
Four Men

The carriage sped forward, the wheels bouncing on the hard sand. The horses panted, seemingly tired of pulling their load. The carriage was large, and as black as night, fully covered with no windows and only one solitary door in or out. Inside, three men sat.

"Hey Mitch, what do you think of the little place Dom found?" A scrawny man questioned.

Mitch, a tall, brawny man, opened his eyes and yawned. "It must be a strange fellow, to build something in the middle of this desolate sh*thole."

"Or a rich one," the third fellow piped up.

"Hm, maybe," Mitch replied. "What say you, Gerhard?" The man who first spoke grinned.

"I think Kosmas is right. Only a man with gold-lined pockets would do something so stupid." Gerhard leaned back against the carriage. "My hands are getting itchy just thinking about it."

"Me too, Gerhard. Me too." Mitch's eyes flashed sinisterly, as the carriage sped on.

As evening fell upon the desert, the carriage sped to a stop in front of Dr. Silver, showering him with dust, as the horses squealed. Mr. Silver simply smirked, not moving a bit.

"Hello there, travelers, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"Cut the crap, who is stupid enough to try and build a home in a place like this? What are you really doing here?" Dom, the carriage driver, questioned.

A faint voice wafted from the cabin. "Nevermind that, little Dom, just hurry it up here."

Dom looked back and shrugged. "Looks like it's not your lucky day, bud. Boss isn't so patient sometimes. Now, hand over everything of value you own, and I might ask Boss to spare you."

"Hmm, now I don't think I'll be doing that," Dr. Silver said.

Dom's smile froze. Or more, accurately, he felt as if his entire body had frozen. It was like the whole world stopped, save for the strange man in front of him. But nothing happened. The man simply stood there, staring at him. The look in his eyes was frightening. It, was as if the man didn't look at Dom as worth more than a speck of dust, or an entertaining pet.

"Now, how many of you are there?" The man blinked at Dom.

"Four, sir." Dom's eyes glazed over. Try as he might, he felt he wasn't in control of his own body anymore. He watched as his own body hopped down from his seat before kneeling in front of the strange man. "What is happening?" he thought.

"Rise. It just so happens to be your lucky day, I was just starting to think I needed some handymen. Go, get your friends. Bring them to me."

"At once, sir."

Inside the carriage, the three men were playing a game of cards, laughing and cursing at each other as they went.

"You think Dom's about done? I don't want to be in this cursed place any longer than I have to," Gerhard complained, fanning himself with his hand. "It's so damned hot."

"Oh stuff it Gerhard, it's not so bad. With the rest the horses are getting, we might be able to sprint through all night," Mitch reasoned. He laid his cards on the table. "I win."

"You cheater!" Kosmas yelled. "You're definitely cheating!"

Mitch smiled, but before he could reply, they heard a knocking on the carriage door. Mitch frowned. "What the hell is it, Dom? Since when do you knock?"

The door swung open, revealing Dom. For a second he just stood there, confused, before his eyes lit up again and he smiled. "Come on out, I've met someone interesting."

"Interesting, huh?" Kosmas frowned. He faintly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't place his finger on it. "Can't you handle it? We're in the middle of a game here."

"No, I think you just lost Kosmas." Mitch laughed raucously. "Come come, let's go see what fun Dom is having out there." The three grabbed their weapons and hopped from the carriage, shaking up dust.

Mitch, carried a two-headed axe as tall as any man, Kosmas held a straight sword, and Gerhard, played with a dagger, twirling it between his fingers in a weird rhythm. Collectively, they all stared at the man before them. He stared back.

Several moments passed, the three from the carriage staring at Dom and Dr. Silver, who stared back silently. Finally, Dr. Silver sighed and shook his head. "Well, you're definitely not the best, but you'll do."

"What is the meaning of this, Dom?" Mitch growled. "Why do you stand with that man?" "Yeah, why are you next to him?" "What's wrong with you?" The three men readied their weapons.

"Now now," Dr. Silver said. "No need for such violence. Someone might get hurt."

"Yeah, and it's going to be you," Gerhard snapped, pointing his dagger at Dr. Silver. "Dom, get over here, or we'll get you too."

Kosmas frowned even further. Something was wrong. Why was Dom standing next to the strange man? Wasn't he supposed to be robbing him blind? Kosmas looked closer, his face grave. No, he wasn't standing next to the man, he was slightly behind. It was almost as if… Kosmas shook his head. 'It can't be, right?' He thought. 'Dom isn't, serving that guy, is he? Could he have been two-timing Mitch? He wouldn't dare, Mitch would carve his guts out.'

Dr. Silver chuckled. "My my, you certainly are a bloodthirsty bunch. That's not a very healthy outlook on life."

"What are you talking about," Mitch snarled.

"Well you see, I just so happen to be lacking some hands around here, and low and behold, the gods grant me four little helpers. I can't help but be worried about you though. Peace is much better than waving that axe around all day."

"Lacking…. Some hands?"

"That's right! You see, I have big plans for this place, but I just can't seem to work fast enough by myself. So what do you say, help a man out? You won't regret it."

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