
Ch. 160: Charcoal Gohan Vs. Hanna

The moment that the Black Water Mist affected Gohan, it felt like everything just fell away except for the two of us... but the reality was actually that I'd been the one who was blown away. I found myself in the sky, miles away in an instant, trading blows with my brother. 


Krillin watched as the entire island's demeanor changed in an instant after Videl'd bitten Gohan. Suddenly, a terrifying, electrifying power was sparking between the two, and in another instant, they were both gone, with a loud "BOOM!"

"Whaa!" Krillin turned around just in time, as a huge wave bore down on Kame house as an aftereffect of Gohan's explosive charge after his sister. Nobody had gotten injured, luckily, but the tiny island's beach was now two feet smaller than it'd been. For a few moments after the wave washed Roshi's lounge chair away, nobody moved. Then, Krillin's entire body went on edge once more, against his will. "Aand what do we have here? A lone bald guy, fighting against all of his friends by his lonesome..."


"No more words!" Gohan shouted, kicking me downward. 

"Gohan, I don't want to hurt y-"

"YOU CAN'T! I'M NOT SOME WEAK LITTLE KID ANYMORE!" Gohan screamed back at me as he loosed a huge barrage of energy blasts at me. They seemed to dot the sky, so I kicked and punched them aside as best I could. 

"Gohan, I never thought of you as weak!" I shouted, taking control of some of his energy blasts and directing them back at him. Unfortunately, this Gohan was evil, not stupid. He knew how I fought, and had already replaced himself with an afterimage while he snuck up behind me.

"HAA!" He shouted, loosing a Masenko at my back. 

"You're gonna have to try harder than that!" I shouted, dodging Gohan's Masenko and shooting an extra strong energy ball back at him in retaliation. 

"STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!" He shouted, blinking right past the energy ball and attempting to kick me in the gut. Luckily, I saw it coming and blocked it, but the power behind it was still enough to make me fly backward through the sky. Chasing after me, Gohan released a wave of energy out of his fist, knocking me right into the ocean.

"Mmm..." I growled. This was bad. It was a fact that Gohan and I were the strongest on the planet. Even with the Makyo Star helping him out, Gohan and I could take Garlic Jr out by sneezing in our sleep. But the problem was that Gohan's base strength was twice as strong as mine. I was surviving with my superior control and energy absorption techniques, but that wasn't enough to close the gap while he was being affected by the black water mist. 'Damn it, Vegeta... The one time I wish you were actually here...' I couldn't help but think to myself before blasting out of the water at full speed toward a fully prepared Gohan.

"Sorry, Gohan!" I shouted, loosing a powerful Supreme Wave at point blank range. Gohan raised his arms to block, but I was already on the move. As he blocked my blast, I was already behind him, ready to kick him down into the water, but Gohan had been prepared for me to try a trick like that. As I came up to him, he ducked out of the way, causing me to get caught in my own blast. 

"Ha!" Gohan was only able to give a fang-toothed grin for a moment before he realized that his ploy hadn't worked as I redirected my blast along my own body to force its path back toward my unsuspecting brother. Since it was my own ki, this was as easy as breathing for me to do, and it caught Gohan completely off guard, smashing right into his chest and knocking him back towards the sea.

"Stop holding back, Hanna!" Gohan shouted up at me. Despite the smoke curling off of his shirt, Gohan wasn't hurt by my full-power blast in the least. To me, that actually was a full powered blast, I'd spared no effort in it, but I'd known it wasn't going to hurt Gohan, because of how much stronger than me he actually was. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't enough for Gohan. He knew that I'd fought Frieza to a standstill. To Gohan, I'd become some sort of goal that he'd never be able to overcome, but the facts were that he was currently stronger than me. It'd take the current me everything I had to beat Gohan in a battle of attrition. A head-to-head fight was absolutely out of the question, but Gohan hadn't realized that yet.

"If you're going to hold back, then I'll just have to force you to face me with everything you've got!" My brother screamed, "KAA-" 

"Gohan, I can't let you beat me, but I can't back down, here, either! I'll face you with everything I can muster!" I decided. If I didn't use everything I had to stop this fight right here and now, then, in the worst case, it was possible that we wouldn't have enough time to spread the Sacred Water under the lookout to cure the Black Water Mist-affected masses. I needed to end this fight against my brother right here and now.

"ME HA-"



"HAAAAA!!!" And with that last shout, my Supreme Wave collided with Gohan's Kamehameha, both of us powered up to our maximum.


"Agh! What's going on?! Is that Piccolo and Nappa?!" One of the Namekians back at Legacy asked as the ground rumbled beneath them.

"Come on, Nappa. Get yourself back under control... we have bigger problems here!" Rise whispered under his breath before he addressed his team. "That's definitely not Nappa and Piccolo... can't you feel it?"

"Whatever it is, if it gets much worse, the planet may not be able to take it!" Another Namekian realized. 

"Then let's just hope it doesn't get that far." Rise agreed, watching Piccolo and Nappa clash in the skies above as the earth shook beneath their feet.

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