
By technicality.

The human roared for a moment after delivering the cleanest uppercut to her chin. After shouting, he coughed violently a couple of times and returned to clutching his right arm.

Chump's voice was free of guilt or responsibility as if he had done a great job. "That was satisfying. Really, really satisfying. I guess the third time's the charm..."

The electric bunnies jumped around in excitement, some of them even imitating the uppercut.

Thalia's sobbing ceased, replaced by fascination at what the human had accomplished against one of the princesses. "H-H-How did that human manage to push her? She's one of Clyon's daughters... The great Clyon."

Ephiron's frown transformed into a confused expression, his thoughts mirroring Thalia's with a key difference. He whispered, "Well, now he's dead."

Clem was recording everything up to that point, his mannequin face frozen along with his body, only his legs kept going.

Asaga was dumbfounded, her head lowered to the level of the human's head. Her thoughts raced, anger and hatred building up. "Forced back by a... non-powerful creature... by a mere meatbag of all...this creature with an insult as a name..."

The giant woman stood up slowly, rubbing her chin, her face still showing traces of shock. "You hurt me... You actually punched me in my face."

She chuckled, then chuckled a bit more than before, laughing more and more, increasing the creepiness, and her maniacal smile returned. "You want to die!"

Chump laughed like a donkey, to the point that even if he wanted to stop, he couldn't, and his laughter was combined with painful sobs.

Her laughter suddenly stopped, replaced by an unseen, serious tone. "Well, I can respect a death... Why are you laughing? Stop it!"

The human continued to laugh hysterically, not even the pain could slow him down. Ephiron, Thalia, Clem, Zippy, and even Asaga were left confused by this behavior.

Thalia asked the butler in confusion, "Has he lost his mind, Ephy?"

A tiny crack appeared in the ceiling, too small to be noticed yet.

Ephiron stepped in front of Thalia, fearing the worst situation. "Stay behind me, please, and if you can, give me some more Remenant."

Thalia's confusion increased, and she started to feel fear. "Mister human?"

Asaga felt chills looking at the deranged behavior the human exhibited and shouted at him in a combination of anger and seriousness, "What's so funny, dead man? Have you lost your mind knowing you will die?"

The crack in the sky increased in length, the only one to notice was the figure casting the shadow, expressing a monotone "huh?"

Chump's demented laughter continued, becoming more akin to a donkey's braying as he pointed towards Asaga and uttered the next words amid his laughter.

"You... Have... Already... Lost."

Asaga cracked a bit, raising her hands upwards, her voice changing from mockery to fury and shock with each passing moment. "A bluff? What a pathetic..." She looked at her hand.

The mark disappeared, and her voice changed from mocking to furious and shocked as she questioned, "Attempt... to... how... How in the... The mark was there before... What did you do?!"

The crack in the sky opened up with a spectacular sound, space and time seemingly transformed into giant glass shards. In a pillar of light and energy, a figure appeared beside Chump and Asaga, a bit far away from Ephiron, Thalia, Zippy, and Clem, who had recently managed to catch up to the situation.

Chump stepped back a couple of times to observe the giant fissure. Inside the fissure, it appeared as though the galaxy's space was contained, but the blackness had a golden shade beneath.

The figure stood as tall and wide as an entire building, and to simplify, one could easily say it exceeded forty meters in height.

Physiologically, it bore a resemblance to a human, akin to the descriptions of the ancient Greek hero Heracles (or Hercules in Roman mythology). Every inch of its formidable body appeared to be well-trained, with every muscle seeming naturally sculpted.

The giant figure resembled a man with short hair and a perfectly trimmed beard. The hair, much like the celestial guardian from before, was composed entirely of space and galaxy, black as the void yet allowing stars to shine through. Its face exuded masculinity, with firm features, a sturdy nose, and deep black eyes.

Its body, similar to a human's, displayed varying shades of gray, but closer examination revealed that it was entirely composed of a stone-like material.

Draped in a Greek-like tunic, it partially covered one shoulder, a portion of its perfect pectorals, abs, and the waistline, concealing all but the necessary details. The chiton, as it's called, was crafted entirely from asteroids and cosmic star nova dust, with a white dwarf seamlessly woven into the celestial attire.

The giant figure moved its arm slightly, raising it toward the sky before returning it to its original position. The moment the arm ceased its movement, the ground, the bridge, and all the surfaces people stood on trembled violently, forcing everyone to either kneel or struggle to maintain their balance.

The ground began to crack, lifting everyone present. Chump fell to the ground after stumbling, Ephiron knelt and shielded Thalia with his arms to protect her, while Asaga firmly pinned her claws into the ground. Zippy and the electric bunnies bounced around in fear.

Clem, on the other hand, maintained perfect equilibrium despite the shaking.

From the newly formed cracks, portions of terrain separated everyone from the rest of the city. Slowly, the elevated terrain raised them, forming small mountains. Even the bridge that Chump had been on contorted like paper, creating a towering pillar.

Everyone ascended to the same height as the giant's shoulders, surpassing most nearby buildings.

"Too tall... too tall, damn it!" Chump remarked while clinging to the pillar to remain upright. His breathing became as rapid as if he had been running. "C'mon Chump is just a bit tall nothing more, focus."

However, everyone's fear turned to astonishment when they realized they were in the presence of a celestial being. "A celestial?! What?!"

All but Chump remained silent. The electric bunnies jumped among the pillars in bursts of electricity, while Zippy stayed still.

Once the terrain pillar stabilized, everyone knelt, each showing their respect in their own way. Asaga resembled a medieval knight, Ephiron prostrated himself with both hands on the ground and his back arched, Thalia and Zippy prayed, and Clem knelt with both hands together, fully bowing to the entity.

A moment of profound silence filled the air, with everyone displaying deep respect, except for Chump. The human lay there, perplexed, slowly rising to assess the situation.

In awe, he moved his left arm a couple of times in a half-hearted salute, but nothing happened. Chump then attempted a mediocre bow, his broken arms limiting his movement. "Hello, your... magnificence?"

A voice resonated throughout the entire city, deep like an opera singer's and loud enough for everyone to hear without causing discomfort. The entity's mouth remained stationary, opening only slightly.

"Greetings, mortals. I have watched the duel with great interest. You have performed well,"

Chump was left momentarily speechless but continued, his fear evident, "If I may ask... Why was it important, your greatness? Sorry, I'm new to all this... celestial stuff, or whatever it's called."

"I do understand. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Ercles, the Guardian who represents honor, sportsmanship, deportivity, and fair fighting. I observed your duel with your rival, and I must say, you executed an incredible plan."

Asaga was pissed off, but got along with everyone whom remained silent and still, except for Chump, who grew more fearful with each passing moment. 

Chump's voice trembled as he spoke, sensing the worst, "L-Look, if I broke any rules or something, I'm truly sorry. It's my first duel." He glanced around for support, but even the electric jumping bunnies were ignoring him, captivated by the astonishing figure.

"Do not fear, my child. I understand your fear about such an encounter. But rest assured, I am not here to punish you; I am here to reward you for your remarkable feat."

Chump was taken by surprise, "R-Really? I mean, don't get me wrong, I won the duel by a technicality... I don't think that's fair, depending on who you ask, you know?"

The giant god continued, "But you cleverly imposed that condition on her and persevered despite the disadvantage. However, I am not here to praise or judge the duel, my brother."

Chump tilted his head slightly, still uncertain. Ercles pressed on, "I am here to congratulate you for not only being part of the first duel in this newly discovered world but also for achieving your first victory and breaking Asaga's astonishing record of five hundred twenty-four consecutive victories as 'the Princess of Flames'."

Asaga anger could be felt all over the place, but she mantain his respect towards the divine being.

"Oh... Thank you, your... Divine Gigachad?" Chump replied, feeling relief wash over him despite the persistent ache of his injuries.

Ercles continued, "Considering your duel of wills and your noble cause of protecting a comrade, along with the extraordinary events that transpired, I regret to inform you that your request for a reward is too vast to grant. However, I must commend your remarkable courage."

"In the name of all the celestials, we extend our apologies for not fulfilling your noblest request."

People reading: But..but how did he win?

That's a good question!

Author: *Keeps looking in a hurry through his notes*


Clyonorcreators' thoughts
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