
Chapter 8: Everbright (4)

Henri Everbright was two-faced. Born the second son of his family, his physical and mana capabilities were dwarfed by his eldest brother; the one their mother put the majority of her expectations on after they lost the unwavering support of their father. 

Knowing the futility of competing with his brother, Henri decided to contribute in his own way. 

He couldn't remain idle and instead devoted his mind to military stratagems, field command, and keen observation. 

The best way to read a person was either to unsettle them, or to present a disarming demeanor that lowers their guard. Henri was proficient in both. 

The psychology of a person determined outcome, and a deeper understanding of the human psyche enabled Henri to determine Everbrights friends and enemies after his father's injury. 

His approach with Noah utilized both ends of the spectrum. 

Annette was too easily misled on anything pertaining to their father. It was her weakest spot despite being level-headed on all other matters, and too many times she'd been exploited. Hope was raised then doused, raised then doused, and she looked worse and worse each time. With word that their father wasn't expected to survive the coming winter, Annette's distress spiked along with her naivety. 

All manner of human vultures, snakes, and jackals preyed on her desperate culpability, and knowing that, mother grudgingly called him back from the front line. 

Mother wasn't saying it, but she must have been having a difficult time. 

Staring at Noah, Henri had mixed feelings. The signs Noah displayed varied between logical and illogical for a person of Noah's station. The ability to withstand pressure, fluency in speech, and even the manner in which he carried himself denoted a level of confidence most beggars could not hope to possess. 

More than anything, Henri was still unsure about a lingering doubt that festered in his mind. Why did Noah feel familiar? The name was recognizable enough, but the difference in status was too abysmal to relate with the Noah, Henri could picture in his head. The proud silver hair was something that child would never have hidden with how much pride he took in his family. 

Shaking his head, Henri refocused and acted as a guide leading Noah to where he'd heard John and Leah were recuperating. 

As Noah and Henri exited the outdoor medical ward and moved towards Everbright's main estate, the two paused while passing the apprentice training barracks. 

"I'll have to have a talk with the quartermaster about this," Henri grumbled. 

A wooden practice sword was left strewn by the training ground rather than cleaned and returned to where it belonged. 

Everbright's apprentice barracks were where aspiring local Knights were trained at a young age to handle magic and swordsmanship. Those more talented in magic were sent to a scholar's facility, but those that focused more on physical confrontation enrolled here. 

With the threat of the black fog, numerous talents were necessary to resist further encroachment. Of course, only the best equipment was used to train them, meaning all were rather expensive. Even Everbright's limited stock of material and items were in high demand throughout the kingdom. 

The only other location with adequate supply of training materials and spells was Aletera's Central Academy of Knights and Wizards where students that would grow into mankind's future powers attended. 

The practice sword in particular was likely left behind by an ignorant trainee. 

Just as Henri was about to pick up the sword and make a small detour to return it to the barracks, Noah moved first, catching Henrie off guard.

It was a subconscious action, something Noah felt was natural to the point he hadn't thought about any repercussions. 

Noah picked up the practice sword, careful to avoid the core of the training weapon fashioned into a jewel on the hilt. Upon a single touch of the hilt, it would rapidly drain the user of mana and use that mana to create resistance in the user's mana pathways. Magic existed at a certain level for everyone, and the amount of mana absorbed correlated to the difficulty of using the practice sword. 

The principle was similar to basin theory of natural states. The more a person's natural mana is drained, the more fiercely the body tries to compensate, refill, and grow until a new equilibrium is established. 

Needless to say, the process was exceedingly taxing for the unprepared. Too much mana siphoned off leads to fatigue as the body tries desperately to refill what was lost. In exchange, a Knight or Wizard's mana reserves are trained and enhanced while forcing them to train with just their physical capabilities. 

Instead of grabbing the sword over the hilt like most ignorant trainees, Noah used the standard method and lifted the sword up by gripping onto either side of the wood crossguard. Thereby, bypassing the activation sequence of the training sword. 

What this showed was none other than experience, or barring that, knowledge that a slum rat should not have. 

Henri hid his thoughts behind a neutral face. 

"You're familiar with a training sword?" Henri asked Noah who paused briefly, and tried to just brush it off. 

"I've heard about it," Noah evaded.

It wasn't the answer Henri was looking for, but he could tell that Noah was unwilling to elaborate. 

"Really…?" Henri sharpened his gaze, but retained an amicable persona as he accepted the weapon from Noah. He seemingly brushed the matter off by putting the practice weapon aside, but inwardly he was suspicious. 


The sound of hurried steps echoed in the air before Noah and Henri turned around to see Annette madly dashing at them. She was disheveled, all manner of noble etiquette and grace discarded in favor of a hot pursuit. She wasn't even wearing shoes and had opted to tear the hem of her dress to better run. 

Henri was dumbfounded. He'd never seen Annette be so stubborn. Hardening his heart, he showed his displeasure. "Annie, I already told you-!"

"Noah and his younger sister are gemstones!" Annette cut Henri with an entirely different topic, catching up to the two and panting for breath. She glared up at her brother, staring intently into his eyes. 

Cleverly, Annette used a different angle as Henri had long since been fed up with Annette's countless healing remedy failures. 

Gemstones were different. They were natural magic users that awakened to magic without proper instruction. But most tantalizing of all, was that all gemstones carried unique magic that couldn't be learned by ordinary standards. 

As proof, there were rumors that Aletera's court Wizard who served directly under the monarchy was a gemstone talented with space attributes. Large scale warp gates that maneuvered troops and supplies to all of Aletera's border cities were managed solely by the court mage. The achievement had many calling the man an archmage of the highest caliber. 

Henri paused at the revelation, stared at Annette, and then realized that there were no traces of deceit in her words and demeanor. 

Noah frowned when the look in Henri's eyes changed. All Gemstones were coveted, especially considering the state of Aletera under the threat of the black fog. 

"Is this true?" Henri pressed, reconsidering the notion of simply asking Noah and the others to leave. "You possess a unique ability?" 

Noah sucked in a breath. It was true that he'd intended to use his light to heal the sick and improve his family's conditions, but involvement with Everbright was a whole different matter. If mishandled, information could leak to Aletera's central nobility and spell dire trouble for Noah and his siblings if too much interest was garnered. 

"Not at-"

Noah started to deny, but was forced to cut off his words. He hissed, clamping his mouth down to muffle a shout. The cross marks on the back of his hands stung as he tried to lie. The pain was similar to biting ants, or stinging wasps. 

Really? This couldn't be happening? 

"Yes." Noah grouched out. Only then did the stinging abate. 

"And it can help?" Henri continued to press. 

"Maybe." Flustered, Noah gave a more truthful answer while mulling over the revelation that he could no longer lie. Then again, there was no man of God who could boldly claim to be a liar. 

If God's light was God's will then Noah began to consider what other limitations may be placed on him in return for the light of his cross. 

Henri scowled at Noah's uncertainty, but began to reassess the situation. In the end, it wasn't Annette that managed to shift his opinion, but Mary's insistence that Annette's words had merit. Mary was not one to lie; coupled with Annette's revelation of Noah and Leah being gemstones, Henri had no choice but to rethink his actions. 

Lost in thought, Henri still led Noah to where John and Leah were recuperating. A noble's words could not be taken back once spoken. 

"The other two should be in this room," Henri gestured towards the door he, Noah, and Annette stood in front of. 

Making a face, Annette opened and closed her mouth, wondering if she should give a warning to Henri or not. 

On the topic of John and Leah, John was still resting, but Leah had long since woken up. Mary had yet to return hours after she'd said she'd look after Leah, and that spoke volumes to Annette. 

Henri did not share in Annette's trepidation, let alone Noah who took the initiative to open the door where loud noises and cursing could be heard on the other side.

All activity stopped the moment Noah opened the door before a thundering shriek of glee and anxiety echoed.


Leah threw herself at Noah at the same time, a blur of wet hair and babbling. 

Lavender scented soap suds were clinging to her hair as if she'd been forcibly bathed and ran away in the middle. The idea was only reinforced because she was naked and hid behind him, hissing and pointing at her pursuer. 

"Hag! Hag! Mean! Mean!" 

Trailing after Leah, Mary spit water out of her mouth, a vein popping over her temples. 

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