
2] Oh, I didn't think things would be like this...

(Zero's POV, ???)

Thrusting the covers off of me, I immediately notice that my body is considerably smaller. I swing my leg over the edge of the bed, expecting to feel the ground. My foot just dangles in the air, and I slightly worry. Once I realize that I'm on the top bunk of a bunk bed, I sigh a sigh of relief.

I climb down the ladder of the beds, and go to the window. Once I peek through the curtains, I get blinded by the sight of the sun. After a moment, I get used to the brightness and look outside once more.

I see a lot of grass, bright blue sky, mountains in the distance, and seagulls flying through the air.

Zero- "Whoa, is that Leene Square?" I immediately run down the stairs and see a green haired woman doing something in the kitchen.

Woman- "Oh! Good morning Zero, what are you doing up this early?" I raise my eyebrow at this.

Zero- 'Isn't it noon? Is that supposed to be early?' I cough a little. "Oh, I woke up because I had a strange dream." 'I'm leaving it at that, and hope that it's a viable enough excuse.'

Woman- "Well, Crono is outside. He said something about training to become stronger, and grabbed a stick." Something almost audibly clicks in my mind.

Zero- 'Is this Crono's mom? Am I Crono's brother?' I nod and walk outside. I see a small Crono swinging a stick, he seems to already be sweating. "Hey bro, how long have you been doing this?" I say, semi-quietly.

He just continues swinging his stick as a response. 'I guess he's busy... or he doesn't talk... Either one is understandable.'

I walk around Truce, just familiarizing myself with the layout. I come across a sweets shop, and it sells candy, sweet breads, cakes, all of that kind of stuff.

I realize that I don't know what year it is, so I walk up to the sweets shop merchant. "Hey, do you know what year it is? My mommy told me, but I keep forgetting." 'Bleh, acting like a kid is gross.'

Merchant- "It's 988AD, be sure to remember this time." I flash him a big goofy grin.

Zero- "Okay!" 'Cringe.' I then walk out of the shop all happy-like, but the moment I leave his line of sight I walk like a normal person.

'988AD, Crono is around 5 years old now. I have twelve years to get ready for the start of the game... Oh boy, I wonder how this will turn out...

*** 3 months later

I ended up figuring out that Crono and I are brothers, and we are twins. Crono gets up at the butt crack of dawn to train, while I get up at the crack of 9:30. Me sleeping longer doesn't equate to me being lazier than him, I work just as hard. I go outside and train, to get used to my body. At first, I was miserable. I could barely run without falling over, and that's just the start of it.

Now I can confidently say that I could do pretty much anything I could do with my previous body. Now I can get to working on my physical abilities.

*** 6 months pass

Mom got us some training swords, so now I can work on my swordsmanship. I'm thinking of training in daggers as well, just in case I somehow lose my swords.

Yes, I said swords. I'm a dual wielder, sue me. Anyway, I went into Guardia Forest today. Killed a thing and immediately had to run away, they way too strong for a five year old.

I'm using kitchen knives in combat, they do more damage than a stick right now. In a dangerous situation, I would pull out my swords and attack them from a longer distance. I just do this cycle for a few months.

*** 3 months later... again...

I've been here a whole year, and yet today is my birthday. The day before I arrived, 365 days ago. Crono spent most of the day with his mom, while I went to go buy cake from the sweets guy. 

Zero- "I would like... Two cakes please!" I hand the merchant 10G.

Merchant- "Okay, let me guess... One lemon, and one chocolate?" I nod a single time.

Zero- "It seems that you know me well, huh?" The merchant chuckles and tells me that the cakes will be ready in a few minutes, because he was already expecting my arrival. 

What he did earns a nod of approval from me, and I sit down in a chair near the counter. I hear the door open, and then quietly close. I look to the door and see a small girl with blonde hair standing there nervously.

I don't pay much mind to it, until I realize that she looks very similar to a character I've seen before. Upon further inspection, it seems to be Marle. She seems nervous, so I decide to speak to her.

"Hello there! Did you also come for some candy?" I say, once again cringing at my childlike actions.

Marle- "U-uh, yeah. I... I did." I smile, hoping that it helps her relax a bit.

Zero- "We can get the same kind then! What candy do you want?"

We end up talking and becoming more acquainted with each other. After we talk for about five minutes, my cakes are done. I get them and start out the door, but before I leave...

"I come here every week, at around this time. So if you want to meet again, I'll be here!" I then open the door and leave before she can say anything to me.


(Marle POV, Sweets Shop)

I wave goodbye to my new friend, inwardly laughing at how he awkwardly holds the two cakes. This is the first person to ever become my friend, and he's even around my age. 

I realize that I never got his name, so I try to ask him before he leaves... but I was too late. I guess I'll have to sneak back out next week.

Marle- 'I hope I don't get caught.' My face must have shown my worry, because the shop owner spoke up.

Merchant- "Are you okay? You look a little stressed." I adamantly shake my head.

Marle- "No no, I just forgot to ask that boy his name." The merchant chuckles a little bit, causing me to blush in embarrassment.

Merchant- "His name is Zero, and he seems to like you. I've not seen him act like that in a while, he's normally not so talkative." I feel a small wave of happiness rush through me.

Marle- "You mean it?" I don't even notice the huge smile on my face, having someone who likes me... Makes me so happy.

Merchant- "You bet, he normally just says one or two sentences max." Hearing his words, I say goodbye and basically skip through the door. 

I run through Guardia Forest, dodging any encounters with monsters. I come up to the castle, and sneak in through the window.

Landing on the ground with a small *Tup* I quietly open the door to the throne room and sneak into my room. Upon entering I see my maid, and I just put my finger to my mouth in a shushing motion.


Name: Zero

HP: 30/30

MP: 5/5

PWR: 8

SPD: 5

MAG: 1

END: 3


Skills: [Limit Break]

Proficiencies: [Swords, D 79%] [Daggers, C 23%]


Equipment: [Seraph's Song] [Wooden Sword x2] [Kitchen Knives x2]


Can Crono speak? or should I make it so he's like Link?

Crono Speaks

No speaky speaky

Just comment on which one you think I should do.

Wow, 1.0K views in around an hour... That's impressive. I think I'll continue writing this then.

Aura_Of_Despaircreators' thoughts
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