
Chapter 417: The Eastern Front Offensive Ends

While the German Chief of Staff Fakinhan's plan to attack the Polish salient from the north and south was gradually underway, the Commander of the German Eastern Front, Hindenburg, and his Chief of Staff Rudolph Anderson were secretly plotting their own plans.

On September 11, 1915, the German Nieman River Group Army and the Russian Fifth Army Group engaged in fierce battle in the Riga region.

Riga is located downstream of the Douglas River and is the first barrier to East Prussia on its way to Saint Petersburg.

If Riga were lost, the subsequent road to Saint Petersburg would be extremely smooth, and the safety of Saint Petersburg would be at risk.

As the capital of the Russian Empire, the importance of Saint Petersburg is self-evident. In order to protect the safety of Saint Petersburg, Archduke Nicholas ordered that Riga be defended at all costs and that German troops be blocked across the Douglas River.

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