
I will make my choice

Early in the morning, while other members of the wingsiders were asleep, Bian was lost in thought. He could easily waltz into the enemy camp and slaughter them mercilessly, but was that the right thing to do?

In the alliance killing had become the norm, heck if you didn't kill your foes they would come back to haunt you, and the ones you loved. Killing wasn't the issue, but there really wasn't a reason for him to engage in mass slaughter.

He could sneak out, hunt a few super creatures, then evolve and leave. He felt he was too strong to join sides with a single team. Hours passed as he pondered until the sun came up.

In the end, Bian boiled it down to two scenarios. Was he a teacher favoring a side between two school teams, or was he a skilled professional who came to play sport with his amateur friends as they faced off against opponents at their skill level.

Both scenarios were unfair, but when was life ever fair? In the end, he was the trump card who would decimate the opponents team. Since he wasn't a god or some deity slaughtering humans, but rather was a human himself, he decided to be more liberal with his actions.

"They offended me, so I will kill them. They threaten my friends, so I will kill them. They are in my way, and I feel like killing them so I will kill them." His eyes shone with bleak resolve, it wasn't everyday you would wake up and choose violence.

Soon the sun was at its peak. The wingsiders were up and about engaging in their daily activities. Most members scaled down the mountain top in groups, some went hunting, while others went to spy on the silver tongues.

"Gyu, Zing, come here for a moment" Bian called the two over. The three of them had once been a team of rookies. He told them about his plan of paying the camp of the silver tongues a visit.

"It's too reckless. We should at least wait till president Ohn is back from the battlefields." Zing immediately refuted. Gyu nodded in acknowledgement. The leader of the silver tongue and president Ohn had both unlocked their gene locks.

Their leader, and strongest member wasn't around. Additionally, the whereabouts of their opponents leader was unknown. It was too risky to make a move right now.

"I don't have much time to spend. As you can see, I am not in the best shape right now. I am just going to drop by, then I am going to evolve." Bian stood up, intending to leave but Gyu obstructed his path.

"Bian, we don't doubt your strength, but you shouldn't underestimate the silver tongues. They have set traps in the forest and are probably lurking in ambush as we speak" Gyu was about to say more, but he noticed Bian had not stopped walking.

Gyu was one head taller than Bian, but he didn't dare to overestimate his strength. He planted his feet on the ground, but to his surprise, Bian didn't slow down even as he held him. His feet left long gashes in the ground as he was pushed back further and further.

"Impossible" Zing blurted out. Gyu stepped aside, and they both watched as Bian walked towards the edge of the mountain. The other members of the wingsiders, were expecting him to summon beast soul wings, but Bian simply jumped directly over the edge.


"Is he crazy?"

Zing, Gyu and the other wingsiders watched in awe as Bian plummeted toward the ground like a rocket. Of course even Bian wouldn't be okay landing from this height, especially since the mountain slope was so steep.

Once Bian had transverse four-fifths of the mountain's length, his opened his palm into a claw and dug it into the mountain side. He forced feet into the mountain as well, greatly slowing down his speed as he approached the ground.

One member of the wingsider whistled and said "Now that's how its done."

One by one, they all used their Beast Souls to go down the mountain and follow Bian. Gyu and Zing looked at each other and nodded before following suit

As Bian walked through the forest, more members of the wingsiders saw the following behind him and joined suit. No team had managed to travel that far, so by the time Bian was halfway to the camp of the silver tongues, the entirety of the wingsiders were following after him.

Some were scared, other were excited, but no one turned back. They were all sick of the treacherous schemes of the silver tongues and had decided to take their final stand. Their only regret was that their leader was not around to see such a sight.

The sentries of the silver tongue had seen the mob of people approaching their base, they ran from their vantage points back to the camp. Zing took aim with his automatic crossbow, but Bian raised an arm, signaling him to stop.

"Scout out the traps" Soon the members of the wingsiders moved in teams and found several pits filled with spikes along side other devious traps in the forest. One member was unlucky, as he stepped on a patch of grass that broke, and his foot was impaled by the hidden spikes.

Seeing him howl in pain, they quickly lifted him up and gathered around him. Soon the crowd made way as Bian approached the injured.

"It's been smeared with poison, go on without me" A scrawny kid, no older than eighteen said.

"Don't you value your life?" Bian asked, intrigued.

"I do sir, but I don't want to ruin our momentum. I made my choice to join the wingsiders, and to engage in this death march so I am ready for the consequences."

"What is your name?"

"Richard. Richard Steel"

"You said you made your choice, right Richard? Very well then, I will make my choice too. None of you will die here today." Bian said before stretching his arm toward Richard.

Before anyone could react, a bolt of silver lightning raced towards the boy. He spasmed in pain, but didn't shout out loud. 'This kid has guts' Bian thought, amused.

The crowd took in a breath of cold air, they thought Bian was going to kill Richard since he was injured but then Zing said, "Look, his injury is closing."

"Gene lock, he has unlocked his gene lock" Someone said, and suddenly the vigor of the wingsiders soared to another level. They continued their march, but this time with a bounce in their step. So what if they got stabbed, was it not just an injury?

As they approached the base of a mountain, several hooded figures were slowly surrounding them, using the trees as cover. They went to their back and blocked off any path of retreat.

The wingsiders left the cover of the forest and approached a mob of about a thousand men, waiting for them near the base of the mountain.

"Shit" Zing cursed, "That huge guy with the scars, that's the leader of the silver tongues, Mammoth"

Bian walked forward to meet the leader, he recognized some of the guys who had tried to rob him in the first sanctuaries, but the leader was a new face. He had four scars running across his face, with one scar passing over his right eye, making him partially blind.

"I've met the good and the bad, you must be the ugly" Bian smirked.

"Looked in a mirror recently?" Mammoth retorted.

"Touché" Bian said, running his fingers over the stitch on his forehead. He took a deep breath and raised his voice.

"You have committed a lot of atrocities, and now is the time for penance."

"Let me guess, you're some sort of hero. No, better still, you want to have a one-on-one match" Mammoth said, turning his head and giving a signal. The men in the forest emerged, blades unsheathed. Suddenly everyone summoned their weapons.

A ten-meter-tall red bear appeared beside Mammoth, It stood on its hind legs, looking imposing and terrifying. It's roar travelled far and wide, scaring some of the weaker folks.

"Their blood bear has become battle ready."

"Isn't it too big to be a blood bear?"

"Oh my stars, it actually became a super creature"

'Their sacred-blood pet became a super creature? That's some rare luck.' Bian thought while some members of the group began to feel incredibly uneasy. Their leader, Ohn, also had a sacred-blood pet devil ape, but they had been feeding it for so long without it evolving. Seeing their reactions, several members of the silver tongues grinned devilishly, with one guy licking his blade.

"Sharing resources among the weak is like watering weeds in a garden—it only chokes the soil, preventing a mighty tree from ever taking root." Mammoth's smirk widened into a chilling grin.

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