"

Georgina hesitated briefly, her mind racing. Then, she deliberately raised her head, asserting dominantly, "Yes, I recorded it."

Without a word, Harvey raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap.

Georgina's head jerked to the side.

She wasn't one to be underestimated. Even in her dazed state, her instincts kicked in.

Her legs gave way, feet twisted, and she toppled sideways.

Georgina collided with a nearby shelf, emitting a horrifying scream. Her left forearm struck the wooden edge, visibly reddening within moments.

Lombardo stood frozen for a moment, bewildered by the situation. But he swiftly regained composure, explaining, "This didn't happen just now; it was from a few years ago."

Harvey, momentarily stunned, his anger turning into concern, resisted the urge to lash out at Lombardo. Instead, the events from a few years back demanded his immediate attention, prompting him to head to the adjacent computer room in the living room.

The two men made a hasty exit.

Georgina winced in pain, her face throbbing, and she knew it had swollen without needing a mirror. She shot a spiteful glare at Harvey's bloated and unappealing figure, her teeth clenching in pure hatred.

It hadn't dawned on her before, but since getting together with Martin, Harvey had become increasingly repulsive to her.

Contrasts can be cruel.

Pushing herself up from the ground, Georgina's gaze landed on a teddy bear perched on the cabinet. It occupied a slightly elevated, prominent position, overseeing the entire living room.

Turning to face the teddy bear's eyes, Georgina displayed her arms. Her fair skin accentuated the vivid red marks marring her skin.

This wasn't enough. She had prepared for this. Retrieving the iPhone Martin had given her, she fiercely slapped her own face and arms.

Georgina remembered Martin's words about how there were only two kinds of times when a man would hit a woman: zero and countless. Once that initial threshold was crossed, it often became an unending cycle.

It made perfect sense to her.

After snapping the photos and pocketing her phone, she recalled Lombardo's words from earlier. She quickly ascended the stairs, fetched her notebook, and logged into the TMZ website. As the page refreshed, shocking headlines met her eyes.

Georgina clicked on it, and the video inside left her momentarily dazed. While she had heard rumors about Harvey's misconduct before, she'd always assumed it was consensual, like the case with Nicole Kidman.

But the young actress in the video had been completely coerced!

She had cried out in protest, only to be silenced by Harvey.

Despite her own cunning nature, her complex thoughts about marrying Harvey, and her betrayal with Martin, Georgina considered herself a good woman and despised Harvey's actions!

That wretched Harvey had betrayed her, and in such a despicable manner!

Georgina scrolled down to the comments section and felt deeply embarrassed by her identity as Harvey Weinstein's wife. Her face burned with pain.

Not only had she been struck by Harvey's slap, but her psyche had also been wounded. Georgina was a typical woman and couldn't help feeling nauseous.

She couldn't bear to be associated with Harvey for a single moment longer.

With resolve, she switched to several websites in succession and discovered that most of them featured videos of Harvey, with numerous victims sharing their stories.

Georgina tenderly touched her swollen and painful face, picked up her mobile phone, and dialed 911, crying out, "Help me! Please, help me quickly! I've suffered severe domestic violence! I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death..."

Downstairs, Harvey sensed that something was amiss. After watching the TMZ video, he promptly retrieved his phone and dialed TMZ boss Harvey Levin's number.

As soon as the call connected, he demanded, "Are you planning to wage war against me, TMZ?"

Levin, who had been dining with his children, abruptly left the restaurant. He inquired, "Harvey, what do you mean?"

Harvey replied, "Your TMZ website featured news about me on the front page! Don't tell me you're unaware..."

"Give me a moment; I'll check it out," Levin hung up, heading to his study to inspect his computer. He then immediately dialed Jodi's number and questioned, "You posted this news; why did you publish such an article? Do you understand the gravity of the consequences?"

Judy responded, "Boss, you granted me the authority to publish news. I recall your initial instructions clearly. When you approached me about working at TMZ, you expressed the desire to be a news outlet unafraid to expose any unsavory information. You said we must have the courage to reveal the truth, no matter who was involved."

She added, "With your support, boss, I persevered even when I faced serious personal threats while covering stories about Pitt and Ben Affleck."

Levin countered, "This situation is different; Pitt and Ben are just celebrities..."

Judycreminded him, "Boss, the sources that provided me with this news shared it not only with us but also with other media outlets."

Levin then opened several websites in succession and confirmed her statement, which led to a change of heart.

He was no longer bearing this pressure alone. What did he have to fear? He instructed, "Judy, keep digging deeper, but you mustn't publish anything without my approval until you've gathered enough information!"

Judy acknowledged, "Understood, boss."

Levin declined Harvey's call when it came in again, opting for neither refusal nor cooperation. Instead, he powered off his phone.

Meanwhile, Harvey struggled to reach Levin and cursed angrily, uttering a string of expletives starting with "F."

Lombardo answered the phone, his expression growing even more grim. He reported to Harvey, "Boss, it's not just one website."

Harvey quickly switched between several websites, discovering that nearly half of them featured news about him.

"What should we do?" Lombardo inquired.

"Stay calm, don't panic," Harvey advised. He picked up his phone and separately called Quentin, Matt Damon, and Robert Rodriguez, urging them to apply pressure

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