
Chapter 183: Leaked Video

Valentine's Day was fast approaching, and along with it, Will Smith's highly anticipated film, "Hitch," was set to dominate the weekend box office.

Meanwhile, the promotion for "Tge Hills Have Eyes" continued unabated.

On a Tuesday morning, Warner Bros. convened a meeting with the agents representing both Martin and Anne to strategize their Valentine's Day promotional campaign.

The plan was swiftly finalized and forwarded to Martin and Anne for their review.

Anne had been persuaded by her agent, Maha, to keep their work in the limelight during this critical period and eagerly awaited Martin's Valentine's Day surprise—a gift like the exquisite jewelry he had mentioned at the premiere.

She had conducted her research and discovered the immense value of the fine jewelry pieces Martin had discussed.

Martin sought out Daniel, responsible for promoting the film at Warner Bros., for a private conversation. Having successfully applied Martin's promotional advice to previous films, Daniel valued Martin's insights and asked, "Is there an issue with the plan?"

Martin, knowing how to navigate these conversations, replied, "Your Valentine's Day-themed plan is outstanding, top-notch."

While aware it was a compliment, Daniel welcomed the praise with a smile and encouraged, "Speak your mind."

However, Martin's input wasn't focused on the planning but rather on another aspect. "What if we add something special to the mix? An element that doesn't explicitly reveal it's just for promotion. After all, Anne and I are known as a 'glass' couple."

Daniel readily agreed, saying, "That makes sense. It would set us apart from the routine promotions. Many celebrities post similar videos or photos for Valentine's Day, and they can easily get lost in the crowd."

Martin didn't delve deeper, trusting in Daniel's professionalism.

Daniel then mentioned, "Think about Paris Hilton!"

Subsequently, he contacted Anne, Thomas, and Maha to discuss the specific details.

Being a star required having the professional qualities of one, and Anne promptly agreed.

With the expenses covered by the production team, Martin booked a luxurious suite at the Four Seasons Hotel.

In the mid-afternoon, they arrived at the hotel to make their preparations.

Entering the hotel lobby, Martin was met by Bruce, who handed him a bag and said, "Everything you need is in there," he lowered his voice, adding, "I've checked the room."

Understanding the implication, Martin replied, "Anne has had a thorough discussion with Laura about preventing leaks. Keep a close eye on Laura to ensure there are no mistakes."

"I understand," Bruce responded. "I haven't started recording yet; you can start filming."

Martin waved him off, saying, "For now, it's just a rehearsal."

Anne entered the lobby at that moment and inquired, "Are we ready?"

Martin gestured to Bruce and led Anne upstairs.

Once in the suite, they began to acquaint themselves with their positions, and Martin adjusted the camera. As a seasoned actor, Anne quickly got the hang of it after a few run-throughs. She approached Martin and asked, "How should I do my makeup to achieve that special look?"

Martin set down the camera, pulled her close, and replied, "Makeup can never be as authentic as the real thing. Besides, aren't you naturally radiant?"

Anne nestled in Martin's arms, and amid her infatuation, she playfully asked, "Did you turn off the camera?"

Martin raised his head slightly, assuring, "Of course."

Words of exclamation escaped Anne's lips as the passion between them intensified.

It wasn't until the room was cloaked in darkness that the atmosphere began to settle.

Anne deliberately took a half-hour break, changed into new lingerie, donned one of Martin's white shirts, and headed to the bathroom.

With the camera in hand, Martin began filming.

After a while, Anne emerged from the bathroom in the dim light, slowly making her way towards Martin. Their intimate banter continued during this time.

Amid their playful exchanges, they frequently mentioned "The Hills Have Eyes."

Anne expressed her admiration for the film's quality, proudly declaring herself a fan of Martin's work.

The camera was eventually placed on the table, and as the lights came on, the atmosphere grew more serious.

Martin produced a gift box as if by magic and handed it to Anne.

Anne opened the box to reveal a green emerald jade pendant. Her eyes widened in surprise, welling up with tears of joy.

It wasn't due to extraordinary acting; the jewelry was indeed breathtaking. Anne had finally received the gift she had longed for.

She held the green gem in her hands, too excited to speak.

Martin smiled and said, "A Valentine's Day gift for you."

Anne gazed at the emerald green jewel under the light, then back at the equally beautiful Martin. She bit her lip to hold back tears.

"Dear, didn't you mention this to me?" Martin teased.

Anne had initially moved to put the gift box down, but she quickly withdrew her hand, tucked it behind her, and retrieved a heart-shaped metal box from her bag before returning.

"It's for you," Annie presented Martin with a box of chocolates worth $99. "Give them a try, do you like them?"

Martin opened the box, offering a piece to Annie before taking one for himself.

The box was tossed onto the sofa, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

Martin lifted Annie and carried her into the bedroom.

The cameras quickly switched off.

The following morning, Martin led Annie out of the hotel, attracting the attention of numerous entertainment paparazzi who had received tips from their informants.

Jessica drove the couple to Warner Studios.

Anne reopened the exquisite mahogany box and once again admired the green jade pendant. Though it wasn't emerald, it possessed its own unique charm.

She leaned over, kissed Martin, and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you for the gift."

Martin smiled and responded, "As long as you like it."

Anne inquired, "Did you enjoy the chocolates I got you?"

Martin, who didn't particularly have a sweet tooth and found Anne's choice quite sweet, nodded and replied, "The chocolates are as sweet as you."

Anne was in an exceptionally good mood that day.

When it came to gifts, there was always room for a second, or perhaps something grander like a luxury house? Even a yacht wasn't out of the question.

She believed that with Martin's ability to raise and manage funds, these aspirations were well within reach. All she had to do was wait a little longer.


Near the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel, Bruce, wearing sunglasses, sat in Mene's second-hand car, discreetly observing the activity at the hotel entrance.

Most of the paparazzi and entertainment reporters had dispersed, leaving only Judy, who leaned against her motorcycle, waiting patiently.

Mene couldn't help but jest, "Bruce, you've been eyeing that female paparazzi for quite a while. Do you fancy her? Need me to teach you some skills, so you can..."

Bruce didn't turn his head but sternly interrupted, "Shut up. If you keep talking nonsense, I'll send you off to see Paris Hilton."

Mene quickly lowered his voice, asking, "Why is she still here?"

Bruce could make a reasonable guess that Judy was waiting for something to happen. Every time Martin appeared, they would capture something newsworthy.

Indeed, today wasn't an exception; they were still capturing content, albeit in a different manner to make everything appear genuine.

Judy waited by the motorcycle for nearly ten minutes. When she saw that the elusive subject hadn't shown up, she was about to leave.

Then, something caught her eye. Anne Hathaway's assistant exited the hotel.

The female assistant held a bag in one hand and a load of items in the other. She approached the parking area, placed her things down, and searched for her car keys.

Judy's instinct, honed from years as a paparazzo, prompted her to trail the female assistant. She observed the assistant unlock her car, load her belongings, and drive away.

However, there was something left behind in the spot where the female assistant had placed her things.

Judy surveyed her surroundings, ensuring no one was paying attention, before swiftly picking up the left item—a USB flash drive.

She hurriedly concealed it in her pocket, mounted her motorcycle, and left the scene to avoid detection.

The motorcycle disappeared quickly.

Bruce rolled up the car window and instructed Mene, "Let's go."

"Follow her?" Mene inquired.

Bruce realized that he lacked the innate understanding he shared with Martin. Unlike with Martin, where a single word or glance could convey volumes.

He replied, "Head to Warner Studios."

Judy raced to her rented apartment on the motorcycle. She promptly ascended the stairs, inserted the USB drive into her computer, and discovered a slew of disorganized files. Most of them appeared to be related to Anne Hathaway's makeup and skincare knowledge, accumulated by her assistant, Sevi.

These files held no value. Jodi opened the last folder, which contained a video.

When she played the video, the quality wasn't particularly clear, resembling a mobile phone selfie.

Judy was thrilled, anticipating that if the video contained anything spicy involving Martin and Anne, it would fetch a handsome price!

As she further examined the footage, Anne appeared onscreen. Contrary to her expectations, Anne wasn't completely undressed, but rather wore a long men's shirt, with her hair tousled and a flushed face, suggesting certain implications.

Then came a conversation between two individuals discussing "The Hills Have Eyes," with Anne passionately praising the film's quality.

Judy recognized the voices—Martin and Anne!

Checking the timestamp, it was undeniably from the previous night.

Judy eagerly anticipated uncovering some Paris Hilton-style content featuring the two stars.

The scene paused, and Martin made his appearance in the shot, presenting Anne with a gift.

Under the light, the emerald green reflective stone appeared as exquisite as top-grade emerald.

"What an extravagant guy!" Judy couldn't help but exclaim.

However, her mood swiftly shifted as she realized something was amiss. The generous individual was Martin, who had given Anne jewelry as a Valentine's Day gift. In return, Anne had merely offered a box of ordinary supermarket chocolates.

Judy shook her head in disappointment, muttering, "This woman is quite stingy. Their relationship won't last."

Regaining her composure, Judy remembered that such videos were still valuable.

She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed the director of an entertainment channel. "I've got a leaked selfie video of Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway. Don't ask about its source; it's entirely legal. I guarantee you'll want to buy it as soon as you watch it! Alright, I'll come to see you in an hour."

She opened a drawer and located several USB flash drives to duplicate the video. While the copying was in progress, she contacted several other media decision-makers.

She even snapped a few screenshots from the video and forwarded them via MMS.

The recipients eagerly awaited Judy's arrival to view the content.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, a major entertainment TV channel, a prominent entertainment blog, and a popular online portal simultaneously released explosive videos.

"Sensational! Leaked Footage of Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway's Hotel Rendezvous!"

Martin and Anne Hathaway had effortlessly claimed the top headlines across all entertainment media outlets.

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