
the Shroud of Fate and Gold Coin

Hey the Author here,

am leaving a massage, asking with did you guys think of the fanfiction, truthfully I have many other Ideas for a fanfiction but this is my first time writing it.

so please leave a comment so I know what you guys think.



I was waiting for Lovro to come back, the room door was open and Yolanda barged in and rushed towards me with a dangerous aura radiating from her.

"Kid are you sane?, what the hell do you think you're doing."

"yes I am sane, since Isabella is not here anymore, there's nothing keeping me, it is not that I don't like you, but I want to see the outside world."

"if you want to do what you could tell me, I can help you, you don't need to follow Lovro."

"I can't always rely on you can I"

"since Isabella wish was for me to find happiness and build a family, I should at least learn a skill to earn my keep."

"then shouldn't you go to school."

"I already learn everything from primary to senior class topic, I need to go to college to learn further advanced knowledge."

I know that she is just worried about my well being. But it is time for me to fly from my nest and experience the world, the moments I spent with Isabella here are over, she probably wants me to live a normal life.

while she is busy trying to convince me to not go with Lovro, I just show a kind smile towards her.

she noticed my smile and sigh.

"even though you're not blood related, you guys are very similar, if you decide on something no one can stop you."

"fine,. just visit often, if not Isabella will be lonely."

"you don't need to worry about that."

"I agree, if that old coot try any funny stuff, I will personally find him and send him to meet Isabella myself."

suddenly Lovro came in and said. "Old woman I want to see you try."

"you will know, just hope that won't happen since I will hunt you down if it's the last thing I do."

Lovro remain silent.

"ok, then when will we leav, Lovro."

"two hours from now I already called someone to pick us up, so prepare fo it and come to the field after that."

after saying goodbye I walk towards my room to prepare my luggage.


"Lovro, I leave Alex in your hands."

"don't worry I see potential in him, A powerful assassin will be born."

"Isabella said to focus on his mental growth not abilities, make sure he grows up into a fine man, that can make her proud."

Lovro only nodded at Yolanda words.

after saying that Yolanda went away and returned to take care of the orphanage.


3rd Pov

when Alex returns to his room he takes out a huge bag from under his bed and fills it with his clothes and daily necessity, among the items he brings is a black cloth that is as dark as the night itself.

Alex was told by Isabella to always carry it close to himself, he never questions it and since Isabella is now gone, he took an interest in what it actually is.

he uses his Eyes to see its property.


The Shroud of Fate

rank: ???


A very powerful item that can conceal even the fate of the owner itself, it is bound to the user Alex. It can change into any form the user will. It also hides the user's huge amount of Mana from being perceived.

Creator: ???


seeing this item, now he understands why he never felt the mana in his body.

Alex decided to change the form into a ring, the color of the ring became Pure black with stars decorating it.

before leaving he visited Isabella grave and left a single flower as well as a photo frame of him and Isabella together.

spending his time before finally walking towards the agreed pace with Lovro.


"it looks like you are very punctual, just right about time our ride, picking us up."

with his words as a que the sound of a helicopter was heard from the distance.

"don't assassin act quietly?"

"yes, but we are not going to do a commission, so having a faster mode of transport is crucial."

the helicopter then landed near us, we walk towards the helicopter, in front of the helicopter there's someone already waiting to welcome us.

"it is nice to meet you again Mr. Lovro."

"Nakamura, don't you need to greet guest for the continental?"

"someone is covering that job for me, and to serve the legendary Red eyes is an honor Sir."

"then Nakamura please send me to the airport."

Lovro then throw a gold coin that I recognize not from an anime but a popular film.

the coin is a circular piece of solid gold, the size of a U.S quarter coin, it had intricate engravings and symbols on both sides. On one side, there is often an image of a stylized lion's head, signifying strength and power. The other side typically features various inscriptions and symbols unique to the assassin community.

it seems the God that sent me here is having his fun time making combination from many story and film.

since the continental exist doesn't it mean there will be John Wick, seeing this I am interested on how this affect the throne of heroes and many other event in the fate world.

would the High-table member have a connection to the Magus Association.

"come on kid lets go, I will tell you along the way about our underground world."

with Lovro words I snapped from my own thought and followed him.


"kid, the gold coin you saw was from The continental recognize currency, it can be used to buy or ask help from many small facilities of the continental, in a certain sense it is a Assassin Association."

"before we start I will sign you up in the Japan branch Continental, you will start your first mission when you are 12 so be prepared."

hearing his words I was excited also surprised that all this happen, like it or not I was a normal person before traveling to this world.

I'm also excited to learn how to use his secret move that was taught to Nagisa, since it will be a powerful weapon for me, even though I already know that inside my body there's mana, because the moment I use the eyes of truth I can see there's a huge concentration of energy in my heart.


Word of Thanks to :



for the power stone

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