
Chapter 264: Division of the World_1

"The hunting game... has begun, hasn't it?"

Zheng Qing thought back to the puppet's malicious curse, and his heart began to sink.

'Prepare for hospitalization if you participate in the hunting party!' 'In any hunting game, there will be a permissible extent of disabilities!' 'Never harbor any hope of luck!' — These are all words repeatedly emphasized by Deng Xiaojian during the pre-game training for the sinful hunters.

Even though Zheng Qing had made every psychological preparation, he was still blindsided by reality.

Who would have thought that in the Hunting Ground Auditorium, located deep within the first university, the young wizards participating in the freshman hunting game would be hijacked by a few alchemical lives with clear brain anomalies?

Who could have foreseen that before the hunting game even began, two hunters were chewed and swallowed by a man-eating plant hanging from the ceiling for some absurd reason?

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