
Chapter 3: Amatsu versus Reigetsu

The Heavenly Ball took place over the course of a week.

The Heavenly Paradise's Eastern Capital was overflowing with hype during that time. All sorts of stalls lined the streets. Floats were brought out in a parade once the sun set, and they were followed by fireworks that lit up the night. The excitement had reached fever pitch, since it had been thirty years since the last Ball (when Karla Amatsu's grandmother was appointed) and there were many tourists visiting from outside the country.

"Hey, Prohellya. Did Karin tell you something? The debate is taking place soon, so shouldn't we help out somehow?"

"But we are. We put our opponents in check by merely walking around the city. This, too, is part of the election."

"This…? But we're just eating soba."

"I was hungry, okay?"

The two girls were sitting across from each other at a soba restaurant.

Haku-Goku Commonwealth Arctic Master and Team Karin Reigetsu member Prohellya Butchersky was having trouble grabbing the slippery noodles with her spoon.

Opposite of her was catgirl Leona Flatt, a Holy Beast of the Lapelico Kingdom who was also on Team Karin Reigetsu.

"That being said, I will be participating in the debate. Karin Reigetsu asked me to," Prohellya said.

"Whaaa?? Why didn't you tell me?! And why didn't she ask me?!"

"Debating is different from battling. She has high expectations for my brilliant mind."

"Hey, I'm good at math!"

"Good for you… How do you even eat this thing? I can't get it in my mouth."

"Want to trade it for my curry? Hey! You're getting the table all wet!"

"Hah! You're a fool, Leona Flatt. Who comes into a soba restaurant and asks for curry? How boorish. Meanwhile, I will triumph over this bowl of soba and achieve greater heights."

Leona felt like sighing.

She'd come to the Heavenly Paradise all by herself the previous day. She'd been fired up to elevate the Lapelico Kingdom's name with her achievements, but her hopes were dashed once she met Karin Reigetsu, who just told her to go sightseeing until the final battle.

So basically, Karin had no hopes for Leona outside of combat.

But the truth was, she'd have no idea what to do for a speech or debate. On that front, she was envious of Prohellya's diverse talents.

"Prohellya…why did you accept Karin's request?"

"The secretary general told me to. The Haku-Goku Commonwealth wants Karin Reigetsu to become the next Goddess, not Karla Amatsu."

"So you're saying Karin's better for the job?"

"No…surely it's the opposite. That secretary general is always up to something. He's rotten to the core."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Oops, I said too much. That was confidential, so don't tell anyone."

"???" Leona didn't get it.

Completely giving up on using the spoon, Prohellya drew her mouth up to the bowl and started slurping the noodles.

Leona ate her curry as she stared vacantly beyond the other girl—at the scenery outside the window. The Eastern Capital was much more crowded than Lapelico's Royal Capital.

"…It's my first time in a foreign capital, so I'm surprised at how big this one is. I always thought Lapelico's was the greatest."

"Oh, but Lapelico's Royal Capital is very nice, too. It has that countryside feel to it."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"But if you analyzed which country has the liveliest capital city on average, then it would definitely be the Haku-Goku Commonwealth, followed by Mulnite, then Aruka, then the Heavenly Paradise, and finally the Enchanted Lands. The Eastern Capital is only this active now thanks to the Heavenly Ball."

"It sure is an important event for the Peace Spirits."

"I don't understand why they would invite foreign commanders to such an important event. There must be something behind all this… Or perhaps that's just the kind of people they are."

"Hmm. What kind of folks are the Peace Spirits, anyway? I've fought Karla Amatsu before, but a ninja caught me off guard and I lost."

Prohellya looked at Leona as she chewed her soba. Soup was spilling out of her mouth.

"Fhe Fish Shfifish aff…"

"Stop! You're making a mess!"

She swallowed.

"Frankly, the Peace Spirits have nothing going for them. They don't have tough bodies like us Sapphires. They don't have animal traits like you beast-folk. They don't suck blood like vampires or freely manipulate blades like Warblades. They don't live long lives like the Immortals. Some say they have an acute sense of time, but who knows."

"But they're strong, right? Look at Karin and Karla."

"Their species doesn't have any unique abilities. Karin Reigetsu is just good at swordsmanship and magic. There are many mind-blowing rumors about Karla Amatsu, but most people haven't seen her true power. There's gotta be a secret behind that."


Leona was intrigued about Karla Amatsu.

She had lost against that Peace Spirit commander in sports-war before, but in an abrupt way. A ninja had infiltrated her troops and killed her in a surprise attack. Leona yearned for a chance to have a rematch with her and reclaim her honor, but…Karla had that vampire on her side this time.

Terakomari Gandesblood. The hero who'd saved the world during the Six Nations War.

What did Prohellya think of her?

"Hey, mind if I give a subordinate a call?"

"Oh? Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks. Also, my Correspondence Crystal is bugged or something. I can't take it off speaker mode. I'll be talking about confidential stuff, so pretend you didn't hear anything."

"Why not buy a new one?"

"They won't give me the budget."

So Prohellya poured mana into it. The person on the other end of the line picked up right away.

"Shelepina speaking. Is something the matter, Lady Prohellya?"

"Yes, actually. Have you heard of suspicious activity in the Eastern Capital?"

"In fact…"

Eavesdropping wasn't nice. Leona covered her ears and looked away from her.

Though… Leona thought. Though really, just how many monstrously powerful people are there in this world? Karla Amatsu and Terakomari Gandesblood don't seem like normal people. Something about them smells fishy. I can tell because my sniffing magic is top-notch. I don't think I could defeat either of them… But I have to try.

The Lapelico Kingdom didn't have much of an international presence. Most of their government officials were actual beasts, and they didn't have much of a voice, which was why Leona had decided to participate in the Heavenly Ball: She wanted to improve the status of her homeland. But was she up to the task?

"Hmm?" She suddenly felt something was off.

Outside the window, a young blond man was walking down the crowded streets. He was clearly a vampire, judging from his physical appearance. And she had seen him before… He was one of Terakomari Gandesblood's subordinates.

But there was something off about his scent. It didn't feel like a vampire's.

"…Oh, whatever."

Leona decided not to think too much about it and kept on eating her curry.

We should go sightseeing after our meal. We've come all the way here, after all. Why not?


Karin Reigetsu's goal was to defeat Karla Amatsu, then get appointed as Goddess and reform the Heavenly Paradise. And she would resort to any means necessary to achieve that. No matter how wicked or unscrupulous.

"Who are you?! A terrorist?! One of Karin Reigetsu's underlings?!"

"You don't know my face?"

"Why would I?! Untie me!"

Karin sighed.

They were in an Eastern Capital back alley. A dank place void of people.

At her feet was a blond vampire, tied up in fireproof ropes, squirming desperately. Yohann Helders. Soldier of the Mulnite Imperial Army and one of Terakomari Gandesblood's subordinates. They called him the Hellfire Slaughterer because of his atrocious flame powers.

His motions were sluggish, perhaps due to the fact he'd been hit on the head when captured. He had blood coming out of his forehead.

The Eastern Capital was a danger zone for everyone but Peace Spirits. No wounds would heal there, nor would outsiders come back from the dead. From Karin's point of view, Yohann was like an insect trapped in a spiderweb.

"You are in Terakomari Gandesblood's unit, correct?"

"You bitch! What d'you want with her?! I won't let you… Agh!!" Yohann let out a muffled scream. Karin had delivered a kick to the pit of his stomach.

"Shut up. Don't speak if you aren't answering my questions. What is Terakomari Gandesblood's weak point? What is the nature of her Core Implosion? Does she have any other powers besides ice and gold?"

"What…are you talking about?!"


She kicked him in the face. He flew backward, yet his eyes were still filled with determination. Blood poured from his nose as he glared at her.

"I get it… You're one of Karin Reigetsu's underlings. You're scared of Terakomari, aren't you? So that's why you captured me. But you're not getting what you want, underling!"

"I am Karin Reigetsu!!" she shouted in Yohann's face, lifting him up by the hairs on his head.

Anger was piling up inside her. Karin, too, was one of the Heavenly Paradise's Five Imperial Sabers. Perhaps she wasn't as popular as Karla Amatsu, but she still frequently appeared in the papers, and she'd played an active role in defending Faure during the Six Nations War. So why?

Karin swallowed her ire and scowled at Yohann.

"…Tell me everything you know about her, or I'll kill you."

"You sure you should be doing this? I'm not well aware, but this has to be against the rules of the Heavenly Ball."

"I can bend any rule at my will. I have the authority."

"Seriously? Then I'll tell you… Terakomari's actually really weak. You can beat her easily, no need for any special tricks. She's no match for Imperial Saber Karin Reigetsu."

"Are you making fun of me?!"

Karin slammed Yohann's face on the ground, then stepped on his blond head. The vampire twisted his face in pain, but she did not care. She had to get something out of him, or this kidnapping would've been for nothing.

"Hey! Stop that! You've gotta be kidding me! The Mulnite Dark Core doesn't reach all the way here!"

"I'm well aware. And I won't hold back, so speak. Tell the truth, or I'll turn you into coating for my katana."

She showed the collar of the blade, its glitter making Yohann go pale. The fireproof ropes and Magic Seal prevented his escape. His life was in Karin's hands.

The vampire finally realized she was serious.

"D-don't do it…I'm gonna…"

"I'm gonna die!" came a voice from behind her.

Karin turned around, keeping a cool expression. There she found a young man wearing a Mulnite army uniform. His blond hair was spiked up like flames, and he had a general aura of delinquency about him. He looked exactly like the vampire at her feet.

"Wha…? Me? How…?"

"How indeed. Lady Karin, my work here is done!" The second Yohann smiled innocently, like he never would.

The one on the ground was at a loss for words.

"You're late, Fuyao."

"Apologies! But now I have a good grasp of our enemy's forces."

"Wh-who are you?! What's going on?!"

The second Yohann grinned.

It must have been a nightmare scenario for him. Karin used the nightmarish power of this girl to take care of all her enemies.

"Core Implosion: Inari-Avatar Reflection."

Smoke covered the surroundings the next instant.

The second Yohann was gone. The wind blew away the smoke to reveal a beast-folk with fox ears and a tail. It was Karin Reigetsu's right hand: Fuyao Meteorite.

Fuyao slowly approached Yohann. She had an unsheathed sword in hand. He lost all color in his face and screamed at the sight of the blade.

"Wh-what was that?! I didn't feel a speck of mana! This can't be…"

"Oh my. He's really surprised. Looks like he doesn't even know about Core Implosion."

"That's ridiculous. This man is in Terakomari Gandesblood's unit."

"Perhaps she only shows her closest retainers! I thought the same when I was observing her from up close. My best next move might be to turn into that blue-haired maid. Either way, we're done with Yohann Helders. I already did everything I could as him."

The streets suddenly broke out into chaos.

Alarms were going off. People were shouting "Fire!" as they ran westward, in the direction of the higher ward, where the nobility resided…

Karin stared at Fuyao with suspicion. The latter smiled broadly and said:

"I set it on fire."


"We needed to get some rumors going. Once news spreads about how Team Karla Amatsu set fire to her opponent's residence, the tables will turn."

"What?! Fuyao! What were you thinking?!"

"Don't worry! I burned a warehouse the Reigetsu family's not using. And there's no way to track it back to me! After all…I did it while borrowing Yohann Helders's appearance."

Karin clicked her tongue mentally.

No matter how hard she tried to train this fox, she couldn't get rid of her tendency to act out of her own accord.

Still, thinking about it, the plan was effective. She'd have more freedom of action once Karla Amatsu's team got the blame for this. She could act like the victim and denounce her. She had the perfect excuse to look for revenge. The risk of the truth coming to light was there…but she trusted Fuyao to have taken proper precautions.

"Are you ready, Mr. Yohann Helders?" Fuyao asked as she caressed her blade.

Yohann screamed, pale in the face.

"R-ready for what?!"

"For your death."

She slowly lifted the katana… Her stance was beautiful as always. This foxgirl had been a top-notch warrior from the moment she met her. Karin wasn't even sure she could defeat her in an all-out duel.

The foxgirl repeated her question in a bloodcurdling tone. An impersonal inquiry with no meaning attached.

"Answer me. Are you ready to die?"

"Wait! Hold on! That would kill me for real! Please don't! Please!"

"I see. What a shame."

The blade fell at an incredible speed as a shriek echoed through the back alley.

"But anyways, Lady Karin," Fuyao spoke to her master after letting out a breath.

"Why do you antagonize Karla Amatsu so much? The way I see it, you far exceed her."

She sheathed her sword, confirming the vampire at her feet was no longer moving.

Karin clicked her tongue before answering.

"I hate people who don't know their place. Karla isn't worthy of being the Goddess. She isn't worthy of being a commander in the first place. She has no combat skills to speak of."

"Yes, it's quite suspicious."

"And yet…and yet! Everyone idolizes her for no reason! They don't even care about her true skill or achievements… They just like that she's easy on the eyes…"

"Don't stamp your feet, you'll dirty your clothes. So what do you want to do with her? I feel like just killing her in the final battle wouldn't be enough for you."

"I'll show the entire world just how incompetent Karla Amatsu is, so no one will ever think good of her again. From there, I'll win the Heavenly Ball."

"And what happens to her next?"

"Exile, of course."

"Do you really need to do all that?"

"Yes. Do you know about Kakumei Amatsu?"

"…" Fuyao thought for a while before answering, "He was an Imperial Saber a while back, wasn't he? I heard he disappeared."

"He did, and they now say he's working for a terrorist group. Though that's only rumors, so I can't say much more. But there's one thing I'm certain of: I don't antagonize Karla just because I have a grudge against her."

"Oh." Fuyao narrowed her eyes. "I see, I see. Then we've got to win. I, Fuyao Meteorite, will see you to the seat of Goddess, Lady Karin!"

"I'm leaving it in your hands."

"I'll take care of it. The Heavenly Paradise will be yours."

Fuyao smiled internally.

Nothing would go wrong as long as she worked for Karin. For the Heavenly Paradise.


The next day.

The news of Team Karla Amatsu setting the Reigetsu residence on fire was all anyone in the Eastern Capital could talk about. "I've got to be dreaming, right?" I told Vill, but then she held the newspaper to my face, and I was pulled back to reality.

Fire in the Reigetsu Residence! A Premeditated Crime by Commander Gandesblood?!

It was a nightmare. And it wasn't Six Nations News reporting this. No, the article was actually from a reliable source, the Eastern Capital Times. I couldn't just pretend it was a fabrication.

"That's trouble. Now they have more mud to sling at us in the debate," Vill said.

"The debate is secondary here! This is a crime we're talking about! We messed shit up again!!" I yelled, a chopstick in each hand.

We were having breakfast. Fried eggs. Rolled. Nice and fluffy. A tasty variation on the omelet concept… But what am I doing here licking my lips like nothing happened?!

"Ms. Gandesblood, what is the meaning of this?" Karla calmly questioned me from the other side of the table.

Crap. She's furious. Gotta mentally prepare myself for groveling.

"Rest assured, Lady Amatsu. This is all part of the plan."

"What plan?! What's the strategy behind burning down our opponent's house?!"

"We're still working on that… Anyways, do you mind if I borrow your teacup just for a bit, Lady Amatsu?"

"Wh-what? It's full, though?"

"Excuse me."

Vill grabbed Karla's teacup and immediately hid it behind her back like some sort of magic trick. Three seconds later, she gave it back. What in the world?

Karla was still enraged.

"What do you mean you're 'working on that'? Thank goodness nobody died, but some people did end up hurt. How are we going to take responsibility for that? The Heavenly Ball might be a brutal event, but we should try to keep conflict to a minimum."


A subordinate's mistake was the boss's responsibility, so I had to take her scolding. Despite resigning myself to being chewed out, my maid wouldn't stand for it. Shut up already!

"But there's something I'm curious about. Was it really Karin Reigetsu's residence that was set aflame?"

"Of course. There's no mistake in that." She sipped some tea.

"But we didn't even know where it was. Lieutenant Helders had just arrived at the Eastern Capital, so how was he supposed to know?"

Hmm? I tilted my head.

Yeah, that was strange. But that mystery had to have a simple answer. Yohann could've just asked someone or looked it up beforehand. Nah, not the latter. No one in the Seventh Unit would ever actually plan something in advance.

"Either way, we need to interrogate him."

"And where is Yohann? I haven't seen him since yesterday…"

"He up and disappeared." Caostel appeared in the doorway before I knew it.

Bellius was beside him. They entered the room without permission and looked down at me right from the side.

"Huh? You guys are staying here, too?"

"Yes. Koharu the ninja gave us a room."

Bellius pointed to the courtyard. To a doghouse.

What? You guys slept in a doghouse? I turned to look at Karla in confusion, and she suddenly stood up.

"I-I'm so sorry! That insolent Koharu! I'll get you proper rooms; please forgive her."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Lady Amatsu. It's no problem. Let's focus on Yohann instead. After we left the sweets shop yesterday, he left the premises under the pretext of using the restroom. We haven't seen him since."

"Koharuuu! Koharuuu! Don't make our guests stay in the doghouse, pleeease!" Karla left the room pale in the face.

I crossed my arms. Where could Yohann have gone? Was he exploring the Eastern Capital on his own? But would he really act of his own accord without telling me? Yeah. Yeah, he would. I couldn't trust him.

"…Commander, I think we need to investigate," Bellius said, staring at me with his arms crossed. "He couldn't have been in the restroom for over a day, could he?"

He was being earnest. I guessed Bellius wasn't as smart as I'd taken him for.

"Yeah, I'm worried about him… But anyways, why don't you sit down? Have you had breakfast yet? You can't fight on an empty stomach."

"There's no more cushions. I'll get some chairs," Vill said before carrying over a vase that was sitting in the corner of the room.

"Oh, thank you," Caostel said as he turned it around and sat down.

…Wait. Isn't that the ten-billion-yen vase? Should we be using that as a chair?

"As for Lieutenant Cerberus…"

"I'm fine. Let's get back to talking about Yohann. We should operate under the assumption he fell into some sort of trap. He might be a criminal, but I don't think he would set buildings on fire in a foreign country for no reason. Perhaps Karin Reigetsu and her team are more cunning than we believe."

"Wait, no, that vase…"

"Yes, this has to be some sort of plot. Perhaps Lieutenant Helders was attacked," Vill mused.

"What?! They won't get away with this!"

"Caostel, be careful! The vase's gonna faaaAAAAAHH!!"

"Bellius! Let's go investigate!"

"We have to look for Yohann first. He might know something."

"Then let's split up. Commander! I'll uncover Karin Reigetsu's misdeeds! You can peacefully have breakfast here and wait for the good news! Later!"

Caostel and Bellius left in a hurry.

As they took off, they kicked over the ten-billion-yen vase. I clung desperately to it, screaming my lungs out as it rolled across the floor, out to the hallway, then down the veranda, until it fell on the courtyard cobblestones.

Dread filling my entire body, I checked it over…and saw a crack.


"Lady Komari, we're in trouble."

"I know that! This costs ten billion yen! Even my organs aren't worth that much cash! I should've known something like this would happen the second the vase was mentioned—why couldn't I stop this from happening?! Stupid Komari!"

"That's not the issue. Look at my eyes."

"What do you mean it's not the issue?! There's something even worse?! Whoa! What's up with your eyes?!"

They were bloodshot, but not because she was irritated. Vill was invoking her power to see the future.

"Core Implosion: Pandora's Poison. I put my blood in Lady Amatsu's teacup. I thought I should check, just in case, and this is big."

"No duh! I'm sure her grandma kills me!"

"No. I can't see anything."


"This is the first time this has happened. Perhaps there's something wrong with the space-time continuum."

"Okay, that's just too weird for me. Back to crying over the vase… It's over…"

"We can simply place a fake vase in its place. What's going on with Karla is way more concerning. My Core Implosion is working correctly, yet the future I should have seen isn't settled. It's all dark from here."

Yeah. My future sure is dark.

Yet Vill was somehow grimacing harder than I.

"Does the future not exist? Is time itself twisted? That can't be…"

"Uh, Vill, would you mind directing your brainpower into finding a way to fix the vase instead, please?"

"This is much bigger than that vase. And either way, we have the debate coming up today. We should have a plan. Let's bring up Lieutenant Helders there."

"Where do you think he went?"

"No idea. I just hope it doesn't cause problems… Anyways, let's eat. The eggs are scrumptious. Here, say ahhh."

I gobbled it up. Let the taste of egg fill my mouth as my mind wandered in the spiral of despair.

I was also worried about Yohann, but even more freaked out about the vase. I had to find a way to fix it. But it didn't seem possible. Glue wasn't going to cut it.

If only there was someone with the power to go back in time.


Time, however, didn't go back. It kept on trudging forward.

I spent the whole day thinking about how to apologize to Karla's grandma, until the sun began to dip behind the mountains. I couldn't take it anymore; there was nothing to do but bring it up to her directly…after a nice bath. Yeah, I gotta catch my breath before that.

While Vill was powdering her nose, I headed straight for the bath. It was one of those rare cypress baths, something you never saw in Mulnite. I got all excited, quickly taking off my clothes and washing my body before soaking all the way up to my shoulders in the hot water.

"Haaaah…" I let out a breath of bliss.

All my weariness vanished.

I chose to put the vase out of my mind for a moment.

After getting into this bath for two days in a row, I can confirm that wooden baths do have a relaxing effect… I want one for my house. I think I'll save up for one, I thought, playing with the rubber duck floating in the water.

It felt really nice there, but I couldn't stay for long. The sicko maid would storm in the moment she found out I was there. I had to get this over with soon for my own safety…but…well…it was just so nice. I'll stay a little while longer. Just a little while. I mean, I did leave a note back in my room saying I was going to get some fresh air outside.

So I chose to just relax. Maybe sing a little ditty.

"La-lala-lalaaa♪ You can't trick your heart♪ Mine's always thinking of you♪ Even when we're apart♪ Like a dream come true♪ Our love is a pink meteorite♪ La-lala-lalaaa♪"

"Excellent singing. That's our Lady Komari, diva of Mulnite."

"Huh? Really? You flatter me."

"It's the truth. I would love to hear more, so please, go on."

"Okay, then… WAAAIIIT!!" I yelled as I jumped up.

Vill was already standing behind me. Naked.

How'd she get here so fast?!

"Didn't you see my note?! I said I was getting some fresh air!"

"And I went to look for you outside, but then I heard your cute voice coming from the bath, so I ran inside and got undressed as quickly as I could."


I wanted to pluck out my hair. The window was open. So everyone outside could hear me?! Damn it all! Why did I have to go and sing like an idiot?!

"No! Stay away! I want this cypress bath all to myself!"

"I don't care. I'm joining you."


Then the sicko maid leaped into the water.

This girl's got a lot to learn about bathing etiquette! I'll have to teach her a thing or two! Wait, no, that's not the problem!

"Don't cling to me! Gross!"

"There's nothing gross about this. We came for a trip all the way here, and it is Heavenly Paradise tradition to bond au naturel. Come! Let's bond in the buff!"

"I don't think you're getting that right!"

Vill had no intention of staying back, though. Granted, she did seem to have learned some restraint. At least she wasn't groping me out of nowhere now. She kept at a distance, so only our shoulders were touching.

…Fine. She is right about enjoying this trip.

But just as I thought that, I noticed she was staring at me obscenely.

"I see your breasts have grown, Lady Komari."

"What?! D-d-d-don't look! Enough of your sexual harassment! I won't tolerate any more!"

"I'm sorry. I was joking."

"You were?!"

"Anyhow, this bath sure is nice. I can feel my weariness melting away."


You and your stupid jokes. Not that I care! You're always lying anyways. Whatever, Komari, just forget about her and enjoy the bath. The nice cypress bath. Just sing inside your head instead. La-lala-lalaa♪ Who cares about size♪?

The warmth banished all worldly grief.

The next moment, the sicko maid opened her damn mouth again, though her tone was serious this time.

"Remember how I said I couldn't see the future?"

I looked at her. She was playing with the rubber ducky.

"Ah… Your Panthera's Possum thing, right? You can't use it or something."

"Pandora's Poison. It's the first time this has ever happened. I can only guess as to what's going on…but maybe someone will use a power that affects time in the near future."

"I don't get what you're saying."

"I don't, either. But I have heard that Peace Spirits are particularly sharp about time. I can't help but think there's a connection."

"No, seriously, what are you talking about?"

"I'm saying we shouldn't rely on my power. No matter what happens in the Eastern Capital…or for the duration of the Heavenly Ball, at least, we'll have to carve our own path into the future."

"…" I kept my mouth shut. She was dead serious.

It must have been a big deal for Vill to be unable to see the future, but that was just normal for everyone else—no one knows what the future holds. It's all darkness out there. No point in thinking too much about it.

That's why I emptied my head and enjoyed the hot water.

The sicko maid, too, narrowed her eyes in relaxation in an unusually un-sicko manner. She totally had her head in the clouds. And somehow, I felt restless about it. She had already poisoned my brain. I reached out for her, trying to use this opportunity to take revenge for everything she did to me on a daily basis, but then she leaned on me out of nowhere.

Vill had drifted off. She must be so tired. I should let her rest. But her body was weighing on me. I scrambled to try and hold her up, but I couldn't take her full weight. Then she got her arms behind my back. She was holding me tight. Giving me no escape. Was this your plan all along, sicko?!

"Mmm… I can eat no more…"

"I know you're awake!"

How do I get her off me?!

As soon as I put all the strength in my arms to push Vill away, the door to the bath shot open.

"Terakomari! It's time for the debate! …Huh?"

Koharu broke in, panicked.

Right. The debate's today. I forgot to even prepare for it since they never told me what time it would be happening.

Koharu was in shock, as if she had just uncovered the dirtiest of secrets.

Vampire master and servant holding each other tight in the bath.

Yeah. Dirty.

The ninja took a step back, her face turning red.

"S-sorry for intruding…"

"Wait!" I stood up in a hurry, and Vill fell headfirst into the water. "You're not! We're not doing anything! Don't leave with the wrong impression! Vill, stop doing that! I know you're awake!"

"Tsk… Why couldn't we stay like that just a little bit longer?"

I knew it! I'm gonna give you a chewing-out later…

And so we followed Koharu outside. The debate would be starting in ten minutes.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"

Vill replied, "Actually, I was going to call you for that, but then I saw you were taking a bath and decided to join you instead."

What a useless maid!

We sprinted at full speed all the way to the venue.


I wished I could've enjoyed the bath a little longer, but oh well.

Vill pulled me by the hand the whole way to the outdoor stage at the heart of the Eastern Capital.

It was time for another big event of the Heavenly Ball: the debate.

I restlessly looked around.

There was a great hustle and bustle everywhere, and waves of Peace Spirits were surrounding the stage. People held ikayaki and takoyaki as they eagerly waited for the candidates to appear. Seeing them gave me a hankering for some snacks, too.

I was in a tent set up beside the stage. They told us we should wait there until it was time.

"…Lady Karla, your knees are shaking."

"What? No, no, it may look that way to you, Koharu, but I'm just doing very fast warm-up exercises."

"We can't have you like this just for the debate. At this rate, you'll explode once the last day arrives."

"Wh-what do you want me to do?!" Karla clung onto Koharu with tears in her eyes. "Karin might cut me up without notice! How do you know she won't attack me because it's 'just a debate'?! She's going to take advantage of the Dark Core, I know it! She thinks that can excuse anything! I don't wanna goooo!!"

"Life is all about overcoming adversity."

"I'd rather take the 'turn around and look for another way' approach! It's not too late yet! Let's run!"

"Run? You didn't just say that, did you?" A low voice echoed out of the blue.

Karla's grandmother stepped inside the tent. Karla opened her eyes so wide they nearly popped out, but she immediately put on a fake smile.

"Oh, Grandmother, thank you so much for coming all the way here. But I don't think you will find this very entertaining. I heard they're putting on a story-time show west of here—you should go there instead."

"There's no way I can miss your big moment." She drew closer to her granddaughter. "Go beat up that Reigetsu girl. I can tell she's plotting something. A scoundrel like her won't learn unless you nail them right in the face."

"Ah-ha-ha-ha… Okay, but I don't think I should actually be punching her in the face."

"I just mean you need that sort of energy going up against her. And I will actually punch you in the face if you try to run."

"I'll do my best to avoid that outcome."

"Good. As for you, Gandesblood…"

I straightened my back as her grandmother glared at me.

It was obvious what popped into my mind then. The vase. She approached me with a vigorous step, then whispered into my ear:

"I heard about it."

"The vase?! Are you talking about the vase?!"

"Huh? What? I mean the fire."

Oh, that. Oof. Yeah, that was big, too. I cause nothing but trouble, huh?

"That's a sly trick to try and twist the Heavenly Ball. You don't want your comrades disgraced like that, do you? Go put that Reigetsu punk in her place."

"Huh…? S-so you know what really happened?"

"Who knows. Also, what was that about a vase?"

I felt like a hole had opened in my stomach.

By the way, I'd put the vase back in its place, cracked side against the wall.

But I couldn't take it any longer. I rallied myself to apologize, but then Karla's grandmother spoke first.

"Whatever. I'm putting Karla in your hands. She's pretty similar to you. Everyone says she's the strongest commander in the universe, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Her strength is not so easily recognizable."

What did she mean by that? There was no doubt the kimono girl was in fact the strongest in the universe.

"I'm counting on you. I'll forgive you for the vase if you make her win the Ball."

"What?! Wait!"

"It seems she already knew. Good for you, though, Lady Komari. She'll forgive you if we win. If we lose, however, something tells me it won't stop at just selling off your organs."

"In what kind of world is a vase worth more than someone's life?!"

No, relax. It's gonna be okay. There's no way Team Karla Amatsu could lose the Heavenly Ball. She's not the strongest in the universe for nothing.

I turned to look at Karla, placing my palms together as though beholding a god.

Our eyes met, but she looked away immediately.

Huh? Is she okay? As soon as apprehension arose inside me, everyone at the venue started clapping and cheering. A voice I recognized right away followed.

"The time has finally come! I'm your moderator, Fuyao Meteorite! And worry not! I'll be completely impartial! We got proper permission from our Goddess!"

"…Why is Karin's subordinate taking the lead?" I asked.

"No idea, but let's keep our cool regardless. We're not dying onstage," Vill answered.

"True. Though we should still keep our guard up, just in case. What if we put some steel plates inside my uniform? That could protect me against any attack."

"Shall I go swipe some from that yakisoba stall? They must be nice and cozy."

"You want to cook me?!"

"I'm joking. There's no need for protection." Vill smiled.

I guess using steel plates would be too much, yeah. It is just a debate. No way we could die out there.


"Welcome Team Karla Amatsu to the stage! Accompanying her is Crimson Lord Terakomari Gandesblood!" Fuyao shouted.

I took the stage behind Karla. The audience was cheering like crazy. I supposed the ovations following a commander's appearance were the same no matter the country.

I saw Caostel and Bellius in the front row. Please just don't make any trouble. I'm getting heat for everything you do!

"Lady Komari, can you hear me?"

I nearly did a backflip upon hearing the voice of my maid. Then I remembered she had given me a Correspondence Crystal moments before. Only Karla and I could participate in the debate, so Vill had to stay behind.

"I can. What's up?"

"Does something need to be up for me to call you?"

"I don't mind it, just not now. You're distracting me."

"I see," she said in regretful tone. "Just take care, please. If Karin starts attacking, just run for your life. And Arctic Master Prohellya Butchersky will be participating as well. Watch out for her, too."

"Too many things to watch out for…"

My shoulders drooped as I came up to a long U-shaped table. Karla and I were on the east side. Karin and Prohellya on the west side. At the north side stood the moderator, foxgirl Fuyao.

"Oooh!" Prohellya exclaimed out of nowhere. "If it isn't Commander Terakomari Gandesblood! Now that I see you upfront, you look frailer than I imagined! It's a shame we didn't get to duke it out during the Six Nations War. I look forward to exchanging blows this time around. Let us compose a melody to the tune of bloodshed."

"S-sure. I think my solo performance will overshadow you, though."

"Wah-ha-ha-ha! And you have a sense of humor, too! I can't wait for the day, Terakomari."

Prohellya smiled from the bottom of her heart, then took a sip of tea. Karin, sitting with impeccable posture at her side, called out to her.

"…Commander Butchersky, I would appreciate if you could refrain from speaking of unrelated matters."

"Sorry about that. I just can't help myself when I see a worthy opponent. Okay, then, moderator! Let's start the debate! Though I won't be doing more than watching."

Prohellya crossed her legs on top of the table in a bold display of impudence.

I think I saw Karin pop a vein on her forehead, but ultimately, she said nothing about it. The moment passed, and Fuyao spoke again.

"Well, then! Time for the debate! Our question for today will be: How will you develop the Heavenly Paradise? Let's hear what our candidates have to say!"

"YEAAAAHHH!!" The audience went even wilder.

"Karin!" "Karin!" "Karla!" "Karla!" People started chanting. That had to be embarrassing looking on from outside. And indeed, Karla was red up to her ears. On the other hand, Karin seemed proud of the attention.

"Everyone ready?! Let's begin with Team Karin Reigetsu!"

"Roger." Karin slowly stood up, then scowled like a warrior at Karla. "I'll cut to the chase. Karla Amatsu is unworthy of being Goddess. Why? Because despite holding the title of Imperial Saber, she has no combat ability whatsoever."

The audience roared. Karla's shoulders trembled.

Wait, what? You're attacking her straight out of the gate? Aren't you supposed to talk about your own policies and stuff?

Paying no heed to the confusion she had provoked, Karin continued, her tone triumphant.

"It is undeniable that Karla Amatsu has never once displayed her strength as commander in public. Everyone here should know that. Has anyone actually seen her defeat an opponent? No. This should be more than enough evidence to prove that she is feigning her power."

"So she says, Lady Amatsu! Any rebuttals?"

"I object, of course!" Karla stood up in a hurry. "It is certainly true that I haven't yet unleashed my full power onto an opponent. However, that's just because I'm taking care not to reveal my strength. As our people say, a skilled hawk hides its talons."

"Why would a commander have the need to hide their so-called talons? Imperial Sabers are warriors, commanded by the Goddess to destroy our enemies and make our nation prosper. A commander who hides their blade is worthless."

"And it was my Goddess who gave me the title! If you don't like that, then take it up with her!"

"I have, many times. Yet she wouldn't listen to me. Which is why I am now trying to bring your dishonesty to light in this Heavenly Ball. How about some evidence?"

So their squabbling began.

The scene was giving me some serious déjà vu. It was just like that time Flöte had called a Crimson Council to interrogate me. The difference here was that Karla actually had more than enough power to defend herself. She wouldn't turn into a confused mess like me, for sure. Or so I thought.

"Let's do this. Show us your swordsmanship, here and now. I will recognize your strength if you do."

"What?! Why would I have to do that?!"

"It's a simple way to clear yourself of suspicion, no?"

"… I-I mean, sure…but…"

"But that couldn't be further from the truth. Her strength is not so easily recognizable." Karla's grandmother's words came to mind.

No, no. Don't doubt her. Karla's just being evasive because of some extenuating circumstances. She just doesn't need to showcase her swordsmanship here, that's all. It's not because she's actually weak or anything.

"You have no skills or guts to speak of. You're an incompetent coward who got her title through lineage alone. You've always made someone else fight for you. There's nothing you fear more than death."

"I-I'm not afraid of anything! I'm the strongest there is!"

"Then why don't you pick stronger opponents to face? Like, say, another one of the so-called Six Valkyries. A strange group in and of itself, but have you ever fought any of the other five?"

"I have! Ms. Leona Flatt!"

"And it was your ninja who assassinated her. The beast-folk easily fall for such tricks. A perfect opponent for a coward like you."

"You're being rude to Ms. Leona!"

"Your way of fighting is what's insolent here! So, have you fought any of the other four? Like say, Lady Butchersky, or Lady Ailan Lingzi?"

"I haven't… B-but I will, in time."

"Hah! You've always been this way. 'I'll do it later.' 'I'm busy now.' 'Next time, for sure.' This is why the Heavenly Paradise is in decline. You're not worthy of being one of the Five Imperial Sabers. You're a sham of a warrior. A disgrace to your grandmother's nickname."

"H-hold on! I don't think it's right for you to just start attacking your opponent like that!" Unable to bear it any longer, I got up out of my seat.

Fuyao narrowed her eyes as she stared at me, but I paid her no attention.

"M-Ms. Gandesblood…"

"Don't worry, Karla. Karin! She's fed up with this. You'll see her true power on the last day, anyways. What's the point in pressuring her right now? We're doing a debate here, so let's discuss something more constructive, okay?"

"Terakomari is absolutely right, Karin Reigetsu! Putting down others like that only brings discord, and I won't bear to hear it if that's the only thing you're going to talk about. You're aiming to become the head of your nation, so talk about what you'll do to manage it instead. What kind of country do you want to build?" Prohellya supported me.

I'd thought of her as nothing but a weirdo, but it appeared she had a rational side as well.

"Right." Karin thought for a bit. "I want to build a proper country, one that would never appoint someone like Karla Amatsu as commander."

"Karin Reigetsu… We're not getting anywhere like this."

"No, Commander Butchersky. You can just listen to my speeches or read what I've told the papers to know my policies. There are better things to do here, with the eyes of the public on us. And that is exposing how despicable Karla Amatsu is. Or should I not, moderator?"

"Oh, go ahead!"

You sure you're being impartial?

"I shall. Karla Amatsu has been using dirty tricks to protect herself. Just yesterday, there was a small fire in the Reigetsu residence's warehouse. You all have heard about that by this point. That must have been the work of Team Karla Amatsu."

Here we go.

Usually, I would have started apologizing immediately, but the circumstances weren't quite clear.

"Lady Komari, it's time to stand your ground. I talked about it with Lady Amatsu already, and we're pushing back against the claims."

I heard Vill's voice in my head. However, I had no idea how we were supposed to do that. Still, I had to trust and avoid admitting to the crime at all costs.

"Circumstantial evidence suggests Lieutenant Helders is innocent. According to Lieutenant Cerberus and Lieutenant Conto, he didn't even know Karin Reigetsu was Team Karla Amatsu's opponent. I never told him, so I'm sure of this."

"So he had no reason to start that fire… Then what happened?"

"I don't know. If they used some sort of special magic or power, then we won't be able to expose their trick. We don't even know where Lieutenant Helders is now. Let's put off giving an explanation and just state that we're innocent. This is mere conjecture, but I believe Team Karin Reigetsu has committed serious misconduct."

I looked at Karin and Fuyao again. Now that Vill said it, they had this wicked aura about them. Or maybe it was just my imagination. I couldn't be sure.

"That's not true! Where's your proof?!" Karla yelled.

The argument began while I was speaking with Vill.

"Oh, I have proof. I found this behind the warehouse you burned," Karin said as she took a small badge out from her pocket.

My jaw dropped. That was…

"I hear this is a Mulnite Imperial Army insignia. It has a half-moon design. My investigation says it symbolizes the rank of lieutenant. Am I incorrect, Lady Gandesblood?"

"No… I think. Where did you get that?"

"I just said I found it lying by the warehouse. This is irrefutable proof that a Mulnite Empire soldier set the Reigetsu residence on fire."

"You could've gotten that anywhere! Don't you find it too convenient that such a piece of evidence was just lying there? It's obvious the real culprit left it there to frame us!"

"You suspect us, Lady Gandesblood? What a shame. A real shame, since this is not our only evidence. We have a more crucial piece." Karin put on a spiteful smile as she searched her pocket again.

She took out a picture. It depicted a familiar young blond man throwing flames from his hands. Oh, it's over. I desperately talked to the Correspondence Crystal:

"What the hell, Vill! We can't deny this evidence!"

"You say the pictures on Six Nations News are doctored but won't doubt this one?"

Right… It could be doctored. But whether I believed it or not made no difference in convincing everyone else.

"This is Lieutenant Yohann Helders, of the Mulnite Imperial Army's Seventh Unit. There are many witnesses. You ordered him to do this, didn't you, Lady Gandesblood? Or should I say, Karla Amatsu instructed you to give such an order?"

"Wha—?! N-no! I did nothing! What do I even gain by burning that warehouse?! There's nothing in it for me!"

"I had my weapons stored in there. And they're all useless now. Now I will have to use a katana I'm not used to for our battle on the final day. This was your aim all along, was it not?"

"Oh my! That's terrible! Lady Amatsu, your rebuttal, please!"

"Guh… I-I… I didn't do it…!"

"Then show proof that you didn't do it!"

"How can I prove something I didn't do?!"

"Of course you would say that. What do you all think, everyone? It has now come to light that Karla Amatsu won't stop at using dirty tricks to win! Should a cheater be leading the Heavenly Paradise?! Our nation would be over! I will personally ensure that does not happen!"

"YEAAAHHH!!" The crowd went wild.

I heard people shout all sorts of things. Cheering in support of Karin Reigetsu. Voices branding Karla Amatsu as a cheater. Others protesting that Karla would never do that or telling Karin to stop spouting lies.

Still, it felt like most of them were in support of Karin. They started loudly chanting her name.

"It seems we have a majority of Karin Reigetsu supporters in the audience."

"What do you mean to say?"

"Lieutenant Conto reported that a ticket is needed to enter the venue, and that the Heavenly Ball Management Committee had a screening process for its sales."

"What? I don't get it…"

"It means that Karin's team has influence over the Committee. What is the Goddess even doing? This is unfair to Lady Amatsu."

What? She can do that?

I stared at Karin in disbelief.

She responded with an icy smile. It was then that I knew.

This girl…was the complete opposite of Karla the sweetheart.

Voices criticizing Karla filled the venue. She stood at a loss, pale in the face.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," she whispered.

"I'm sorry, Karla. It's all my fault. If only I had supervised Yohann better…"

"It's fine. I never thought I could win. I don't care how loud the criticisms are. Even if they're all false, I'll just ignore it," she said, choking up.

I get it. No one likes being criticized.

And still Karla sucked it up for her dream. So that she could avoid becoming the Goddess and be the pâtissier she wanted to be.

But then, Karin hit her where it hurt.

"…I also heard you've opened up a sweets shop."

Karla's shoulders jolted up.

Karin continued without mercy.

"When is it enough humiliation for you? You're a commander and a Goddess candidate, and yet you waste your time on games. You make light of our country."

"Oh! Indeed, Lady Karla Amatsu manages a shop called the Fuuzen! I've visited in secret, in fact," Fuyao added.

"My. Please, tell me your thoughts on it."

"Well…what can I say. It wasn't very good. You can find dozens of better confectioners in the Eastern Capital. First of all, the mere thought of a commander making sweets is a little nauseating. I don't think she's fit for the job."

"You heard her, Karla. You better close shop already. There is no value in a member of the Reigetsu or Amatsu families who doesn't choose the way of the warrior. No warrior should be taking up such wishy-washy endeavors. You'll disgrace my family, too. A confectioner? Don't make me laugh. If that's what you want, go marry into some other family already, you weakli—"

"Stop it." I interrupted her.

Karin must have had her reasons. No one would belittle someone else to this extent without a cause. But…I couldn't bear to see the tears welling up in Karla's eyes. To hell with her justifications for her actions. I had to push back.

"Karla's sweets are good. I love them."

Both Karla and Karin jumped up in surprise. Why though?

"So what? Different people have different tastes. The fact of the matter is that Karla Amatsu is wasting her time on a silly job befitting neither a commander nor the Goddess."

"What's wrong with you…?"

"Heh… Too bad, Karla. We did our homework, and now the cat is out of the bag. This will raise suspicions toward you and…"

"Enough of your stupid bullshit!"


"Enough of your stupid bullshit!"

The debate was being broadcast through farsight magic at a pub in the Eastern Capital's downtown.

It was dinner time, so most seats were taken. Everyone was restless due to the Heavenly Ball, cheering every time Karin Reigetsu or Karla Amatsu shouted on the screen placed at the center.

Yeah, I get the excitement, thought Inverse Moon top brass Lonne Cornelius.

On screen was Terakomari Gandesblood, shouting with an impressively stern expression.

"I'm not talking about your damn election! What even is the point in disparaging like this?! Karla's always wanted to be a pâtissier, and she's working hard toward that goal! She overcame so much to finally start her shop! And you…you have the gall to criticize her for it?! You try to put her down for it?! That's not fair!"

"Wh-what's with you all of a sudden, Lady Gandesblood? We're only discussing as we should for the debate, I…"

"And it's not just about the Fuuzen! The only thing you've been doing this whole time is trying to put Karla down! If you really want to be the Goddess, then talk about yourself, not your opponent! Try saying something worthwhile for once instead of wasting our time, asshole!"

Karin was in a daze. Some people in the pub, likely Karla supporters, whistled and cheered for Terakomari. Cornelius watched on in silence as she snacked on her miso konjak.

"They sure seem excited about this. Though I suppose it's only natural, considering how long it's been since the last Heavenly Ball."


"I'm curious to see who will prevail. My bet is on Terakomari's side. What about you, Amatsu?"

"God only knows," was the only thing the unfriendly Peace Spirit sitting across from her said.

Cornelius puffed her cheeks. Amatsu had been acting strangely ever since they'd arrived at the Heavenly Paradise. He'd been cold. Like his attention was elsewhere.

Her Highness, the leader of Inverse Moon, had given him a direct order the other day: "Go back home and put your family at ease." Cornelius had felt excitement in her chest the moment she heard that. Amatsu never wanted to go visit his family. She was sure something fun would come out of this, so she'd followed him against his wishes the whole way there. And yet…

"Look, it's fine if you don't care about the debate, but when are you going to see your family?"

"It's not the time yet."

The crowd cheered again as Terakomari and Karin kept arguing. No one was paying them any attention—the perfect space for a couple of terrorists to have dinner incognito.

Cornelius let out an alcohol-stink breath and shrugged.

"It's already been three days since we got here. We've been doing nothing but lazing around at the inn. I want you to go get yelled at already so I can make fun of you, please."

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm not going to the main residence for a good while."

"Then take me sightseeing at least. I heard there's this famous shrine here. What was it called, again? The Celestial Shrine or something. They say it gives you good luck in marriage."

"Go by yourself."

Boring. Cornelius clicked her tongue and grabbed another piece of miso konjak with her chopsticks.

"Well, it's also fun just seeing you so hesitant… Hey, that's mine! Don't grab it! Why do you always steal my food?!"

"You misunderstand something." Amatsu glared at her as he munched on the konjak, and she was rightfully spooked. "I didn't come here to see my family. Just think about it. You think the boss of a terrorist organization would tell one of their top brass to 'go visit your family to put them at ease'? Her orders have a hidden meaning."

"I think you're just overthinking things to fit your narrative."

"Don't take any of what she says at face value, or you'll regret it. You won't make it in Inverse Moon if you don't overthink things once in a while."

"Okay then, let me ask. What is the hidden meaning of her orders?"

"She wants me to interfere with the Heavenly Ball to benefit Inverse Moon."


It did make sense, though. Her Highness had sent Amatsu back home at the exact same time an important event was taking place in his homeland. It wouldn't be weird if she had an ulterior motive.

And yet.

"Ahh! But that's so boring!" Cornelius shouted as she raised her hands. "That means Her Highness wants us to stay hidden and see how the Heavenly Ball unfolds, doesn't she?! We came all the way here, and we don't get to enjoy the trip?!"

"We're not here on vacation."

"I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! Take me sightseeing!!"

She flailed her arms and legs like a child throwing a tantrum. Then her arm hit a sake cup on the table and knocked it away.

"Ah!" they both exclaimed in unison.

The cup hit the leg of a man who was just passing by the hallway, spilling over his shoes. What bad luck. He scowled back at her.

"What the hell, lady?!" The man's voice was more threatening than Cornelius imagined it would be, and she froze. "I've had enough of your racket, you stupid Warblade."

"U-uh, I, um… No…"

"What? You can't even say sorry? You could've broken my leg, y'know?!"

"I-I'm so…"

"Ah?! I can't hear you!!"

"We're sorry," Amatsu said, standing up.

Everyone flinched, and he took the opportunity to put a roll of bills in the man's hand.

"She's drunk, so let her off, okay?"

"Ah? Who do you think you… Wait, I think I've seen you somewhere…"

"It doesn't matter if you have. Take the money and go."

"…" The man couldn't stand up to Amatsu's presence. "Fine." He clicked his tongue and left the pub.

Cornelius finally relaxed once she saw he was gone. A huge feeling of relief filled her chest.

"A-Amatsuuu!! I thought I was dead!!"

"Be more careful… And keep off me."

"I didn't know the Eastern Capital was this dangerous! What was up with that thug?! Who raises his hand against a lady?! Stupid asshole!"

"That guy was from the Reigetsu family; he had their rainbow family crest on his kimono. He must've been irritated after seeing Karin get slammed in the debate."

"Huh? Are the Reigetsus yakuza or something?"

"Not just the Reigetsus—the Amatsus are pretty much the same thing."


I better stay away from them.

"…I'm sorry, Amatsu."

"It would have been terrible if a murder happened here. Anyways, it looks like we have quite the interesting Heavenly Ball on our hands this time around. Not that I know what the past one was like."

He chuckled with a capricious expression before pushing away Cornelius and sitting back down.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about what's to come. It seems Karla's a bit serious now."

Imperial Saber Karla Amatsu. Kakumei Amatsu's cousin and Goddess candidate. She didn't look anything like Kakumei, physically or mentally. But they were only cousins. In any case, there was another thing that caught Cornelius's attention. She knew that bell on her wrist from somewhere.

"That Divine Instrument…that's the Rewind Bell you asked me to make."

"It is."

"That thing seals Core Implosions. Does that mean Karla has one? That wasn't on Inverse Moon's Implosion Exegesis."

Amatsu sipped his soup in silence.

"Oh well," Cornelius said as she grabbed her chopsticks.

Gotta order something else. We're splitting the bill, so I'll end up losing if I don't ask for more.

Cornelius stared at Amatsu as she chomped into a boiled egg.

"Let me confirm one thing. Who do you think Inverse Moon could stand to benefit more from winning? Karla Amatsu? Or Karin Reigetsu?"

"I can't say for sure. It's not like we're a monolith, either."

"Heh. What a pain."

What a drag.

The enthusiasm for the Heavenly Ball was only growing stronger.

Just then, it got noisy outside. They could hear screams.

"He's dead!" "A fight or something?" "No, not at all." "His body just burst out of nowhere!" "Some sort of magic?" "Who did it?" "Look, he's a Reigetsu."

The wad of cash Amatsu had given the man was actually a bomb.

Regardless, matters such as these were of no concern to Lonne Cornelius. What moved her was something quite simple: the desire to see how much her research could change the world. Nothing more.


"This isn't the place to criticize your opponent! State your policies first! What do you want to make of the Heavenly Paradise?!"

"I want to build a strong nation that won't give in against terrorism! And for that we need to get people like Karla Amatsu out of the government!"

"Are you even listening?! Don't use Karla as the lynchpin of your argument! Just listen to her policies, and you might understand. Koharu told me that if Karla ever became the Goddess—and this is just a hypothetical—she would reform the tax system, revise employment conditions, reconsider disaster control measures, and make improvements to infrastructure. Need I go on? She's hell-bent on implementing all sorts of improvements! And obviously, she won't cut corners on national defense!"

"The only important thing for the Heavenly Paradise at this moment is national defense! It would be a waste to try and direct resources everywhere! Where would you even get the money?!"

"That can be solved! There's gold buried somewhere in the country!"

"What?! No, there is not!"

"There is!"

"There is not!"

"I'm telling you there is! And not just that! Karla plans on taking all sorts of actions to bring joy and prosperity to the citizens. Koharu says they'd give out free all-you-can-eat snacks tickets…"

"You all are out of your minds! That's why I can't leave it in her hands!"

The heated debate unfolded at the venue below.

Where do they get the energy for all that? Thio thought.

I really want to quit already, was another thought of hers.

It had been half a year since she'd joined Six Nations News. The thought had crossed her mind many, many times, across those long months, but she'd never been as serious as she was now.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha! Look, Thio! Terakomari Gandesblood is taking the lead in this debate! Karin Reigetsu is no match for her!"

"Ms. Melka…let's get off already…"

"We will not! They'll get us if we go now!"

In the heart of the Eastern Capital was a stupidly enormous clock tower—it was famous for its noontime bell. And atop it were two girls.

Sapphire journalist Melka Tiano smiled broadly, binoculars in hand. Clinging to her waist was crying catgirl Thio. But who wouldn't be weeping in this situation?

Why was she in the Heavenly Paradise when she belonged to the Mulnite branch? Why was her boss cackling at such dizzying heights? Didn't she get that a fall would leave them splattered across the ground? Had she even seen the sign in front of the tower explicitly warning people not to climb it? Had she missed the part about it being strictly illegal?

"Please look, Ms. Melka! The police are gathering at the base of the tower!"

"Shut it! What were we supposed to do?! We couldn't buy tickets for the debate! Oh look, Karla Amatsu is finally about to make her move."

She twisted Thio's head toward the venue.

The two candidates were still arguing. The audience was going wild. Thio didn't understand any of it. She couldn't fathom why someone would try to become ruler by speaking ill of others. Karin Reigetsu shouted:

"I'm just saying that Karla Amatsu isn't worthy as a warrior when she runs a covert sweets shop! She's a disgrace of an Imperial Saber! Close that place right now!"

"What's your problem?! You don't even understand how hard Karla has worked for…"

"It's fine, Ms. Komari." Karla Amatsu tapped Terakomari's shoulder as she took a step forward.

The tears were gone from her face. Now she looked resolute.

Thio imagined Terakomari's words had given her the courage.

"You have no right to tell me that. I will continue running the Fuuzen."

"What?! Do you not comprehend your position as an Amatsu?!"

"What's wrong with wanting to be a pâtissier?!" Karla yelled so loudly the crowd went silent. "I've always wanted to be one! I never wanted to be a commander! I don't even want to participate in the Heavenly Ball! I want to make sweets in my shop and see the smiles my food brings to people's faces… I'm happy with just that!"

"What…are you saying? You…"

"I!! Don't!! Want to be the Goddess!! But…but I can't let you be it, either! You've been too dishonest up to this point. And above all else…you've spoken ill of my wish to run a confectionery! Do you really think someone who stomps people's dreams could actually get anyone to empathize with them?! Do you think people would follow that kind of leader?!"

Melka sneered.

Everyone at the venue was listening to Karla Amatsu's speech in silence.

"If you won't reconsider, then I will defeat you! I'll become the next Goddess and resign immediately! I'll do whatever I want! I don't care about the Amatsu or the Reigetsu lineage—I just want to live my own life! And I…I won't let you become the Goddess! This will be my final duty as a warrior. I will fight you…for the Heavenly Paradise and each and every Peace Spirit! Bring it on, Karin Reigetsu! Ms. Gandesblood and I will beat you down!"


"…Do you think Karla Amatsu doesn't want to be the Goddess?"

"She just said so. Are those ears of yours for show? Just toys for me to play with?"

Thio thought on the situation as Melka groped her ears. She felt a bit of empathy for Karla Amatsu. She was also doing a job she didn't want. Could things change if Leona, like her, mustered the courage to quit?

Soon, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. No one was able to disparage Karla. They were just overwhelmed at the way she carried herself. The poise of the one who ought to lead them.

But in any case, now that Thio had gotten a smidge of courage from Karla, she was raring to fight back. It was time to defend herself against her boss's torment.

"Ms. Melka! We shouldn't be here! It's dangerous! You always put me in harm's way like this! Try showing me some consideration, or I'll sue!"

"I'll kill you before that happens."

"I'm sorry."

Her bravery was for nothing.

"Anyways, back to the scoop!" Melka grinned. "Victory upon those Terakomari Gandesblood sides with. Or could it be Terakomari is the Goddess of Victory herself? Heh-heh-heh. Now this is good! I never get tired of that vampire princess!"

"This isn't good. Why are we even here when it's outside our jurisdiction?"

"The Heavenly Paradise branch are like a bunch of sloths! We gotta pick up the slack! Six Nations News might be world-famous, but they don't hold much sway in here. That damn Eastern Capital Times is running the show! We're here to help our branch get rid of them!"

This is unbearable, Thio thought.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, let's just go get some nice food and then go home already. My research tells me this sweets shop called the Fuuzen is very popular right now…"

"You're not even paying attention, are you?! They just revealed that the Fuuzen is Karla Amatsu's shop! Of course we're going! Also, it's getting stuffy in here already! Get away from me!"

"Nononono, don't move! I'm gonna fall! I'm falling!"

What kind of boss drags her subordinate all the way up a tower and then pushes her off? This lady! I need to quit ASAP.

"Ms. Melka…seriously, let's get down already. The wind's getting stronger."

"The view is spectacular, though. The festival spreads all throughout the city."

"Are you listening?"

"You have good ears, don't you? You should be able to hear it—the birth cries of a new age."

No way. What I can hear is the police yelling at us to come down. I think I'll just lay my ears down and pretend I didn't notice.

"We have much to do. So many people to interview. Karla Amatsu, Terakomari Gandesblood, Prohellya Butchersky, Leona Flatt…"

"Um…couldn't we skip Leona…?"

Melka glared at her. Thio squawked.

"What? We can't let the chance to interview one of the Six Valkyries go."

"But…we could see her any time. She's my little sister."


"My twin sister, actually. She's always so rude to me despite the fact I was born first. That cheeky brat has always been good at academics and sports, and now she's a commander. It's like she sucked up all of my talent. I can't stand the sight of her. She's out there, while I'm stuck with this stupid job…"

"Why didn't you say so sooner?!"

"Bweh?! Hey! Don't hit me! I'm gonna fall to death!"

"Leona Flatt is the crown jewel of Lapelico! I don't get how in the world you're related to her, but whatever—you should've told me sooner!"

"I don't like her! And does anybody even really care about her? I think people would be way more interested in an interview with Terakomari or Karla Amatsu."

"Hmm… You have a point."

Well, that was easy.

Sure enough, Leona Flatt lacked the pizzazz of the other commanders. And Thio wasn't about to give her even more attention. No interviews for you, sis!

"Back on topic!" Melka said. "We must report on the developments of the Heavenly Ball! And defeat the Eastern Capital Times! Oh, look. It seems the debate just ended."

Thio glanced at the venue to confirm this.

"Lady Karla! Lady Karla!" people cried out in support. It was clear who had won.

"We gotta write the article quick. We don't have much time. Let's go!"

"And how do we get down from here? We'll walk straight into the police if we take down the ladder."

"No worries. A journalist always comes prepared," Melka said as she produced a Magic Stone.

"Oh, you're using teleportation, huh? Very smart!" Thio praised her boss dispassionately as she clung to her waist.

Melka immediately poured mana into the stone. It emitted a bright glow, and the spell activated.

The two women were at the base of the tower in the blink of an eye.

Right in front of the police.


"They're down! Get 'em!"

"What were you thinking, Ms. Melka?!"

"Crap. I placed the portal in the wrong spot!"


They were caught red-handed and arrested for trespassing.

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