

Let's talk about "Speckvino!" u have him in 2 split; D extreme end or the upper side of extremity, "no space for in-between". His character towards thee could probably be on a lovable mode, or a Minion kind of despicable/evil/Darkside vibe! No time for neutrality kindly choose one.

I believe in a free market, which means the ground is declared an open source for a broad range of endless perceptions and beliefs. Hence! If you aren't high in whatever form (spirituality included) don't bother reading, It's a total waste of mental enjoyment.

Humans are scared to be animalistic in nature, they depend so much on other people's view and struggles to become slaves for free. It's best we all get matured and understand that people's opinions are highly subjective and self-centred, that no one should naively take someone's word 4 "legit" including mine.

Therefore, keep an open mind when strolling through these short views of mine, and avoid judging thy author, for Mr. Writer will pretend like he sincerely doesn't give a fuck about you guy's bad judgement.

Adventure mode...

The Earth higher animals still read books as much as those days, a statement that sounds funny but true. I feel one of the reasons our ancient fathers loved reading books was to get knowledge of an adventurous unknown.

…Fast-forward to Present era; too much unknown has been made known, through an advance device that fits your palm perfectly, encouraged by a global Spider-Web, and connected to the net.

From then on a new pandemic was born! The humans still calls it "Information overload".  A Virus where vulnerable victims suffer from 2much available info!

The logic is simple: our ancestors read books those days ("19BC.) because they literally suffered from lack of information, "come on Don't judge! At least they upgraded from Stone Age".

In current days, even informal information like people's inner thoughts are no more secrets, Should we try?  If u wants to know how 100 people feel about any top celebrity, go to their Web Social pages, check the comment section of any post, and cruise on a 100 raise to power 10 pools of people's dark thoughts splashing at your face till your doubt is cleared.


Since knowledge has always been power, and everyone have access to infinite knowledge; it means everyone is powerful, meaning no one is.  The new kind of power is held by those who have a hand full of farmed knowledge, dumped by people's mind. We call them "Tech Alphas" like; Facebook, Google, Microsoft etc. These Billionaire boyz, are the worlds digital Miners & Exploiters of peoples thoughts, and information @ large.

Where am I driving t0 ! Read this book with an open mind, and don't expect the page letters to be as formal as those days when the world suffered from lack of information. Cuz da-boyz piece will disobey every principle associated with formal writing.

Bitter lie: Moreover! No one was really available to professionally crosscheck my jazz, making Mr. Author the "Call-editor". With the above truth being settled, May few gods of paper guide your reading steps.

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